
Francis Laments: I Am Used By Gay Activist James Martin

An unidentified US bishop told CatholicNewsAgency.com (February 20) that Francis was “most displeased" about how the homosex activist James Martin exploited their encounter during which Francis fed …More
An unidentified US bishop told CatholicNewsAgency.com (February 20) that Francis was “most displeased" about how the homosex activist James Martin exploited their encounter during which Francis fed him with the homosex mantras Martin wanted to hear.
According to the bishop who met Francis together with other US bishops this week, Francis “was very expressive, both his words and his face - his anger was very clear, he felt he'd been used.”
Another bishop added that "the matter had been dealt with", meaning that Martin has allegedly been rebuked by his Jesuit superiors. The bishop doesn't expect that the picture taken during the private audience will be used for the cover of Martin’s next gay-propaganda book.
However, this photo is already used on Martin's FaceBook.com opening page which is more influential than a single book.
Martin told CatholicNewsAgency.com that the audience made him feel "profoundly inspired, consoled and encouraged” and that it came at Francis' invitation.