
An American woman entered and refused to leave the men’s area of a Mosque in Jaffa. Police were called …

Why any woman would want to be part of that truly misogynistic religious sect is beyond me! But a "Muslim feminist" is clearly an oxymoron.

Was Vatican II Infallible? - Pints with Aquinas

Yes. The "pastoral" approach is just a cover for leniency to sin & error. Plus all these non-Catholics we are trying to please aren't really interested in joining the Church but being ratified in their wrong beliefs & behaviors.

Was Vatican II Infallible? - Pints with Aquinas

Exactly. I've come to see that 2nd Vatican council was indeed hijacked by modernists who pushed a thesis that's yields an erroneous base premise - i.e. that the Church MUST change to adapt to "modern man". This is a blatant contradiction to the whole concept of divine revelation!

Meet the Gay Designer Making the Pope’s Vestments

Wonder if he was ever a seminarian? 🤔 In my experience, many a homosexual ex-seminarian is still attracted to the power and pageantry of the Church while rejecting it's teachings on morality & holiness.

‘Not all the Psalms – and not all of every Psalm – can be repeated and made their own by Christians …

This censoring of the Holy Scriptures has been a pet project of the Vatican II crowd for some time. When in seminary, we were subjected to "inclusive language" edits made by feminist nuns that removed male references. The lectionary used at Mass has been modified by the USCCB to excise such hard passages as "Wives be submissive to your husbands." (Ephesians 5) Bible translators have refused to use …More
This censoring of the Holy Scriptures has been a pet project of the Vatican II crowd for some time. When in seminary, we were subjected to "inclusive language" edits made by feminist nuns that removed male references. The lectionary used at Mass has been modified by the USCCB to excise such hard passages as "Wives be submissive to your husbands." (Ephesians 5) Bible translators have refused to use the terms homosexual or sodomite and instead use strange turns of phrase as "boy prostitutes and those who use them" to downplay sin & confuse the faithful.

Francis Discards the Psalms

The so-called "cursing psalms" were actually removed from public recitation from the Divine Office (Liturgy of the Hours) by Paul VI. See: Paul VI Against the Council: The Censorship of the Psalms in the Divine Office With Francis, it's 1970 all over again! 🤪

Biden Disappointed After Huge Scoop Of Vanilla Ice Cream Turns Out To Be Pope Francis

Most probably the two most malicious men in the entire world whose actions have impacted many negatively!


I used to hang around a lot of evangelical Protestants in college due to them being the few pretty decent people in an overall environment of promiscuous sex & drug use. The PTL scandal with Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker and other public failings of TV preachers caused many to exit Christianity in general.

The Pope claims that laughing at God is not blasphemy

Quote Francis: ""Can we also laugh at God? Of course, it's not blasphemy, we can, just as we play and joke with the people we love," said the Pontiff. "Humor does not offend, humiliate, or put people down according to their flaws..." 🤔 😲

Bishop Barron's The Mass -- A "Privileged Encounter"?

Bishop Barron sure loves that term "privileged". Didn't he once tell the Jewish Ben Shapiro that Christ was the privileged way to God (meaning there's other ways too - just common). The term smacks of elitist gnosticism.

Saint Charles Lwanga, slowly burned alive for saying Homosexuality is wrong/sinful

Remember St. Charles did MORE than 'say' homosexuality was sinful - he refused to participate in that sin when harassed by an evil king. He, like Maria Goretti, died as a "martyr for purity" . I'm surprised that some in the modern church - who support all things "gay" - are not trying to cancel his sainthood. They certainly must chafe when his story is told. Similar to radical feminists who absolutely …More
Remember St. Charles did MORE than 'say' homosexuality was sinful - he refused to participate in that sin when harassed by an evil king. He, like Maria Goretti, died as a "martyr for purity" . I'm surprised that some in the modern church - who support all things "gay" - are not trying to cancel his sainthood. They certainly must chafe when his story is told. Similar to radical feminists who absolutely loathe St. Maria Goretti.

Television host Muireann O'Connell MOCKS Catholics who attend the Latin Mass She then claims that …

What the heck is she talking about? Catholics are NOT Jews who can't touch pigskin! 😤 😡

Francis imparting the Benediction of the Sanctissimum, moments ago on the steps of the Basilica of …

@The Wandering Recluse Well, to be blunt, Francis has NEVER cared about the rubrics of the liturgy or proper ars celebrandi. He's of that post-Vatican II mindset, that was dismissive of any piety as silly and not suitable for "modern man".

Mexico elects its first woman and Jewish president

WOW!! Looks like they're going back to the Cristeros times!

Corpus Christi Sunday reflection: A new covenant

Re: the picture. Reminds me when the lady who "decorates" our church (which she calls "sacred environment" NOT sanctuary) put out under the altar big loaves of French or Italian bread & bottles of wine she got at the supermarket and fake wheat stalks & plastic grapes picked up at the craft store. When I quizzed her on it, she ironically replied that she thought it important to emphasize that Jesus …More
Re: the picture. Reminds me when the lady who "decorates" our church (which she calls "sacred environment" NOT sanctuary) put out under the altar big loaves of French or Italian bread & bottles of wine she got at the supermarket and fake wheat stalks & plastic grapes picked up at the craft store. When I quizzed her on it, she ironically replied that she thought it important to emphasize that Jesus used real, ordinary bread & wine to give us His presence which [she thought] people forget when they receive a 'little, white wafer' at Holy Communion! 🤪 😫

Fernández: It is now explicit that "couple" in Fiducia supplicans doesn't actually mean couple, it …

If they're trying to "walk this back" it won't work - JUST REPEAL THE WHOLE FLAWED DOCUMENT!! 😫 😤

Donald Trump Announces Press Conference Friday Morning Following Guilty Verdict * 100PercentFedUp.com …

Well, I know I shouldn't feel disappointed he wasn't acquitted, the whole system was against him... We all just need to remember "Put no trust in princes, in children of Adam powerless to save… Blessed the one whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD, his God." (Psalm 146:3, 5)

Diocese of Buffalo to Merge a Third of its Parishes

Yeah, you got that right. And these mendacious comments are usually packaged by PR firms with inane slogans like: "Ignite the Gospel" or "Keeping the Flame Alive" Guess it's appropriate since it's basically a fire sale of real estates assets.

Yanis Varoufakis @yanisvaroufakis Nikki Hailey in Israel scribbling "FINISH THEM"on the shells that …

The old saying: "War is hell" reminds us that one shouldn't gleefully wish the death of anyone - even one's enemies though one may have to fight them. Why these U.S. neo-con politicians like to rain "shock and awe" on people they've never known... do they get off playing war?? This also happened in Ukraine where Lindsey Graham assured them it was "our fight".