
Festival of Heresy: Francis "Allows" Homosexual "Blessings"

Francis' lapdog, Tucho Fernández, published on 18 December a statement on the "Pastoral Significance of Blessings" co-signed by Francis. Tucho has been accused by Argentinean Sister Lucía Caram of …More
Francis' lapdog, Tucho Fernández, published on 18 December a statement on the "Pastoral Significance of Blessings" co-signed by Francis. Tucho has been accused by Argentinean Sister Lucía Caram of being a practising homosexual.
He claims to be offering a "broadening and enrichment" of the "Catholic" understanding of the blessings. However, he instead presents an absurdity that he sarcastically calls "a real development".
To deceive his audience, he first copied a few lines from the Catechism. Fernández correctly states that all sexual relations find their natural, proper and fully human meaning only in a marriage between a man and a woman, open to the procreation of children.
"The Church's teaching on this point remains firm," he says. Nevertheless, he suggests that a liturgical rite of homosexual "blessing" - the "blessing" of mortal sin - is possible. It should just not contradict the aforementioned truth or create confusion, what is precisely the case.
Tucho believes that the Church …More
Sandy Barrett
More weaponised ambiguity from Team Francis, this is deliberately creating confusion, it’s their M.O. on the slippery slope
John A Cassani
I agree that they think they are weaponizing ambiguity, but, who’s dense enough to buy it? I mean, how long did “same sex civil unions” last, back when they were claiming it wouldn’t lead to “same sex marriage?” 5 minutes?
This is the barking and howling of a nasty, filthy, degenerate dog. He is possessed by Satan and the demonic words he fiendishly writes and promulgates in the name of Holy Mother Church are words born of Lucifer and vomited right out of the abyss of hell itself. His sordid, heinous actions have desecrated the Holy Office which he now falsely occupies; for he does NOTHING to defend the Doctrine of …More
This is the barking and howling of a nasty, filthy, degenerate dog. He is possessed by Satan and the demonic words he fiendishly writes and promulgates in the name of Holy Mother Church are words born of Lucifer and vomited right out of the abyss of hell itself. His sordid, heinous actions have desecrated the Holy Office which he now falsely occupies; for he does NOTHING to defend the Doctrine of the Faith, but instead uses his authority as Prefect to spread the foul feces and excrement of his vile and unnatural abominations across the face of the whole Church, polluting her with his unclean and depraved perversions. He, nor any of his repugnant and abhorrent kind, should never have been placed any where near the chief seat in what was once the Holy Office of the Inquisition and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. And the sad, devastating irony is that in times long past the Inquisitors General who preceded him in this most sacred, holy and ancient Office would have flayed him alive, burned what was left, and ground his heretical bones to powder. Thus, cleansing the Church and the world from the odiousness of his loathsome filth and contamination. May it please the Lord to save His Church from the monsters who seek to demolish and destroy her.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
But Tucho wouldn't be doing any of this without the backing and support of his boss, the top man......the guy in white in his wheelchair. It would never happen without his signing off on it. No one else to blame but Francis.
Sally Dorman
The cat is out of the bag
Wilma Lopez
Minutes after Francis and Fernández's groundbreaking ruling permitting blessing of same-sex couples, James Martin SJ says text is “marked shift” from 2021 ban on the same. “Along with many priests, I will now be delighted to bless my friends in same-sex unions”
Louis IX
How soon before the first lawsuit is brought against a priest or bishop who refuses to sanction a “blessing ceremony” (which of course will never be confused with a marriage ceremony, 🥴)?
Louis IX
We need a St. John the Baptist right now to straighten these guys out.
True Mass
His name is Archbishop Vigano.
If John the Baptist was with us today he'd be ignored by all the R&R crowd.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Vigano as our new Pope!!!