
Homosexualist Paglia Advocates the Murder of Children

Homosexualist Vincenzo Paglia, head of the Pontifical Academy against Life, has justified the appointment of the atheist and abortion activist Mariana Mazzucato as member of his academy (TheTablet.co.uk, November 10).

With thousands dying of hunger, it is essential for Paglia to talk about economics ("an economist is indispensable"), as if there were no decent economists apart from the abortion activist Mazzucato.

Using word cosmetics to fool the stupid he called Mazzucato “rather pro-choice [= pro-abortion] than pro-abortion [= pro-choice].”

For Paglia, the term "pro-life" does not refer to abortion but to "war", "hunger", "poverty" or "suicide". His attempt to sweep abortion under the carpet is all too obvious.

He labels debates on abortion and euthanasia as "ideologised" and wants to dismantle "ideological prejudices". However, defending unborn children is not an "ideological prejudice" - whereas promoting abortion is.

Paglia accuses Humanae Vitae of focusing on "a small aspect" of contraception and proposes a "new [= pro-abortion] thinking". He insults Catholics who do not question Catholic teaching ["oppose discussion"], whereas only a second ago he was opposing discussing abortion.

“I think there is a deep problem of faithfulness to the Spirit. And that is to say, that it is a pathology, it is a sick faith" he pronounced judgment over himself.

Below, Paglia can be seen being painted on the wall of his former cathedral by Argentine homosexual Ricardo Cinalli. Cinalli is known for painting naked male bodies.


De Profundis
Pro-choice is pro-abortion
Just too perfect. Archbishop Paglia appeals to John 16:12, of which St Augustine memorably remarked: “All heretics, when their fables are rejected for their extravagance by the common sense of mankind, try to defend themselves by this text”
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur
But, of course he does...
They know that their greatest hope of achieving their goals is to ride on the coattails of JPII. There's a time to tear down (JPII's goal and dream, rather than-with great cruelty-hijack) and a time to (in vain) build.
there will be a time of reckoning
Wulfram Elendur Magladhur
Nope. Not any time soon. It is going to get much much worse. The evil Synagogue of Satan psychopaths will have their victories on earth for a very long time to come.
The painting was done in time of Benedict XVI. If his boss, then and now, does not suspend him, it is because he defends his position.
foward appointment or suspension of evil man doesn't imply cooperation as such. Therefore collective responsibilty in this or other cases is applicable upon fulfilling due conditions. I hope you wouldn't accuse Our Lord likewise you unjustly done to His Vicar BXI for appointing Judas...
Painting continued in the cathedral. It should have been erased.
foward your fallacy of pope BXVI being guilty fails to assess the claim on its merit since you didn't provide evidence of him ordering or painting it... You substituted logic for psychology...
No falsehood. The mural was notorious in the cathedral at the time of Benedict XVI.