Quo Primum
Health authority phone call, showing ridiculous vaccine rules.
Facts Not Lies
Many of the 'swabs' in use for the nasal tests are Graphene-base. They are already shown as a tool to perform 'bio sensing' (Still learning how it would …More
Many of the 'swabs' in use for the nasal tests are Graphene-base.
They are already shown as a tool to perform 'bio sensing' (Still learning how it would be used)
But it is made from Quarts it seems.
upenn.edu/poster/biosensing-graphene (we put Glass (quartz block) into ...) to make Graphene
Why isn't the gargle test used to rather than force glass up our noses?
3rd Order Postulant shares this
Quo Primum
Reply to Fr Selegny's article on SSPX and vaccine by medical doctorMore
Reply to Fr
Selegny's article on SSPX and vaccine by medical doctor
23 pages
Sir Percy shares this
Thank you soooo much, Father R!
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Quo Primum
St. Pius X anti modernist
Quo Primum
Smoking suppresses covid and helps with 27 other conditions: nih.gov/32720486/ smoking not a sin. www.prisonplanet.com/…/090205coffinnai… -Tobacco p…
Quo Primum shares from Lisi Sterndorfer
Fr. Bourmaud, SSPX, is likely in his last agony. His lungs are not working, and the only thing keeping him breathing is a ventilator. He has a relic of Abp. Lefebvre, who ordained him, at his side. …More
Fr. Bourmaud, SSPX, is likely in his last agony. His lungs are not working, and the only thing keeping him breathing is a ventilator. He has a relic of Abp. Lefebvre, who ordained him, at his side. Would you please say a prayer to the holy Archbishop for a miraculous healing?
Rest in peace Father Bourmaud.
Quo Primum
He died at 1:30 am today, 1st Saturday. 🙏 RIP
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Quo Primum
Proof the pandemic is a criminal plan
35 pages
Quo Primum
Take your spiritual MEDS How do I persevere. breggin.com/…eactions-side-effects-and-medication-spellbinding/More
Quo Primum
Vaccine exemption letter
5 pages
Quo Primum
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Quo Primum
According to the US military, 90% of the world’s heroin is made from Afghan opium. In 2000, the Taliban outlawed its cultivation, but after the US invasion, there was record-high production year …More
According to the US military, 90% of the world’s heroin is made from Afghan opium. In 2000, the Taliban outlawed its cultivation, but after the US invasion, there was record-high production year after year. The US effectively turned Afghanistan into a narco-state. Even the longest-running US-backed Afghan president, Hamid Karzai, had a brother who was a drug lord and allegedly on the CIA’s payroll. It is perhaps no coincidence that the US is now facing one of the deadliest opioid epidemics in a century.

What Afghanistan’s Saigon moment teaches us about America’s ‘humanitarian wars’

Maram Susli Maram Susli is a Syrian-Australian political analyst and commentator. She has written for Journal New East …
Ludovic Denim
If you want to know how many peoples look at your article, you can just paste the link and add a picture. It has changed recently on GTV.
Jeffrey Ade
I remember reading "the world sit rep" in "Soldier of Fortune" magazine one day. "By religious edict Taliban ends heroin trade!" Then the pictures of …More
I remember reading "the world sit rep" in "Soldier of Fortune" magazine one day. "By religious edict Taliban ends heroin trade!" Then the pictures of US troops patrolling Afghanistan poppy fields came out! Every one knows about Air America and the CIA drug running! Mena Arkansas anyone? We don't need this illegal drug running into the US now and do you know why? They have created and installed their operatives in all major cities, Crips, Bloods? Are we getting it yet? Just wait until they are unleashed on America! Fully funded, and trained by CIA black ops. Welcome to Covid 19!
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Quo Primum
Fight back the deadly JAB
Quo Primum
18 lies in the Mt. Carmel Motu. Glitch near the end, one minute missing, while reading: fsspx.news/…events/news/should-we-fear-threat-latin-mass-66747 "...all the intimidations or threats, even the …More
18 lies in the Mt. Carmel Motu.
Glitch near the end, one minute missing, while reading:
"...all the intimidations or threats, even the prohibitions carried out by bishops against the celebration of the Tridentine Mass, are pure abuses of power: a form of episcopal tyranny. Or to use a word dear to Francis: clericalism of the worst kind.
If, as one might fear, a limitation were made to the letter of the motu proprio of Benedict XVI, it would be abusive. And since it would be directed against the common good of the Church, null in itself: there is no valid law against the common good according to the doctrine of St. Thomas. Instead, the Tridentine Mass is at the heart of the common good of the Church.
Even if the Society of Saint Pius X should not feel concerned, it would deeply regret such a limitation, because it would be a step back on the way back to Tradition which would delay the solution of the crisis of the Church …More
Ave Crux shares this
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Quo Primum
Sermon on Motu Proprio and obituary of Archbishop Lefebvre
Quo Primum
10 paragraph of the letter contains a lie about St Pius V. The rite he promulgated was the normal Roman Rite for at least 4 centuries BEFORE TRENT: …More
10 paragraph of the letter contains a lie about St Pius V. The rite he promulgated was the normal Roman Rite for at least 4 centuries BEFORE TRENT:
Tridentine Mass Pre-Trent.
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Quo Primum
Dr. Saventhem praises Archbishop Lefebvre
5 pages
Quo Primum
Kids reaction to news that masks no longer required. Its a joy. greenmedinfo.com/…og/how-covid-19-school-guidelines-are-harming-kidsMore
Kids reaction to news that masks no longer required. Its a joy.
Quo Primum
Quo Primum
April 25 30th Anniversary of the death of Bishop de Castro Mayer. ONE FAITHFUL DIOCESAN BISHOP This declaration was made by Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer during the June 30, 1988 Episcopal Consecrations …More
April 25 30th Anniversary of the death of Bishop de Castro Mayer.
ONE FAITHFUL DIOCESAN BISHOP This declaration was made by Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer during the June 30, 1988 Episcopal Consecrations for the Society of St. Pius X, called "Operation Survival" by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. “My presence here at this ceremony is a matter of conscience: It is the duty of a profession of the Catholic Faith before the entire Church and, more particularly, before His Excellency Archbishop Lefebvre, before all the priests, religious, seminarians and faithful here present. “St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that there is no obligation to make a public profession of Faith in every circumstance, but when the Faith is in danger it is urgent to profess it, even at the risk of one's life. “This is the situation in which we find ourselves. We live in an unprecedented crisis in the Church, a crisis which touches it in its essence, in its substance even, which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the …More
Quo Primum
Summary of the greatest hoax in history
James Lesser shares this
Ave Crux
The level and extent of the mendacity which is drowning the human race in deception is heartbreaking.... Worst of all, it has been used to suppress …More
The level and extent of the mendacity which is drowning the human race in deception is heartbreaking....
Worst of all, it has been used to suppress the Mass, deprive the living and the dying of the Sacraments, and insult Almighty God by calling Him "non-essential" at the very time we most desperately need Him.
The world rulers are the insane blind leading the blind into even greater insanity.....
Quo Primum
Great book, out of print. The Great UnknownMore
Great book, out of print.
The Great Unknown
156 pages
Quo Primum
Well I think I found an error in the original book. On page 50 it says: 3. Presence of Vision. God is present in every place, as we shall see immediately, …More
Well I think I found an error in the original book.
On page 50 it says:
3. Presence of Vision. God is present in every place, as we shall see immediately, but He does let Himself be seen in all of them. The beatific vision in heaven can be considered a special presence of God, distinct from the others. In heaven God is letting Himself be seen.
Doesn't it make more sense if it says "but He does not let Himself be seen in all of them"? When the last sentence says "In heaven God is letting Himself be seen." it seems to me like it is being stated as if were an exception to the phrase I highlighted.
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Quo Primum
Third Order Carmelites
12 pages
Quo Primum
Cardinal Pell backs off from the heresy of Origen, that the damned souls may one day go to heaven. Deo Gratias. A year in prison, unjustly condemned, probably helped him. 100 years of HELLMore
Cardinal Pell backs off from the heresy of Origen, that the damned souls may one day go to heaven. Deo Gratias. A year in prison, unjustly condemned, probably helped him.
100 years of HELL
Quo Primum
Quo Primum
Hell puts us in the company of horrible demons and damned souls, perverted forever and forever. Hope: catholicismpure.wordpress.com/…/father-hermann-cohens-mother/More
Hell puts us in the company of horrible demons and damned souls, perverted forever and forever.
Hope: catholicismpure.wordpress.com/…/father-hermann-cohens-mother/