Investigating the causes of Pope Benedict's invalid resignation. I think I have found the reason why Pope Benedict resigned invalidly, while thinking he validly resigned, and I report on my findings at …More
Investigating the causes of Pope Benedict's invalid resignation.
I think I have found the reason why Pope Benedict resigned invalidly, while thinking he validly resigned, and I report on my findings at…/investigating-t…
Comment et pourquoi la démission du Pape Benoît XVI est invalidée par la loi elle-même. Nous offrons ici un argument canonique calme et raisonné pour l’invalidité de la démission du Pape Benoît XVI …More
Comment et pourquoi la démission du Pape Benoît XVI est invalidée par la loi elle-même.
Nous offrons ici un argument canonique calme et raisonné pour l’invalidité de la démission du Pape Benoît XVI, pour tout catholique qui veut connaître la vérité.…/comment-et-pour…
for more information see
Jean de Roquefort
Source :…/la-grande-liber… La grande liberté du Pape émérite Benoît XVI : Ma renonciation est « valide », et « libre » Rome, 26 février …More
Source :…/la-grande-liber…
La grande liberté du Pape émérite Benoît XVI : Ma renonciation est « valide », et « libre »
Rome, 26 février 2014 ( Anne Kurian
Ma renonciation est « valide », et « libre », explique le pape émérite Benoît XVI un an après la « sede vacante » du 28 février 2014.
Le pape émérite écrit en effet, depuis le monastère « Mater Ecclesiae » du Vatican, une lettre publiée par le quotidien italien La Stampa pour couper court aux spéculations sur sa décision annoncée le 11 février 2013.
C’est une réponse au journaliste italien Andrea Tornielli qui lui avait adressé quelques questions sur des « pressions » ou « complots » présumés à l’origine de sa démission.
« Il n’y a pas le moindre doute sur la validité de mon renoncement au ministère pétrinien », dit-il en qualifiant de « simplement absurdes » des « spéculations » à ce propos, de même que les allégations de « diarchie », de double pouvoir au Vatican.
Il explique qu’il y a un “pape régnant” …More
7 more comments
The Vatican has known all along that Benedict's Act of Renuncation was invalid, and here is the proof. April 8, 2019 A.D. — The Vatican has known all along that Pope Benedict’s Act of Renunciation was …More
The Vatican has known all along that Benedict's Act of Renuncation was invalid, and here is the proof.
April 8, 2019 A.D. — The Vatican has known all along that Pope Benedict’s Act of Renunciation was not in conformity with the requirements of Pope John Paul II’s Code of Canon Law, and the documentary evidence to prove it has been published by the Vatican for 6 years.…/the-vatican-has…
I would like to welcome everyone into the spiritual chastisement that is in the Fátima 3rd secret... 2019 we are living in it...pray for mercy and the …More
I would like to welcome everyone into the spiritual chastisement that is in the Fátima 3rd secret... 2019 we are living in it...pray for mercy and the true consecration of Russia the way the Virgin Mary asked for it to be done, not the fake versions that was performed in the past!!!!
Dr Bobus
What is the difference between munus Petri and ministerium Petri?
12 more comments
International Movement to Restore Pope Benedict to the Throne of Saint Peter. The International Movement to restore Pope Benedict to power now has an official website. Visit today, and frequently for …More
International Movement to Restore Pope Benedict to the Throne of Saint Peter.
The International Movement to restore Pope Benedict to power now has an official website.
Visit today, and frequently for coming updates about Cardinals, Bishops, Clergy etc. who are leading the movement, campaigns petitions and law suits
Francis who?
He has never left the Throne of St. Peter. It would be better to say "International Movement to Acknowledge that Benedict is Pope."
5 more comments
Cómo y por qué la renuncia del Papa Benedicto XVI no es válida por la propia ley. Aquí ofrecemos un argumento canónico razonado sobre la invalidez de la renuncia del Papa Benedicto, para cualquier …More
Cómo y por qué la renuncia del Papa Benedicto XVI no es válida por la propia ley.
Aquí ofrecemos un argumento canónico razonado sobre la invalidez de la renuncia del Papa Benedicto, para cualquier católico que quiera saber la verdad.…/como-y-por-que-…
Alex A
Don't waste your time. It ain't gonna happen!!!
One more comment
Help the Catholics in Africa who are being massacered by Islamic Terrorists. I beg you help in sporting the Mission of the Order to Africa, so that we might assist the Catholics who are being slaughtered …More
Help the Catholics in Africa who are being massacered by Islamic Terrorists.
I beg you help in sporting the Mission of the Order to Africa, so that we might assist the Catholics who are being slaughtered by terrorist organizations learn to organize and defend themselves, with the assitance of military and security experts: read more here…
der Wie, und warum, der Rücktritt von Papst Benedikt XVI, durch das Gesetz selbst, ungültig ist. Hier bieten wir ein ruhiges, kanonisches Argument für die Ungültigkeit von Papst Benedikts Rücktritt …More
der Wie, und warum, der Rücktritt von Papst Benedikt XVI, durch das Gesetz selbst, ungültig ist.
Hier bieten wir ein ruhiges, kanonisches Argument für die Ungültigkeit von Papst Benedikts Rücktritt an, für jeden Katholiken, der die Wahrheit erfahren will.…/wie-und-warum-d…
Pope Boniface VIII's magisterial teaching on Papal Renunciations. Read more on what Pope Boniface taught about how and whether a Pope can resign.…/boniface-viiis-…More
Pope Boniface VIII's magisterial teaching on Papal Renunciations.
Read more on what Pope Boniface taught about how and whether a Pope can resign.…/boniface-viiis-…

Disputed Question: Whether Pope Benedict validly resigned the Papacy?

Recently, the noted Vatican theologian, and former member of the Congregation for the Faith, Msgr. Nichola Bux publicly opined that the validity of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI should be studied …More
Recently, the noted Vatican theologian, and former member of the Congregation for the Faith, Msgr. Nichola Bux publicly opined that the validity of the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI should be studied in regard to the question of what appears to be substantial error in the formula of resignation. (For a correct English translation of the formula, see here).
Msgr. Bux was not the first to raise this issue. In fact, doubts as to the validity of the act of resignation were raised immediately upon the news being made known. Flavien Blanchon, a French journalist working at Rome, writing only 2 days afterwards, cited an eminent Latin scholar who pointed out errors in the text of abdication, and who noted that the presence of any error, according to canonical tradition, was held to be a sign of lack of deliberation, rendering the act null and void.
Then a year later, Antonio Socci openly speculated that the resignation might be invalid on account of the lack of interior will given by …More
We have two popes, not for the first time in history. It is, however, the first time in history that we have two popes who are entirely copacetic with …More
We have two popes, not for the first time in history.
It is, however, the first time in history that we have two popes who are entirely copacetic with the other's existence.
Yet there cannot be two popes simultaneously.
Further, there is no such thing as a Pope emeritus, pace Pope Benedict, and additionally Benedict has himself said that the Petrine Office is irrevocable speaking of his own case, and in any event, even if his resignation was unforced, he resigned only the ministry and not the office as is plain from the text and subsequent commentary by himself and his spokeman Archbishop Ganswein.
Considering the rampant heresy of Bergoglio--"There is no Hell;" There is no immortal soul; "God made you that way," a practicing sodomfolk; Adulterers may receive the Eucharist; Presiding at a Mass with a Satanic Stang; Attacking Sanctifying Grace itself and the Sacraments via Amoralis Laetitia, especially the Sacraments of Marriage, Confession and the Priesthood--and considering his defense …More
Catholic Faithful call on Bishops of Malta to repent in Newspaper Advertisement. According to Edward Pentin, Veri Catholici published this ad in the Times of Malta on WednesdayMore
Catholic Faithful call on Bishops of Malta to repent in Newspaper Advertisement.
According to Edward Pentin, Veri Catholici published this ad in the Times of Malta on Wednesday
One page
Libellus di condanna degli errori contenuti nel , presupposta dalla , o alla base del documento ‘ Amoris Laetitia ‘

Libellus di Condanna

For the Conference to condemn the errors in the document, 'Amoris Laetitia': Costs will be about $3390 USD (2945 € tax included) for the Conference Hall Rental, and another $390 …
Sam Gamgee
Questi sono i tempi in cui chi dovrebbe parlare tace ( Madonna del Buon Successo , Quito , 1630 ) . E' giusto percio' che parlino i laici piu' competenti …More
Questi sono i tempi in cui chi dovrebbe parlare tace ( Madonna del Buon Successo , Quito , 1630 ) . E' giusto percio' che parlino i laici piu' competenti . ( Nota : il testo in italiano ha qualche piccolo errore linguistico da sistemare ).
Libellus of Condemnation of the Errors Contained in, presupposed by, or underlying the document ‘Amoris Laetitia’

Libellus of Condemned Errors regarding ‘Amoris Laetitia’

Mindful of the teaching of Our Most High Lord, Jesus Christ, that our “Yes”, be a “yes” and our “No”, a “no”, and, similarly mindful of the …
Libellus de condena de los errores contenidos en , presupuestos o subyacentes del documento ‘ Amoris Laetitia ‘ Conscientes de la enseñanza de Nuestro Altísimo Señor, Jesucristo, que nuestro “Sí”, …More
Libellus de condena de los errores contenidos en , presupuestos o subyacentes del documento ‘ Amoris Laetitia ‘
Conscientes de la enseñanza de Nuestro Altísimo Señor, Jesucristo, que nuestro “Sí”, sea un “sí” y nuestro “No”, un “no”, y del mismo modo, conscientes de la enseñanza de su Vicario en la tierra, el Papa Pío VI, en buena memoria, quien enseñó:...

Libellus de condena de los errores

For the Conference to condemn the errors in the document, 'Amoris Laetitia': Costs will be about $3390 USD (2945 € tax included) for the Conference Hall Rental, and …
Sign the Petitions to Pope Francis and the Bishops, against Amoris Laetitia, asking it to be withdrawn and its errors condemned

Sign the Petitions to the Pope and Bishops

For the Conference to condemn the errors in the document, 'Amoris Laetitia': Costs will be about $3390 USD (2945 € tax included) for the Conference Hall Rental …

#ALConf – Conferenza internazionale per condannare “Amoris Laetitia”: 25 Giugno

Roma, 2 Maggio 2016 A.D.: Veri Catholici annuncia che si terrà una conferenza/manifestazione a Roma, sabato 25 Giugno per condannare gli errori contenuti del documento papale, Amoris Laetitia, e …More
Roma, 2 Maggio 2016 A.D.: Veri Catholici annuncia che si terrà una conferenza/manifestazione a Roma, sabato 25 Giugno per condannare gli errori contenuti del documento papale, Amoris Laetitia, e richiedere, nel nome di tutto ciò che è vero e santo nella Religione Cattolica, che il documento sia rescisso e i suoi autori e sostenitori si pentano pubblicamente e cancellino lo scandalo che hanno causato.
Per più informazioni:…/alconf-conferen…

June 25, 2015: Rome, Italy — Invitation to Conference at Rome to condemn the errors in 'Amoris Laetitia'

Veri Catholici, an international association of Catholics dedicated to opposing the errors promoted by Cardinal Kasper, is calling on all Catholics in the world to join us in Rome to condemn the document …More
Veri Catholici, an international association of Catholics dedicated to opposing the errors promoted by Cardinal Kasper, is calling on all Catholics in the world to join us in Rome to condemn the document Amoris Laetitia and its many errors, and to demand from the Pope and Sacred Hierarchy that the document be withdrawn and its errors condemned, formally and canonically.
We desire this conference to be a universal manifestation of the true Sensus Fidelium of Christ’s Mystical Body. We believe it absolutely necessary to take this initiative for the good of Holy Mother Church and the salvation of souls.
If you would like to join this initiative, leave a comment below. In the coming days we will, announce further information, such as a rough date, and the organizations and speakers affiliating.
FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT OF DATE AND TIME: June 25, 2016, Rome, Italy…/alconf-internat…
For more information see:
Iam all for it ,They should ask Cardinal Kasper to listen to the Truth and repent .

Veri Catholici: A New International Catholic Association to oppose the Neo-Gnosticism of Cardinal Kasper & company Has information in 8 languages...More
Has information in 8 languages...