
US Bishops’ President Recognises Biden as US President

Mexico born Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, the president of the Bishops’ Conference, has claimed that “the American people have spoken” in the 2020 Presidential Elections. On November 7, Gomez …More
Mexico born Los Angeles Archbishop José H. Gomez, the president of the Bishops’ Conference, has claimed that “the American people have spoken” in the 2020 Presidential Elections.
On November 7, Gomez recommended the usual “unity,” “dialogue,” “compromise,” “love,” “fraternity,” etc.
He recognised and congratulated Joseph Biden as the 46th President of the United States calling him “the second United States president to profess the Catholic faith”.
Picture Copyright: jlhervàs, Flickr, CC-BY
They always supported Joe Biden. The fix is in.
miloš pavel
ty katolíci by měli emigrovat vzhledem k hiearchistickému uspořádání církve , možná i do ruska
kde je snowden co kritizoval tajné služby za Obamu a Bidena že odposlouchali nezákonně mnoho američanů i cizinců např merklovou , takže je vidět že i přes velké putinovi chyby a špatné skutky tam bude lépe než v americe