
New Church: Receiving Communion On the Tongue Banned, Concubinage Allowed

We Catholics are becoming "profoundly sick in the soul," a generous donor wrote to Gloria.tv. Her testimony stands for many similar letters. The donor reports that she went to Mass at her home church …More
We Catholics are becoming "profoundly sick in the soul," a generous donor wrote to Gloria.tv. Her testimony stands for many similar letters.
The donor reports that she went to Mass at her home church but was surprised to find an "ecumenical service” instead. Her comment, "It's getting more and more unbearable."
After relaxing the first Covid measures, the bishops "allowed" again communion on the tongue. This went on for a while in her parish church. But suddenly the dean told her, "Please communion in the hand". She replied: "No". Thereupon the clerical gentleman turned around, walked away and left her without Communion.
In the same parish there was a communion minister who lived unmarried with a man. She presided at prayer services, collected the ciborium from the tabernacle, distributed communion and, of course, took it herself. Another communion worker is only civilly married. She too is allowed to do everything and receives communion. "But there is no possibility for communion on …More
This all changed when abolution of the priestly fingers after holy communion was "abolished"!
"soon to be ordained" @Angelo Santelli It's strange how both diocese in Virginia don't have you listed. Were you laicized?
Angelo Santelli
There is no "New Church." There is only one Church and it is not the one spawned by Montini. Angelo Roncalli on his death bed shouted "Stop the Council." I was a grown man by that time soon to be ordained.in the Latin liturgy. What has come from Montini (the "Hamlet" Pope) makes one wonder how he could ever have been canonized when it was clear to him that Councils of the Church forbade changing …More
There is no "New Church." There is only one Church and it is not the one spawned by Montini. Angelo Roncalli on his death bed shouted "Stop the Council." I was a grown man by that time soon to be ordained.in the Latin liturgy. What has come from Montini (the "Hamlet" Pope) makes one wonder how he could ever have been canonized when it was clear to him that Councils of the Church forbade changing what was custom and inbred in Rituale Romanum. Ratzinger knew this and permitted Latin even though what he should have done is revoke all liturgies not prayed in Latin. So I pay little attention to the mess Bergoglio has spawned, supremely confident the gates of Hell await him for the destruction and filth he has advanced. One need only look at his face to see a distant visage of Satan.
She has made the right choice.
atreverse pensar
They have taken advantage of the covid to fully implement communion in the hand. Because they had not yet succeeded.
In any case, the Novus Ordo struck a blow. And so on.
Jan Joseph
Ja gelovigen het Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms Katholieke Concilie geloof is een totaal ander geloof dan het Tridentijnse of Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof. De organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk zit in een ernstige crisis en zolang kunnen de gelovigen die het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden niet verder met deze organisatie. Een schisma is de enige oplossing voor de tijd dat de crisis …More
Ja gelovigen het Tweede Vaticaanse Rooms Katholieke Concilie geloof is een totaal ander geloof dan het Tridentijnse of Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof. De organisatie van de Rooms Katholieke kerk zit in een ernstige crisis en zolang kunnen de gelovigen die het Universele Rooms Katholieke geloof belijden niet verder met deze organisatie. Een schisma is de enige oplossing voor de tijd dat de crisis nog gaande is. In bijna geen enkele Rooms Katholieke kerk is nog een knielbanken aanwezig tijdens de communie uitreiking om de gelovigen die de communie op de tong en geknield willen ontvangen die gelegenheid te geven. Gedurende de crisis is het beter om ons aan te sluiten bij de Sint Pius X broederschap of de Sint Petrus broederschap, daar is het ontvangen van de communie op de tong en geknield verplicht.
She has made the right decision.
Sad story of course
chris griffin
Jesus gives Communion the Hand…
When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. Luke 24:30
The Catechism of the Catholic Church agrees…
Is this not the same movement as the Paschal meal of the risen Jesus with his disciples? Walking with them he explained the Scriptures to them; sitting with them at table "he took bread, blessed and broke it, and …More
Jesus gives Communion the Hand…

When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. Luke 24:30

The Catechism of the Catholic Church agrees…

Is this not the same movement as the Paschal meal of the risen Jesus with his disciples? Walking with them he explained the Scriptures to them; sitting with them at table "he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them." CCC 1347

The Breaking of Bread, because Jesus used this rite, part of a Jewish meal, when as master of the table he blessed and distributed the bread,144 above all at the Last Supper.145 It is by this action that his disciples will recognize him after his Resurrection,146 and it is this expression that the first Christians will use to designate their Eucharistic assemblies;147 by doing so they signified that all who eat the one broken bread, Christ, enter into communion with him and form but one body in him. CCC 1329
Child of Our Lady
The Apostles were bishops w/ consecrated hands.
chris griffin
Child of Our Lady – Jesus gave Communion in the hand to the men on the Road to Emmaus which is a lesson for us today and he never said that the Apostles hands were consecrated and he never said that we could not touch with our hands. Let Jesus be your guide.
chris griffin
Just me - Catholic teaching is that particles are not the Body and Blood of Jesus otherwise the entire floor, every pew and air conditioning ducts would be covered in the Body and Blood which is nonsense.
5 more comments from chris griffin
chris griffin
Just me - You don't know this Catholic teaching. God have mercy on your soul for deceiving others.
chris griffin
@Mathathias Maccabeus – You committed blasphemy of the Holy Eucharist when you said that licit, valid and approved Communion is “God forsaken”. You continue to blasphemy and lie.
chris griffin
Just me - You are a nut. Please leave me alone.
chris griffin
Mathathias Maccabeus - Therefore you admit your blasphemy of calling licit, valid and approved as "God Forsaken". You are still a liar and a blasphemer.
chris griffin
@Mathathias Maccabeus you called Holy Communion "God Forsaken". That is blasphemy in the first degree that you committed and you know it.
Communion in the Hand is the ancient and original mode of Communion among the first Catholics because they followed Jesus, whereas Communion on the tongue is a manmade invention…
At the same time in recent years a fuller sharing in the …More
@Mathathias Maccabeus you called Holy Communion "God Forsaken". That is blasphemy in the first degree that you committed and you know it.

Communion in the Hand is the ancient and original mode of Communion among the first Catholics because they followed Jesus, whereas Communion on the tongue is a manmade invention…

At the same time in recent years a fuller sharing in the eucharistic celebration through sacramental communion has here and there evoked the desire to return to the ancient usage of depositing the eucharistic bread in the hand of the communicant, he himself then communicating, placing it in his mouth.

It is certainly true that ancient usage once allowed the faithful to take this divine food in their hands and to place it in their mouths themselves.
Thus the custom was established of the minister placing a particle of consecrated bread on the tongue of the communicant.

Jesus gave Communion the Hand…

When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them. Luke 24:30

The Catechism of the Catholic Church agrees…

Is this not the same movement as the Paschal meal of the risen Jesus with his disciples? Walking with them he explained the Scriptures to them; sitting with them at table "he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them." CCC 1347

The Breaking of Bread, because Jesus used this rite, part of a Jewish meal, when as master of the table he blessed and distributed the bread,144 above all at the Last Supper.145 It is by this action that his disciples will recognize him after his Resurrection,146 and it is this expression that the first Christians will use to designate their Eucharistic assemblies;147 by doing so they signified that all who eat the one broken bread, Christ, enter into communion with him and form but one body in him. CCC 1329

I still follow Jesus and always will.
@chris griffin this is actually a better link to view.
perhaps it is time to repost it?
This Catholic has something to say about Communion in the hand
chris griffin
Mathathias Maccabeus now you have admitted you blasphemy to the world and YOU CONTINUE IN BLASPHEMY. That is obstinate mortal sin.
chris griffin
rhemes1582 I decry disrespect and carelessness to Communion but it is impossible that the tiny particles sucked in the air condition ducts and vacuumed up by the janitor are the Real Body and Blood.
@chris griffin
The disrespect and carelessness (not to mention the sacrilege of those that use communion in the hand to steal and profane) did not exist anywhere near the degree it does now, since the introduction(abuse) of receiving Holy Communion in the hand.
"Jesus gives Communion the Hand…" @chris griffin
Wrong. Unsupported by Scripture or any of our cites from the Catechism. Neither mentions "hand" in any context.. in the hand/ by the hand/ etc. YOU do. You are falsely interjecting your beliefs into both
"When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them." Luke 24:30
Zero mention of hands or by hand.More
"Jesus gives Communion the Hand…" @chris griffin

Wrong. Unsupported by Scripture or any of our cites from the Catechism. Neither mentions "hand" in any context.. in the hand/ by the hand/ etc. YOU do. You are falsely interjecting your beliefs into both

"When he was at table with them, he took the bread and blessed and broke it and gave it to them." Luke 24:30

Zero mention of hands or by hand.

The same is true for The Road to Eammaus in Luke 24:13-35

Zero mention of hands or by hand.

"…and he never said that the Apostles hands were consecrated and he never said that we could not touch with our hands. Let Jesus be your guide."

Typical Novus Ordo. You lecture everyone about Jesus but you won't even give Him proper reverence by capitalizing the pronouns. Like so: "…and He never said that the Apostles hands were consecrated and He never said that we could not touch with our hands."

He never said we could not use the Eucharist as a frisbee or a poker chip, either. Doesn't mean we should.

" You don't know this Catholic teaching. God have mercy on your soul for deceiving others."

Irony since you need that mercy more. You are making claims about Jesus that are not in Scripture or even in the Catechism.

Matty is curb-stomping you on Catholic teaching. All the hyperbole in the world won't change that. You picked the wrong opponent, Chris. Simple as that.
"I assume when Christ said "take" this bread, he meant open your mouths here comes the airplane into the hangar?" @Alex Jacyck
Novus Ordo irreverence noted. No, Jimmy. That's how "Delano Mullins" and his relatives feed their "mentally incompetent" 23 year old pedophile son when he isn't online trying to corrupt little girls.
"could be interpreted, and probably was intepreted during that time, as …More
"I assume when Christ said "take" this bread, he meant open your mouths here comes the airplane into the hangar?" @Alex Jacyck

Novus Ordo irreverence noted. No, Jimmy. That's how "Delano Mullins" and his relatives feed their "mentally incompetent" 23 year old pedophile son when he isn't online trying to corrupt little girls.

"could be interpreted, and probably was intepreted during that time, as by hand."

(because I say so) JImmy's "I" problem as usual. Zero historical citations shown. Who needs 'em? GTV's Sock-Puppet and Pedophile Apologist Hath Spoken!

"For usually , and I don't know how this works in the UV household (I shudder to think) giving and taking is done by hand.

In my household we don't have child-molestors. We also wouldn't ask for "prayer requests" to help someone like that evade justice. "Delano Mullins in Ohio" obviously does.

Also, no, giving and taking is done with serving tongs, especially when salads or pasta are served. Likewise with cutlets. Spoons are used for giving and taking rice and ladles for liquids like soup and gravy. Judging from your arguments, white-trash in Ohio just slop everything onto the plate with their fingers.

Wouldn't surprise me if feeding the 23 year old attempted child-molestor gets done similarly. Open the hangar, Pedo-Bear... here comes the num-nums!

"Of course, crumbs still fall, still escape the paten even on the tongue."

Novus Ordo Fantasy Island, coming from someone criticizing a form of the liturgy he doesn't attend.

"But you please go ahead and feel as if the doors to heaven are wide open for you because you perform all the rituals exactly …

Jimmy The Mind Reader returns for a repeat engagement magically discerning what readers "feel". :P In your case it won't make a difference how you perform the rituals. You're slime. Your family is slime. Your pedophile relative is worse than slime and hope the prosecutor goes all Ultraviolet on his "incompetent" gimmick.

" as you insult sincere prayer requests and those that need the prayers."

The would-be child-molestor in your family needs more than prayers. He needs professional help your slime-bag relatives have no interest in providing him. He's a threat to children, your relatives LIKE YOU have done nothing except make excuses for what he does. That is why the law, after two years, has finally stepped in.

"You serve Satan."

…said the guy who, in his last banned account, asked GTV to "pray" so a child-molestor escapes well-deserved justice. That isn't "help", that's injustice and you're slime for asking people here to aid and abet that.

"Now block me goons!"

Never have, never will. I don't need to behave like you, Jimbo. Surely by now, after how many bans this year alone, that should be obvious.
2 more comments from Ultraviolet
"you didn’t respond in kind to someone who called you names."
Names Like "resident troll" @michael newman? There are plenty of name-callers on GTV and you're one of them.More
"you didn’t respond in kind to someone who called you names."

Names Like "resident troll" @michael newman? There are plenty of name-callers on GTV and you're one of them.
@michael newman "if the cap fits, wear it." It doesn't.Please roll that cap tightly apply generous amounts of K-Y lubricant and jam it in whatever orifice your "filth" emerges.
In a word, you get what you you give and "do as I say, not as do" simply doesn't work around here, you butt-hurt SSPX Brit.
I'm morally consistent. YOU, like most faux-reformers with a bad-faith agenda, are not.
Go take …More
@michael newman "if the cap fits, wear it." It doesn't.Please roll that cap tightly apply generous amounts of K-Y lubricant and jam it in whatever orifice your "filth" emerges.

In a word, you get what you you give and "do as I say, not as do" simply doesn't work around here, you butt-hurt SSPX Brit.

I'm morally consistent. YOU, like most faux-reformers with a bad-faith agenda, are not.

Go take your double-standards and jam 'em. :D

Bonus lulz for you ignoring your OWN standards of being "silent" and avoiding "running battles" Durr hurr...do as I SAY not as I DO, eh Mikey? :D