
Francis Laments: I Am Used By Gay Activist James Martin

An unidentified US bishop told CatholicNewsAgency.com (February 20) that Francis was “most displeased" about how the homosex activist James Martin exploited their encounter during which Francis fed him with the homosex mantras Martin wanted to hear.

According to the bishop who met Francis together with other US bishops this week, Francis “was very expressive, both his words and his face - his anger was very clear, he felt he'd been used.”

Another bishop added that "the matter had been dealt with", meaning that Martin has allegedly been rebuked by his Jesuit superiors. The bishop doesn't expect that the picture taken during the private audience will be used for the cover of Martin’s next gay-propaganda book.

However, this photo is already used on Martin's FaceBook.com opening page which is more influential than a single book.

Martin told CatholicNewsAgency.com that the audience made him feel "profoundly inspired, consoled and encouraged” and that it came at Francis' invitation.


Francis used Christ to get into a position of authority. He uses the Name of the Most High PURE God to evict celibate clergy, sell out the entire Church in China, and destroy the Sacred Magesterium of the RC Church.
Francis, if you feel "used" get used to it. Satan has been using you to plot the devastation of the Church for a while now, and you don't seem to object to that.
Beware. Time is passing …More
Francis used Christ to get into a position of authority. He uses the Name of the Most High PURE God to evict celibate clergy, sell out the entire Church in China, and destroy the Sacred Magesterium of the RC Church.

Francis, if you feel "used" get used to it. Satan has been using you to plot the devastation of the Church for a while now, and you don't seem to object to that.

Beware. Time is passing. Retribution and eternal rebuke IN CHRIST'S NAME is forthcoming.
"I Am Used By Gay Activist James Martin" One could interpret Pope Francis' alleged complaint in an entirely different context. Fortunately he didn't add, "and I felt hurt afterwards."
But how can he feel used? A real Pope would not allow a sodomite activist heretic to be priest.
la verdad prevalece
The apostate Gay activist James Martin mocks God in the face of all of us with the sponsorship of anti Pope Bergoglio.
la verdad prevalece
The gay activist James Martin is scheduled for tomorrow another attack against the Catholic Moral doctrine in rebellion against the Laws of God.
Gesù è con noi
Our own bishops are leading an apostasy, but we must remain steadfast: "We see it in the support given by the same Cupich, together with Archbishop Gregory, Bishop McElroy, and Bishop Wester, to the openly heretical “Association of United States Catholic Priests” (AUSCP), based in Cleveland, Ohio—a clerical version of Call to Action. In any normal situation, all the members of this association …More
Our own bishops are leading an apostasy, but we must remain steadfast: "We see it in the support given by the same Cupich, together with Archbishop Gregory, Bishop McElroy, and Bishop Wester, to the openly heretical “Association of United States Catholic Priests” (AUSCP), based in Cleveland, Ohio—a clerical version of Call to Action. In any normal situation, all the members of this association and its patrons would have been excommunicated and told to do penance on bread and water until reconciliation might be possible."www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/our-own-bishops…
Gesù è con noi
Dissident priests to boost homosexuality in Santa Fe diocese; Archbishop John Wester silent www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/dissident-pries…
Gesù è con noi
Being a well-known Gay activist, Jesuit dissident James Martin was elected by Jesuit dissident Jorge Bergoglio on April 12, 2017, to be a consultant to the Vatican Secretariat for Communications since then Gay activist James Martin with Impunity has blasphemed Jesus Christ , the Virgin and the saints and has openly promoted homosexuality and in his personal encounter with Bergoglio instead of …More
Being a well-known Gay activist, Jesuit dissident James Martin was elected by Jesuit dissident Jorge Bergoglio on April 12, 2017, to be a consultant to the Vatican Secretariat for Communications since then Gay activist James Martin with Impunity has blasphemed Jesus Christ , the Virgin and the saints and has openly promoted homosexuality and in his personal encounter with Bergoglio instead of repenting he was confirmed in his apostasy.
Jesus Christ was not wrong when he told us that these imposters are recognized by their bad fruits.
"The sheer level of outright lies from antipope francis is now quite embarassing." ---Said the parrot who keeps claiming Benedict still wears the Papal ring and has never ONCE posted a photo of the now retired Benedict doing so, even after repeated requests.
I trust nothing that Francis says.
Francis is cunning. He lets on for some that he isn't a tool of the Lavender Mafia.
Translation: The Antichrist played the clown in front of the Americans, and it worked! No doubt, when they left, Bergoglio must have laughed at his office alone and phoned Martin and said: "Darling, it worked! »
Gesù è con noi
The Papacy in Jesuitical Captivity “the triumph of a 60-year-old [Jesuit] plan” of subversion within “the heart of the Church”: Archbishop Viganò catholicfamilynews.com/…/the-papacy-in-j…
Gesù è con noi
It was Bergoglio himself who put Catholic communications in the hands of homosexual activist James Martin. These shameless Bergoglians fall into their own trap because what they want to tell us is that Bergoglio is not a pope because he has no power to remove him and that Activist James Martin can do whatever he wants autonomously, and that Bergoglio is not above heretical superior superior of the …More
It was Bergoglio himself who put Catholic communications in the hands of homosexual activist James Martin. These shameless Bergoglians fall into their own trap because what they want to tell us is that Bergoglio is not a pope because he has no power to remove him and that Activist James Martin can do whatever he wants autonomously, and that Bergoglio is not above heretical superior superior of the Jesuits and is unable to put order in his own Jesuit order, however Bergoglio is known precisely for his abuse of power that he has used despotically with others. This pair of accomplices work in unison. Both have confirmed in the sodomy the gay activist Bergoglio's former student Yayo Grassi.
He needs a new strategy. Playing both sides is becoming obvious.
One would hope Francis expressed being "most displeased" after getting an earful from his meeting attendees. And for the record, Francis certainly shouldn't be surprised that the photo op would be used for Martin's purposes. Francis is pretty good at wielding the photo op himself. ☕
Hmm, lots false backpedaling lately...is there an antipope getting nervous?
Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.
That's a lie. If that were true, Bergoglio would act the same as when he prevents something he doesn't like.
James Martin was not an unknown quantity when Francis named him a consultor to the Secretariat for Communications.
Well.... you can choose by an act of your will not to be used by him.
Thors Catholic Hammer
But antipope francis does not want to judge anybody.
That is why he invites homosexuals to his hotel in the Vatican and when he travels abroad openly embraces practising homosexuals and their partners.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The sheer level of outright lies from antipope francis is now quite embarassing.
Francis and Martin feed off one another in a truly unhealthy symbiosis that has the promotion of the homosexual agenda at its heart.