
“There Is No Hell” - Francis Underscores His Legacy as a Heretic

”Non esiste un inferno” – “There is no hell”, Pope Francis told his friend, the anti-Catholic journalist Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica (March 28). Francis said that bad souls are “not punished …More
”Non esiste un inferno” – “There is no hell”, Pope Francis told his friend, the anti-Catholic journalist Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica (March 28).
Francis said that bad souls are “not punished”. Souls who repent obtain forgiveness and go to heaven, “But those who do not repent and therefore cannot be forgiven, disappear. There is no hell. There is the disappearance of sinful souls.”
Francis' theory correspond to the teaching of the Jehova Witnesses.
But the Church confesses with Jesus Christ that evil souls will be condemned to the “eternal” and “unquenchable fire”, “where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth”.
According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church the “teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity”.
Vivian matt
please how can i know god
Francis; There is no hell. Christ talked more about hell than heaven and warned that many go there. Francis is a liar and a heretic who leads souls to hell.
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please am sorry to tell you please how can i know godMore

please am sorry to tell you please how can i know god
In his homily, Francis warned priests to not be tempted to "idolize" church law and doctrine when preaching, since that can distance ordinary faithful from Jesus Instead, they should follow Francis's example and "idolize" their own egos
De Profundis
Interviewer to Padre Pio: What do you think about modern people who do not believe in hell? PP: They will believe in hell when they get there.
So Christ's Passion was not necessary? Why did Our Lord suffer such painful torture and humiliation?
It would be more correct for the Vatican to say Francis is not to be considered a faithful transmitter of the Catholic faith! From EWTN's Raymond Arroyo on Twitter - BREAKING: New Vatican statement distancing Pope Francis from Scalfari’s report that Francis said, “Hell does not exist.” They say this should not be “considered a faithful transcription of the Holy Father’s words.”