
Second Bishop Asserts: Francis “Not Angry” at Gay Propagandist James Martin

Cheyenne Bishop Steven Biegler supported Sante Fe Archbishop John Wester who contradicted “two anonymous bishops” who claimed that Francis was angry at homosex activist James Martin. According to …More
Cheyenne Bishop Steven Biegler supported Sante Fe Archbishop John Wester who contradicted “two anonymous bishops” who claimed that Francis was angry at homosex activist James Martin.
According to Biegler, Wester's response “accurately” describes the short dialogue regarding Martin (NcrOnline.org, February 22).
Martin himself disputed the claim on social media: "I never heard anything negative from Jesuit superiors.”
NcrOnline.org (February 22) suggests that Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila was one of the “anonymous bishops” because CNA journalist JD Flynn who spread the claims was his chancellor.
Picture: Steven Biegler, #newsUqzwtrmump
Pope wished to keep his words to Fr. Martin private. “But I will say this: He met with me for 30 minutes, and we talked about LGBT Catholics and reaching out to them, and that I felt very encouraged, and consoled and inspired,” Martin revealed.
"Pope Benedict XVI retains the Papal Primacy" ...which explains Benedict's pledge of filial obedience to Pope Francis. :P
Thors Catholic Hammer
Since you now accept above that Pope Benedict xvi retains the Papal Primacy any alleged pledge of “filial obedience” to another is obviously qualified.
All Commanders in Chief pledge “filial obedience” to the reports of their subordinates. Without such “filial obedience “ the command structure fails.
However Pope Benedict xvi as the Commander in Chief of the Catholic Church retains the veto on …More
Since you now accept above that Pope Benedict xvi retains the Papal Primacy any alleged pledge of “filial obedience” to another is obviously qualified.
All Commanders in Chief pledge “filial obedience” to the reports of their subordinates. Without such “filial obedience “ the command structure fails.
However Pope Benedict xvi as the Commander in Chief of the Catholic Church retains the veto on policy.
This was demonstrated clearly in the recent book controversy where Pope Benedict’s views on priestly celibacy were seen to prevail .
"Since you now accept above..."
I accept no such thing. Don't put words in my mouth and don't put them in Benedict's either. There is nothing "alleged" about Benedict's pledge of fillial obedience and it is not "obviously qualified". That's you making things up again, you deceitful parrot. That's you telling lies again.
"All Commanders in Chief pledge "filial obedience" to the reports of their …More
"Since you now accept above..."

I accept no such thing. Don't put words in my mouth and don't put them in Benedict's either. There is nothing "alleged" about Benedict's pledge of fillial obedience and it is not "obviously qualified". That's you making things up again, you deceitful parrot. That's you telling lies again.

"All Commanders in Chief pledge "filial obedience" to the reports of their subordinates."

Since when? You just make garbage like this up out of thin air! More importantly, Benedict wasn't pledging obedience to a report. His exact word were "in filial obedience to Pope Francis" You got that, Crackers? Pope Francis. Those are Benedict's words. He directly recognized Francis as Pope. Not whatever lies you're inventing about what "commanders in chief" supposedly do.

"Without such "filial obedience" the command structure fails."

Commanders are not obedient to subordinates, you stupid parrot. It's obvious you're not military, ex-military, and don't come from a military family either. You're just telling lies like you always do here on GTV.

"However Pope Benedict xvi as the Commander in Chief of the Catholic Church retains the veto on policy."

Another lie. Just another fabrication without a single shred of evidence.

Your "passive voice" verbs always appear when you're telling another lie: "was demonstrated", "were seen to prevail". And neither happened.

Benedict didn't "veto" anything. He's an intellectual. Both he and Cardinal Sarah wrote a book that just happens to have the last millenium's worth of Catholic teaching supporting it. That doesn't "prove" Benedict is still Pope any more than it would prove Cardinal Sarah is pope, either.
Montfort AJPM
Two against two: draw! Where did that come from? You see, when the Antichrist speaks, one of his eyes goes yéyé 😀 while the other goes ouin-ouin 🤒 ! So, the appreciation comes from the side we are on in relation to Bergoglio: it's not complicated 😁
Thors Catholic Hammer
Since and despite appearances, Pope Benedict XVI retains the Papal Primacy priests who meet with Argentinians dressed up in white posing as “popes” continue to delude themselves.
Depressing the Church's leadership has come to bishops contradicting each other like this.
Novella Nurney
Did anyone with a pulse honestly believe Francis was " mad or angry, felt used, etc." with his close fiend and one of his lead propagandists as well? Surely not.