Child of Our Lady

Must be a joke?

My eyes!!! That is one of the leaders in the US? No wonder we get no respect in the world anymore.
Child of Our Lady

This is from EWTN. Wow

A little tough love from EWTN. Some people are so hard hearted & just don't get it until it gets spelled out the way EWTN phrased it.
Child of Our Lady

Would the US embassy in Saudi Arabia post a similar message?

June is the month of the Sacred Heart not that wicked vice.
Child of Our Lady

Calvin Klein and their new ad campaign

My eyes!!! What did I just see??
Child of Our Lady

I love Catholic humor

Good luck trying to do this in AZ. The animals have more rights then humans here.
Child of Our Lady

Disney isn’t grooming kids. That’s crazy. Why would you say such a thing

How deep will the darkness be for Disney?
Child of Our Lady

Exclusive: Son Describes Mother’s Death After Moderna Shot

Today is the one year anniversary of my father passing away (please pray for him). He got his second Moderna shot & developed a blood clot/had heart attack the day after the shot. My father was 76 & in good health. For the next month, he was admitted to the hospital three times/air evaced twice, lost all will to live, stopped eating/lost a lot of weight, hallucinated, didn't know his own name, was …More
Today is the one year anniversary of my father passing away (please pray for him). He got his second Moderna shot & developed a blood clot/had heart attack the day after the shot. My father was 76 & in good health. For the next month, he was admitted to the hospital three times/air evaced twice, lost all will to live, stopped eating/lost a lot of weight, hallucinated, didn't know his own name, was pulling the cables off his body that took his vitals (my father was a retired Navy Corpsman & LVN) & my mother said his personality changed after the vaccine & said, "...he was not the same person I married after the shot." He Code Blued in the hospital & passed away a year ago today. My mother, sister & I are all in full agreement the Moderna vaccine killed my father. If it didn't outright do it, it helped the process along to where he could not recover.

This family will be in my prayers.
Child of Our Lady

BULLETIN -- Russia Informs Citizens to Prepare for NATO Retaliatory Nuclear Attack, THIS SUNDAY

Our Lady said God would use Russia as the instrument of chastisement to punish the world. So, I don't know why people should be shocked to see Russia in a war right now.
Child of Our Lady

Biden shaking hands with the air after finishing a speech

I apologize to my brothers & sisters in other countries. This babbling buffoon & his VP do not represent the American people. Keep the people of the USA always in your prayers & I will do the same for you. As you can see, we need all the prayers we can get.
Child of Our Lady

No pin necessary for purchases under $100

It is definitely a woman's handwriting. I couldn't write that nice with tracing paper.
Child of Our Lady

Priests & Nuns Lead Beautiful Eucharistic Procession in NYC on March 31 2022

It is truly beautiful and sad at the same time. I didn't see one person kneel as Jesus was brought to them.
Child of Our Lady

Behold! Our new church PR campaign!

Do I long for the days of Trent. When Catholic language in teachings left no grey area or wiggle room for other interpretations that weren't intended.
Now we get hairs being split in Catholic forums, clergy explaining away the need to follow the 10 Commandments/dismissing dogma, lack of courage to call an evil evil & how sin does not exist. Every one of us better be clinging to Our Lady & praying …More
Do I long for the days of Trent. When Catholic language in teachings left no grey area or wiggle room for other interpretations that weren't intended.

Now we get hairs being split in Catholic forums, clergy explaining away the need to follow the 10 Commandments/dismissing dogma, lack of courage to call an evil evil & how sin does not exist. Every one of us better be clinging to Our Lady & praying our rosaries. She is the Star of the Sea who will lead us to Jesus & the Truth. Our Mother will never forget her children. I pray we will not forget her.
Child of Our Lady

Dublin Airport Deletes Controversial 'Jesus' Tweet — Catholic Arena

When the real chastisement comes, we will have no defense against Our Lord's wrath. We should be crying rivers of tears right now.
Child of Our Lady

Look at the Little Merma

The fact it is April Fools Day doesn't mean Disney won't do something like this. Evil has no boundaries.
Child of Our Lady

Have Politicians Abandoned Restricting Porn in Any Way?

That's the problem. We look at the world through political eyes instead of Catholic eyes. My opinion is, you are either Catholic & choose virtue or not Catholic & choose vice. There is no blue or red.
Child of Our Lady

Smell the bullshit

I find it very hard to believe this missile crashed through the roof. At the speed a missile travels to get from point A to the target, the impact alone would have ripped a bigger hole in the roof than what is pictured. I doubt you would have been able to tell where the stabilizing fins entered the room. There's also no splintering of the wooden cabinet doors from the impact or scorching.
If it …More
I find it very hard to believe this missile crashed through the roof. At the speed a missile travels to get from point A to the target, the impact alone would have ripped a bigger hole in the roof than what is pictured. I doubt you would have been able to tell where the stabilizing fins entered the room. There's also no splintering of the wooden cabinet doors from the impact or scorching.

If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Child of Our Lady

Grooming and porn

Don't like stats. They can easily be manipulated to justify an agenda and often time leave out other pertinent info. Look at COVID.
Child of Our Lady

New Church: Receiving Communion On the Tongue Banned, Concubinage Allowed

The Apostles were bishops w/ consecrated hands.
Child of Our Lady

March 24, 2022: Strange Bedfellows

The current bishop in Quito doesn't have to be impressed. The residing bishop in 1611 was the one who approved the apparition. No other Marian apparition, that we know of, has given an account of things to come for our times with more detail than Our Lady of Good Success. Every one of Our Lady's prophesies in that apparition has come true.
In the end, it is private revelation & the faithful are …More
The current bishop in Quito doesn't have to be impressed. The residing bishop in 1611 was the one who approved the apparition. No other Marian apparition, that we know of, has given an account of things to come for our times with more detail than Our Lady of Good Success. Every one of Our Lady's prophesies in that apparition has come true.

In the end, it is private revelation & the faithful are not obligated to believe as it's not part of the deposit of faith. The telling factor of any apparition is always does the message contradict the Catholic faith. The message of Our Lady of Good Success does not violate the Catholic faith.
Child of Our Lady

Schneider: What Is Essential For Consecration Of Russia?

There but for the grace of God...