A New German Bishop: Priests Are "Currently" Needed for Eucharists

Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told Aussicht.online (11 June). Meier added that other forms of …More
Presiding at a Eucharist "currently" requires a priest, the new Bishop of Osnabrück, Monsignor Dominicus Meier OSB, appointed on 28 May, told Aussicht.online (11 June).
Meier added that other forms of proclaiming the Word of God could be led by committed people. He suggests "trying new things" [for the empty churches in Germany].
Commenting on the current situation between the Vatican and German dioceses, Monsignor Meier said that "we need to talk a lot more" to break down barriers.
"When you talk about content, you notice that things are moving a bit. For example, with the [pseudo] blessing of homosexuals".
Picture: Dominicus Meier, #newsKuijmcfaak
Is a Eucharist the same as a Mass?
Billy F
Just bad things coming out of the land of the Mad Monk.
Another enemy of the Chruch but good friend of the world.
Dr Bobus
Will the last German bishop to leave turn out the lights and close the door?
Christopher Shahrazade
All Saints
I notice it too and strong dislike it’s use in place of the Holy Sacrifice.
Dr Bobus
It has a long history. Just to mention two:
It is found is Matthew 26: εὐχαριστήσας (having given thanks), just before the 2nd consecration.
It is also used by St Thomas Aquinas. He is strong in affirming the sacrificial nature of the Eucharist.
Eucharist is the theological name of the mass. I do think, however, that there are those who have used it while folding any reference to Sacrifice. …More
It has a long history. Just to mention two:

It is found is Matthew 26: εὐχαριστήσας (having given thanks), just before the 2nd consecration.

It is also used by St Thomas Aquinas. He is strong in affirming the sacrificial nature of the Eucharist.

Eucharist is the theological name of the mass. I do think, however, that there are those who have used it while folding any reference to Sacrifice. then slipping it under old papers in a drawer.
Thank you for that response, but respectfully, notwithstanding what may well be the long history of equating the Holy Eucharist to the Mass, I have never heard the word being used as a substitute for the Holy Mass since I have been receiving Holy Communion in the early 1940s. Indeed, even then we referred to Holy Communion as the Holy Eucharist, interchangably.
But now, actually suddenly, referring …More
Thank you for that response, but respectfully, notwithstanding what may well be the long history of equating the Holy Eucharist to the Mass, I have never heard the word being used as a substitute for the Holy Mass since I have been receiving Holy Communion in the early 1940s. Indeed, even then we referred to Holy Communion as the Holy Eucharist, interchangably.
But now, actually suddenly, referring the Holy Mass is to be known as a Eucharist. I haven't raised this question with a priest from the SSPX (where I regularly assist), but I have never heard anyone at our church refer to the Mass in that way.
have no firm basis for suggesting this (that's why I posed the question), but I strongly suspect it is related to the false ecumenism of Vatican II.
The Protestants detest any reference to the Mass as a "sacrifice" and (like many modern priests and followers of the Novus Ordo Mass), call it a "supper"--which, appropriately, might well be consider a "thanksgiving." Nevertheless, that is not Catholic.
Why has this site (as well as some others) now calling the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass a "Eucharist"? That is a new thing. Does anyone know when and where this started, and more importantly, why?