
Did Pope Leo XIII warn Catholics about future religious leaders?

When reading this article on Gloria. Titled Cardinal Cupich Lies in Public, Calls Amoris Laetitia "Revolutionary" Contrast with this Great Catholic Pope`s teaching on the subject . 13. In the next …More
When reading this article on Gloria. Titled
Cardinal Cupich Lies in Public, Calls Amoris Laetitia "Revolutionary"
Contrast with this Great Catholic Pope`s teaching on the subject .
13. In the next place, in order that the union of hearts between their chief Pastor and the whole Catholic flock may daily be strengthened, We here call upon you, venerable brothers, with particular earnestness, and strongly urge you to kindle, with priestly zeal and pastoral care, the fire of the love of religion among the faithful entrusted to you, that their attachment to this chair of truth and justice may become closer and firmer, that they may welcome all its teachings with thorough assent of mind and will, wholly rejecting such opinion, even when most widely received, as they know to be contrary to the Church's doctrine. In this matter, the Roman Pontiffs, Our predecessors, and the last of all, Pius IX, of sacred memory, especially in the General Council of the Vatican, have not neglected, so often as …More

The Laity Know! From the greatest to the lowly

Hungary's Foreign Minister: "How Many Churches Celebrate Ad Orientem?" "It was touching to see the young minister who entered the church which was closed because of the danger of collapse and genuflected …More
Hungary's Foreign Minister: "How Many Churches Celebrate Ad Orientem?"
"It was touching to see the young minister who entered the church which was closed because of the danger of collapse and genuflected to the Blessed Sacrament which was in the tabernacle, as was the case on the days of the earthquakes from the 26th to the 30th of August," Corradori said.
The minister asked the Prior of the Brotherhood of the Sacred Heart: "How many churches in Italy celebrate ad orientem?"
read all here; eponymousflower.blogspot.com/…/hungarys-foreig…
thanks for sharing :-)

“…let him be anathema.”

Over at Father Z Blog wdtprs.com/…/let-him-be-anat… “…let him be anathema.” Posted on 14 February 2017 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf This quote came up in the combox: A reading from the 13th session of …More
Over at Father Z Blog
“…let him be anathema.”
Posted on 14 February 2017 by Fr. John Zuhlsdorf
This quote came up in the combox:
A reading from the 13th session of the Council of Trent
“CANON XI.- If any one saith, that faith alone is a sufficient preparation for receiving the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist; let him be anathema.
continued at link above

Pope Francis/ Knights of Malta/Faithful Catholics pray for the Church

From the Prophet Isaias Chapter iii For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem and from Juda the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of bread, and the whole strength …More
From the Prophet Isaias Chapter iii
For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem and from Juda the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of bread, and the whole strength of water; the strong man, and the man of war, the judge and the prophet, and the cunning man, and the ancient, the captain over fifty, and the honourable in countenance , and the counselor, and the architect, and the skillful in eloquent speech.
And I will give children to be their princes; and the effeminate shall rule over them. For Jerusalem is ruined, and Juda has fallen, because their tongue and their devices are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his majesty. The show of their countenance hath answered them, and they have proclaimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and they have not hid it.
Woe to their souls, for evils are rendered to them! Say to the just man that it is well, for he shall eat the fruit of his doings. Woe to the wicked unto evil! for the reward of his hands shall …More

Three bishops launch ‘spiritual crusade’ urging Pope to rebuke Communion for adulterers

Over at LifeSite News KAZAKHSTAN, January 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) -- Three Eastern European bishops are urging the world’s faithful Catholics to join them in a "spiritual crusade" for Pope Francis. …More
Over at LifeSite News
KAZAKHSTAN, January 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) -- Three Eastern European bishops are urging the world’s faithful Catholics to join them in a "spiritual crusade" for Pope Francis. The bishops are calling on the faithful to pray for the Pope every day until he “revoke[s] in an unequivocal manner” pastoral guidelines created by erring bishops that allow Catholics living in the mortal sin of adultery to receive Holy Communion.
Rest Here: www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-three-…
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Catholic research Baptism of Desire

A recent study shows a footnote in the 1st Roman Catholic New Testament in English Anno 1582 with respect to baptism of desire. St. John Gospel Chapter 3 verse 5 Jesus answered, Amen, Amen, I say to …More
A recent study shows a footnote in the 1st Roman Catholic New Testament in English Anno 1582 with respect to baptism of desire.
St. John Gospel Chapter 3 verse 5 Jesus answered, Amen, Amen, I say to thee, Unless a man be born again of water and the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
The footnote in 1st Catholic N.T. in English 1582 and reprinted in several editions up too 1792 states.
-Baptism in water necessary to salvation.- 5. Born again of water.] As no man can enter into this world nor have his life and being in the same, except he be born of his carnal parents: no more can a man enter into the life and state of grace which is in Christ, or attain to life everlasting, unless he be born and baptized of water and the Holy Ghost. Whereby we see first, this Sacrament to be called our regeneration or second birth, in respect of our natural and carnal which was before. Secondly, that this sacrament consisteth of an external element of water, and internal virtue of the Holy …More
Lionel L. Andrades
rhemes1582 yesterday Lionel The notes in the Rhemes 1582 New Testament state Though in this case, God which hath not bound his grace, in respect of …More
rhemes1582 yesterday
Lionel The notes in the Rhemes 1582 New Testament state
Though in this case, God which hath not bound his grace, in respect of his own freedom, to any Sacrament, may and doth accept them as baptized, which either are martyred before they could be baptized, or else depart this life with vow and desire to have that Sacrament, but by some remediless necessity could not obtain it.
It is referring to a hypothetical case and not someone personally known.
Clearly these souls mentioned in the notes have not yet become visible members of the Catholic Church, because as the notes state { by some REMEDILESS necessity could NOT obtain it.
So you agree that they are not known, they are invisible ?
_________________________________ YET the same note states : Though in this case, God which hath not bound his grace, in respect of his own freedom, to any Sacrament, may and doth accept them as baptized, which either are martyred before they could …More
Lionel L. Andrades
As a layman , husband and father and confirmed Catholic I agree with the notes published in this example of the 1st Roman Catholic New Testament with …More
As a layman , husband and father and confirmed Catholic I agree with the notes published in this example of the 1st Roman Catholic New Testament with respect to the Baptism of desire..
You've missed the point.The baptism of desire is not an issue for me. I am not using the St.Benedict Center,U.S apologetics.
I accept the baptism of desire but for me it refers to invisible cases in 2016.
I am not offering a new theology or theory. I am only making a simple observation.
The baptism of desire refers to invisible cases in 2016.
It refers to unknown cases in 2016.

I also conform to the teaching of the Catholic Church fathers on the same subject. The Church Fathers who mentioned the baptism of desire did not state that it refers to personally known cases of persons saved without the baptism of water. This had to be inferred by the liberal theologians over the last hundred years or so. This is you inference. It is not mine. We both are Catholics. It's the …More
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A wise Faithful Catholic Teaches

Prepare ye the way of your funeral Last week a traditional Latin Requiem High Mass was offered for the funeral of an archdiocesan priest who enjoyed celebrating the TLM in his healthier years. It almost …More
Prepare ye the way of your funeral
Last week a traditional Latin Requiem High Mass was offered for the funeral of an archdiocesan priest who enjoyed celebrating the TLM in his healthier years. It almost did not happen, as the local ordinary insisted on a novus ordo funeral. Thankfully, the deceased priest made preparations for the day, and his attorney stepped in to amplify the late priest's desire, including having the funeral elsewhere if necessary. The archbishop (known as one of the more conservative prelates in the U.S.) dropped his case and attended the TLM Requiem Mass, offered by another archdiocesan priest.
A traditional funeral at an FSSP parish in 2014.
- See more at: rorate-caeli.blogspot.com

LifeSiteNews petition of support to the Cardinals asking Pope Francis to answer the dubia.

A Petition in support of the Cardinal`s request. Link here: lifepetitions.com/petition/pope-francis-i-…More
A Petition in support of the Cardinal`s request.
Link here:

The Franciscans of the Immaculate

May History record well: These terrible days. 15 Cloisters Dissolved: What Remains of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate? eponymousflower.blogspot.com Destruction of the Order of the …More
May History record well: These terrible days.
15 Cloisters Dissolved: What Remains of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate?
Destruction of the Order of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
Lionel L. Andrades
What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them? : Francis-Fellay talksMore
What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them? : Francis-Fellay talks
What about the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate who were once considered 'crypto Lefebvrists' why is there no dialogue with them?
The Franciscan Friars want to offer the Traditional Latin Mass, only like the SSPX. They also want to affirm the old ecclesiology, just like the SSPX.
Why is there no dialogue with these priests who are not allowed to offer the TLM and their canonical status is irregular ?.
Like the SSPX and Pope Francis they interpret Vatican Council II with the theology of Cushingism instead of Feeneyism. Like the SSPX they reject Vatican Council II interpreted with Cushingism and are unaware of the Feeneyite alternative.
Meanwhile Pope Francis accepts Vatican Council II interpreted with irrational Cushingism, which makes the Council a break with Tradition, and in particular the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(…More
Lionel L. Andrades
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are being forced to lie Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz,President and Fr.Sabino Ardito ,Secretary respectively of the …More
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate are being forced to lie
Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz,President and Fr.Sabino Ardito ,Secretary respectively of the Congregation for Institutes of Religious Life and Societies of Apostolic Life are not allowing Catholics to affirm implicit, invisible for us baptism of desire along with the literal and traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Feeneyite).All Catholic religious communities must accept that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are visible to us on earth, we know these cases in real life. This is a lie.1
It is a lie being forced upon on all religious communities including the Franciscans of the Immaculate.This is a lie which is being imposed also on Fr.Stefano Manelli, the founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate.
All members of the Franciscans of the Immaculate must have the right to be rational and truthful.
They must have the right to affirm the defined dogma extra ecclesiam …
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Explanation of the Brown Scapular -- and the Sabbatine Privilege

Many thanks to Blog Rorate Caeli for this Explanation of the Brown Scapular -- and the Sabbatine Privilege Graphic courtesy the Order of Carmelites There is almost no other topic on which we post that …More
Many thanks to Blog Rorate Caeli for this
Explanation of the Brown Scapular -- and the Sabbatine Privilege
Graphic courtesy the Order of Carmelites
There is almost no other topic on which we post that elicits more hate mail then when we write about the Sabbatine Privilege: the hundreds-of-years-old tradition that was approved by numerous popes and grants that anyone who wears, is enrolled in and who fulfills the daily obligations of the Brown Scapular will be consoled by Our Lady and taken to Heaven out of Purgatory on the first Saturday after his death (simply wearing the Brown Scapular is not enough to receive the Privilege).
We get hate mail from modernist laymen, priests and even some Carmelites as well. It's as if the demons do everything they can to stir these liberals into a frenzy whenever our fingers tap the keyboard to post on the Privilege.
Yet, we know it's true:
A Pope granted it and Popes have ratified it: John XXII, Alexander V, Nicholas V, Sixtus, IV, Clement VII, Paul …More

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Replies to The Remnant’s Open Letter on Amoris Laetitia

source Remnant Newspaper link remnantnewspaper.com/…/2558-bishop-ath… Bishop Athanasius Schneider Replies to The Remnant’s Open Letter on Amoris Laetitia Written by Bishop Athanasius Schneider Bishop …More
source Remnant Newspaper
link remnantnewspaper.com/…/2558-bishop-ath…
Bishop Athanasius Schneider Replies to The Remnant’s Open Letter on Amoris Laetitia
Written by Bishop Athanasius Schneider
Bishop Athanasius Schneider
May 26, 2016
Dear Mr. Matt:
Thank you for your greetings. I wrote an answer to The Remnant‘s Open Letter, which I send to you in the attachment and you can publish. God bless abundantly you and your apostolate for the Catholic faith. With cordial greetings in Jesus and Mary, + Athanasius Schneider Dear Mr. Christopher A. Ferrara: On May 9, 2016 you published on “The Remnant” website an open letter to me regarding the question of the Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris laetitia”. As a bishop, I am grateful and at the same time encouraged to receive from a Catholic layman such a clear and beautiful manifestation of the “sensus fidei” regarding the Divine truth on marriage and the moral law. I am agreeing with your observations as to those expressions in AL (“Amoris laetitia”…More
AMEN: "What is at stake are the natural and logical consequences of the ambiguous expressions of AL. Indeed, they contain a real spiritual danger, …More
AMEN: "What is at stake are the natural and logical consequences of the ambiguous expressions of AL. Indeed, they contain a real spiritual danger, which will cause doctrinal confusion, a fast and easy spreading of heterodox doctrines concerning marriage and moral law, and also the adoption and consolidation of the praxis of admitting divorced and remarried to Holy Communion, a praxis which will trivialize and profane, as to say, at one blow three sacraments: the sacrament of Marriage, of Penance, and of the Most Holy Eucharist."

Official response of Bishop Athanasius Schneider to Amoris Laetitia

Official response of Bishop Athanasius Schneider to Amoris Laetitia The following was written by His Excellency Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of St Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan. …More
Official response of Bishop Athanasius Schneider to Amoris Laetitia
The following was written by His Excellency Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of St Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan.
This is the official response to Amoris Laetitia from the good bishop. He wishes this to be read by all so please repost and forward far and wide.
"Amoris laetitia": a need for clarification in order to avoid a general confusion
The paradox of the contradictory interpretations of "Amoris laetitia"

The recently published Apostolic Exhortation “Amoris laetitia” (AL), which contains a plethora of spiritual and pastoral riches with regard to life within marriage and the Christian family in our times, has unfortunately, within a very short time, led to very contradictory interpretations even among the episcopate.
There are bishops and priests who publicly and openly declare that AL represents a very clear opening-up to communion for the divorced and remarried, without requiring them to practice …More

Quasimodo or Low Sunday, The Octave of the Pasch

This Sunday commonly called with us Low Sunday, has two names assigned to it in the Liturgy: Quasimodo, from the first word of the Introit; and Sunday in albis ( or more explicitly in albis depositis),More
This Sunday commonly called with us Low Sunday, has two names assigned to it in the Liturgy: Quasimodo, from the first word of the Introit; and Sunday in albis ( or more explicitly in albis depositis), because on this day the neophytes assisted at the church services attired in their ordinary dress. In the Middle Ages it was called Close--Pasch no doubt in allusion to its being the last day of the Easter Octave. Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of Greater Double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it.
bold emphasis mine.

At Rome, the Station is in the basilica of St. Pancras, on the Aurelian Way
The Introit repeats those beautiful words of St. Peter, which were addressed, in yesterday`s Epistle, to the newly baptized. They are like new born babes, lovely in their sweet simplicity, and eager to drink from the breasts of their
dear mother, the Church, the spiritual milk of faith--that faith which will make them strong and loyal.
@Humilitatis Thanks very much..........Like many people now a days, I have been very busy. In The Immaculate Heart of MaryMore
@Humilitatis Thanks very much..........Like many people now a days, I have been very busy.
In The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Nice to see you on Gloria.tv !! 😀

Catholics: Hear the Words of this Prophet.

.Catholics: Hear the Words of this Prophet. Wednesday 1st Week of Advent From the Prophet Isaias Chapter iii For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem and from Juda the …More
.Catholics: Hear the Words of this Prophet.
1st Week of Advent

From the Prophet Isaias Chapter iii
For behold the sovereign the Lord of hosts shall take away from Jerusalem and from Juda the valiant and the strong, the whole strength of bread, and the whole strength of water; the strong man, and the man of war, the judge and the prophet, and the cunning man, and the ancient, the captain over fifty, and the honourable in countenance , and the counselor, and the architect, and the skillful in eloquent speech.
And I will give children to be their princes; and the effeminate shall rule over them. For Jerusalem is ruined, and Juda has fallen, because their tongue and their devices are against the Lord, to provoke the eyes of his majesty. The show of their countenance hath answered them, and they have proclaimed abroad their sin as Sodom, and they have not hid it.
Woe to their souls, for evils are rendered to them! Say to the just man that it is well, for he shall eat the fruit of …More
@Abramo AmenMore
@rhemes1582: I join you in prayer, but don't forget: The truly powerful prayer ist the public prayer of the Church.
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Synod update: Continued prayers and mortifications are all the more necessary.

source Rorate Caeli link below DANGER AHEAD. Synod document drafting committee member: Familiaris Consortio? "Circumstances have changed!" Divorced-and-remarried, "decentralization" still on the agendaMore
source Rorate Caeli link below
DANGER AHEAD. Synod document drafting committee member: Familiaris Consortio? "Circumstances have changed!" Divorced-and-remarried, "decentralization" still on the agenda
Cardinal Oswald Gracias of Mumbai, one of ten mostly-liberal prelates assigned by Pope Francis to the drafting committee for the final Synod relation, has unexpectedly emerged in recent days as a champion for greater "openness" to homosexuals. His comments in today's Vatican press conference are true to form, and given his role in drafting the Synod document hints at something that can be manipulated in favor of Kasperite and liberal concerns.
It is telling that in speaking of decentralization he, and other champions of this idea, repeatedly refer to the problem of polygamy in Africa as an example of issues that need to be dealt with by local bishops' conferences. One has to ask if this is an agreed-on liberal talking-point to humiliate the African bishops into endorsing the "decentralization …More

Raymond Cardinal Burke speaks to LifeSiteNews on Synod

source Blog Vox Cantoris Raymond Cardinal Burke speaks to LifeSiteNews on Synod John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews interviewed Cardinal Burke on Thursday in Rome. This is how a Cardinal speaks, with …More
source Blog Vox Cantoris
Raymond Cardinal Burke speaks to LifeSiteNews on Synod
John-Henry Westen of LifeSiteNews interviewed Cardinal Burke on Thursday in Rome. This is how a Cardinal speaks, with truth and clarity and a supernatural faith
LSN: What do you make of the idea of “regional diversity” in the Church? Should local bishops have the authority on a pastoral level to deal with questions pertaining to the “social acceptance of homosexuality” and with “divorced and remarried persons?”
Burke: This is simply contrary to Catholic Faith and life.
read more here: voxcantor.blogspot.com/…/raymond-cardina…
link to LifeSiteNews www.lifesitenews.com/news/exclusive-cardi…
St Turibio Romo
It is simply diabolic.

Synod, Day 6 - Faithful Catholics are watching, reporting, and praying.

Source Rorate Caeli full story here: rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/synod-day-6-fin… Synod, Day 6 - Final Relatio in danger; Rules changed by the hour - Microphone denied to Erdo, as to Ottaviani in …More
Source Rorate Caeli full story here: rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/synod-day-6-fin…
Synod, Day 6 - Final Relatio in danger; Rules changed by the hour - Microphone denied to Erdo, as to Ottaviani in Vatican II
Since before the Synod, there were doubts about a specific post-synodal papal exhortation, but there were never any doubts that there would be a final Relatio voted by the Assembly. Not anymore! The votes must be in doubt on the side of the manipulators, because since Cardinal Tagle first mentioned the possibility that there might be no final document at all in yesterday's press conference, that has been the general talk.
Plus, there is complete disarray in the order of works. While Cardinal Erdo, formally the Relator-General, should be presenting his reports on the second and third parts of the Instrumentum Laboris, the floor has simply not been yielded to him anymore. Not at all! The third part of the Instrumentum, with its most controversial portions (on "remarried" divorcees and …More
@On Guard. All that we believe as Roman Catholics has been grafted to the Magisterium. We are not obligated to believe ANY novelty from any pope or …More
@On Guard. All that we believe as Roman Catholics has been grafted to the Magisterium. We are not obligated to believe ANY novelty from any pope or Synod that contradicts what the Church has taught down through the centuries. They cannot invent anything new that supercedes our sacred tradition. The Church is unchanging because our head (Jesus Christ) never changes.
On Guard
When the ostrich has his head in the sand.....he can still get shot in the "butt". CAREFUL. Are we going to have another fiasco like Vat. II ?????? Will …More
When the ostrich has his head in the sand.....he can still get shot in the "butt". CAREFUL.
Are we going to have another fiasco like Vat. II ?????? Will there ever be a "turning back to sanity"???

Catholics : A Call to Prayer

source RORATE CAELI link below Please, pray with us, along with many Catholics around the world, this Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel for Holy Mother the Church Use any prayer you may prefer …More
source RORATE CAELI link below
Please, pray with us, along with many Catholics around the world, this Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel for Holy Mother the Church
Use any prayer you may prefer during the novena, let us pray the most powerful celestial protector, SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, for special protection against the diabolical forces of pure evil attacking our Holy Mother the Church in the weeks and months ahead. The Church truly needs it. The novena goes from September 20 to September 29 (or September 19 to September 28, for those who prefer to end it on the eve of the feast), and a prayer suggestion is of course the long original version of the abbreviated version proposed by Pope Leo XIII and said after each Low Traditional Mass.
It is as follows:
Full Version:
Latin and English Here:

Faithful Catholics doing what they can. Pray for upcoming Synod on family.

source Life site news, article by Pete Baklinski with link below Major appeal by theologians urges Pope to delete ‘seriously defective’ Synod text on contraception. ROME, September 14, 2015 (LifeSiteNewsMore
source Life site news, article by Pete Baklinski with link below
Major appeal by theologians urges Pope to delete ‘seriously defective’ Synod text on contraception.
ROME, September 14, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- As many as 60 highly distinguished Catholic moral theologians and philosophers are appealing to Pope Francis to delete a controversial paragraph from the preparatory document for the Synod of the Family that they say “contradicts” Catholic teaching against the “intrinsically evil act” of using contraception.
They say if the text is approved during the Synod next month in Rome, it could have “devastating consequences for the faithful.”
read more here: www.lifesitenews.com/news/major-appeal-by…

Catholics have many concerns about upcoming Synod

source Rorate Caeli Double-standards at work in the selection of Synod members? The curious cases of Cardinal Tong Hon and Archbishop Cordileone I. Did the Vatican lie in excluding Cardinal Tong Hon?More
source Rorate Caeli
Double-standards at work in the selection of Synod members? The curious cases of Cardinal Tong Hon and Archbishop Cordileone
I. Did the Vatican lie in excluding Cardinal Tong Hon?
The final list of the members of the 2015 Synod of Bishops includes a good number of prelates past the "retirement age" of 75, including a handful of octogenarian Cardinals: Tettamanzi (81), Kasper (82), Danneels (82), Sgreccia (87), and Sodano (88 in November of this year). Many others are between the ages of 75 and 80, such as Cardinal Damasceno Assis (one of the four President-Delegates of the Synod, who is 77), the Curial dicastery heads Cardinals Coccopalmerio (77), Amato (77), Veglio (77), and many others. Without falling into blind faith in the "biological solution" against liberalism -- there are, after all, a good number of liberal theologians and prelates in their 40's, 50's and early 60's -- it should be noted that the "Kasperite camp" has as its most prominent leaders and …More
On Guard
The vatican can accept and promote the "heretical German hierarchy", but they are frightened of the possibility of someone who is a TRUE Catholic to …More
The vatican can accept and promote the "heretical German hierarchy", but they are frightened of the possibility of someone who is a TRUE Catholic to have any influence on the new church innovations.
What happened to: "God said it, I believe it, that settles it! ! ! ! !