
The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 38 — THE NAME OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS “GIFT” 1. Can “Gift” be a personal name? 2. Is it a proper name of the Holy Spirit? Article 1 — Can “Don” be a personal name? Objections: 1. Every …More
1. Can “Gift” be a personal name?
2. Is it a proper name of the Holy Spirit?
Article 1 — Can “Don” be a personal name?
Every personal name evokes a distinction in God. But that of gift does not evoke a distinction in God, since, according to St. Augustine, the Holy Spirit, “gift of God, is so given that he gives himself insofar as he is God”. Therefore “the gift” is not a personal name.
2 . No personal name fits the divine essence. Now, according to S. Hilaire, the divine essence is the gift that the Father gives to the Son. “The gift” is therefore not a personal name.
3 . According to S. Damascene, there is neither subject nor servant in the divine Persons. But the qualification of gift evokes a certain dependence both on the one who receives and on the one who gives. “The gift” is therefore not a name for a divine Person. 4 . “The gift” implies a relationship with the creature. It therefore attributes itself to …More

300 Pages of Emails Leave No Doubt: Fauci Lied, People Died

According to documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense, reports of injuries and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines — including a child …
True Mass
No no stop please stop it's it's it's wait for it ...... An act of Love.
Info Krieger Krieger
Kampf für unsere Zukunft ❣️ ⚠⚠⚠💉💉💉☠☠☠ Wieso Weshalb Warum wer nicht fragt bleibt dumm 😵📣📣 Bitte Teilen!!!!! Danke

Bishop's Blog / Just Folllowing Orders

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “Roma locuta; causa finita est!” “Rome has spoken; the matter is finished!” In these pastoral letters that I have been …
Prayers all around, please.

The Unexpected

I love when God drops something into my lap that I truly wasn’t expecting. As in, I’ve just been asked to channel my inner George Neumayr, God rest his soul. The thing is, when you get …

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HERE IS THE LIVE-STREAM-LINK>>> RT News | Livestream 24/7 …RT News | Livestream 24/7...🇺🇸 🇦🇺 🇬🇧 🇨🇦More
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World Council for Health delivers cease and desist to WHO over ‘criminal’ COVID rulings

The World Council for Health has demanded immediate cessation of misinformation from WHO officials and a public apology with reparations for the damages caused from mRNA shot recommendations and the …More
The World Council for Health has demanded immediate cessation of misinformation from WHO officials and a public apology with reparations for the damages caused from mRNA shot recommendations and the suppression of effective COVID treatments.
U.S. citizens: Demand Congress investigate soaring excess death rates
(Dr. Trozzi) — WHO Director General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr. Maria van Kerkhove, Dr. Janet Diaz, and Jeremy Farrar of the World Health Organization have orchestrated gross violations of human rights around the world and helped orchestrate the largest premeditated mass murder and assault in history. They have now all been personally served notices of harm and orders to cease and desist, from The World Council For Health. The service was completed by Swiss attorney Philipp Kruse.
We are not just playing defence with these villains. I am very happy to have been involved in penning these notices and orders. Please study the material, and join in taking similar actions against …More
English Catholic

Netanjahus Antwort an den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof beruft sich auf eine weitere völkermörderische …

Netanyahu’s rant against the ICC quoted a biblical verse that warns against the dangers of not …

Was the FBI really ready to shoot Donald Trump as part of the Mar-a-Lago raid?

Antisemitism, Antizionism, Jihadism and the Reunited Germany. News by Fred Alan Medforth Was the FBI really ready to shoot …
Ecclesiastical Masonry in action

Ecclesiastical Masonry in action

Lifesite News reports on the Sixty Minutes interview with Francis here. We are witnessing the fulfillment of Our Lady's prophecy to Father Stefano Gobbi: "The black …

Italy's Campi Flegrei super volcano rocked by strongest earthquake in 40 years

The Campi Flegrei or Phlegraean Fields, a highly seismic area in Italy's southern Campania region near Naples, was shaken …

Germany Urges Caution While France Throws Support Behind ICC Arrest Warrants For Israel Leaders

France “supports the International Criminal Court”, saying it had previously warned Israel about “strict …
To think it started with covid a little tiny tiny bat bug that can make people go so crazy Nepolianic. 🤪
If any single book can claim to be the quintessential Christian classic it must be St. Augustine’s Confessions.

Saint Augustine's "Confessions": An Introduction ~ The Imaginative Conservative

Augustine is accessible and applicable because he is one of us. He suffers from the same temptations and succumbs to those …
Impressive work having put this together.

Famous Catholics, Social Media Stars Express Wholehearted Support for Harrison Butker After Graduation …

Three-time Super Bowl Champion Harrison Butker made headlines over the last week for his commencement …
ICC has no evidence for 7 October rapes, documents indicate

ICC hat keine Beweise für die Vergewaltigungen vom 7. Oktober, wie Dokumente zeigen Ali Abunimah - …

Karim Khan’s charges against Palestinian leaders echo Israeli propaganda, lack credibility. Sebastian …
The Left's Lawfare Scorecard Against Trump Is Looking Pretty Bad at This PointMore
The Left's Lawfare Scorecard Against Trump Is Looking Pretty Bad at This Point

The Left's Lawfare Scorecard Against Trump Is Looking Pretty Bad at This Point

The wheels of justice grind slow, but they grind exceedingly fine. If you're like me, you may have been losing faith in the …
From The Remnant: UPDATES: The Remnant’s 31st Pilgrimage to Chartres, France

UPDATES: The Remnant’s 31st Pilgrimage to Chartres, France

THE REMNANT IS ON PILGRIMAGE IN YOUR CHARITY, please keep our team here at The Remnant in your prayers as we head back to France for the Pentecost …

Two-thirds of unemployment benefit recipients in Germany are migrants as cost to taxpayer skyrockets …

Nearly two-thirds of German residents receiving unemployment benefits have a migration background, …

A Host of Mighty Miracles « Catholic Insight

A miracle might be defined as an intervention by God in the natural order of things. If that is an adequate definition, then the entire universe and every …
chris griffin
Yes the miracle of life is God's greatest miracle. God has loved that baby from eternity past.
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Abuse Survivor to Archbishop Lori: ‘Do You See Me Now?’

Abuse Survivor to Archbishop Lori: ‘Do You See Me Now?’

The 58-year-old woman couldn’t bear to share the details of the sexual abuse she suffered as a child, but its effect on her came across loud and …
If these evil acting molesters were capable of guilt and remorse, they wouldn't do what they do in the first place.
Those priests and enablers (bishops) should be put in prison and when the inmates find out what they did: well you can imagine what will happen to them …More
Those priests and enablers (bishops) should be put in prison and when the inmates find out what they did: well you can imagine what will happen to them, and they won't have that smug look on their face.
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Schilling plante Parteiwechsel nach EU-Wahl

Jihad Watch Deutschland Der heimliche Orientalismus Deutschlands, durchleuchtet von Fred Alan Medforth Your email address will not be published. Required fields …