
UPDATE: Brief critical comment on the statement by Fr. Arnaud Sélégny FSSPX dated 24.09.21

The General House of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X published a statement called “Practical considerations for vaccination against Covid-19”…-considerations-vaccination-against-covid …More
The General House of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X published a statement called “Practical considerations for vaccination against Covid-19”…-considerations-vaccination-against-covid-19-68811 by Fr. Arnaud Sélégny on September 24, 2021.
This already triggered critical reactions. Criticism of Fr. Sélégny's overly positive attitude towards the novel vaccination, which many believers find incomprehensible, came, for example, from a layman, Anthony Ambrosetti , from the USA who is affiliated with the Society. As one can hear, he is far from being alone: priests and faithful associated with the SSPX, as well as others, are shocked and scandalized. Some wonder how it can be that the bulwark of the full Catholic faith gives space to relativism here.
Recognition of the activity of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.
We recognize with the expression of gratitude that since its foundation the Priestly Society has …More and 7 more users link to this post
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Don't see much of a change in his attitude toward the Jab. Apparently St. Thomas Aquinas was not clear enough.
Jeffrey Ade
I'm with you! Signed me too!