Liam Ronan

African Archbishop: "My Father Was a Polygamist"

@occasnltrvlr Can you imagine what a free-for-all it must have been for the Jews of the Old Testament who might have 70+ wives and hundreds of children; each wife trying to curry favor with the husband?
Liam Ronan

African Archbishop: "My Father Was a Polygamist"

@Miwok C. Thanks for the canonical citation and thanks too to Monsignor Makumba for his frankness.
Liam Ronan

Francis Discards the Psalms

'The Imprecatory Psalms' are still in the Bible. Worth invoking on occasion.
Liam Ronan

Reports: Vatican planning to enforce a ‘final’ ban of Traditional Latin Mass, likely on July 16 - …

The Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Naturally.
Liam Ronan

Archbishop Viganò responds to schism charge: ‘I regard the accusations against me as an honor' - …

@charisma "If they mean to have a war, let it begin here." - The Battle of Lexington and Concord 1775 ('The Shot Hear Around the World') Captain John Parker, American Revolutionary War -
– Ha háborút akarnak kirobbantani, kezdjék itt. - A Lexington és Concord csata 1775 ("The Shot Hear Around the World") John Parker kapitány, amerikai függetlenségi háború -
Liam Ronan

Why do people think Cleopatra was black?

Personally I blame the American comedian, Steve Martin, who released a song called "KIng Tut" (1978) and called Tut his (Martin's) favorite 'honky'. King Tut - SNL
Liam Ronan

Just Stop Oil climate LARPers spray Stonehenge with orange paint

@DefendTruth Beasts who have swarmed across the earth from the abyss.
Liam Ronan

BLASPHEMY: Fr. James Martin’s Group Connects ‘Pride Month’ to the Sacred Heart

@ComplicitClergy More properly to the lance that pierced the Sacred Heart.
Liam Ronan


Not so sure I fully get this one.
Liam Ronan


'Coincidence'? Who can say? 100% of criminals drank water at some time in their lives. Coincidence? 😉
Liam Ronan


@Ahora_No No por Ahora Irrelevante There are many religious Pied Pipers today. One must be careful.
Liam Ronan

Pope Accused of Illegally Wiretapping Phones

@ComplicitClergy I am genuinely surprised Francis has not tracked down Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò yet.
Liam Ronan


Whatever became of the 1960s - 1970s 'Jesus Movement' in the U.S.? Did it end in Jonestown with Reverend Jim Jones in 1978?
Liam Ronan


@Ahora_No No por Ahora Irrelevante Ese estilo no es lo mío en absoluto. Protestantismo evangélico. La fe está demasiado ligada al artista que la presenta.
Liam Ronan

Saint Teresa of Portugal - June 17

@parangutirimicuaro Didn't El Cid fight for King Sancho 1?
Liam Ronan

Antiilluminaten TV

@Info Krieger Krieger "In mir herrscht Anarchie und schreckliche Unordnung. Schaffen lässt mich tausend Tode sterben, weil es bedeutet, Ordnung zu schaffen, und mein ganzes Wesen rebelliert gegen die Ordnung. Aber ohne sie würde ich sterben und in alle Winde zerstreut werden." - Albert Camus -
Liam Ronan

Antiilluminaten TV

@Info Krieger Krieger And how may pedestrians will be killed or injured trying to cross the street in heavy traffic after this dangerous stunt? How many collisions causing injury or death?
Liam Ronan

Thank you for the clarity.
Liam Ronan

@Info Krieger Krieger @The Wandering Recluse I used to call numbers for our parish bingo games and this could have been filmed at one of them. "Where's B-6"?