
Missionary Archbishop: Francis Paves Way For Antichrist

Francis is “radically damaging the unity and legacy of nearly two thousands years,” retired Karaganda Archbishop Jan Lenga, 71, who was suspended for his courage says in a July 27 Polish video about …More
Francis is “radically damaging the unity and legacy of nearly two thousands years,” retired Karaganda Archbishop Jan Lenga, 71, who was suspended for his courage says in a July 27 Polish video about Traditiones Custodes (below).
Francis is trying “to damage everything that still gives any signs of glory and worship to Jesus Christ as God,” Lenga analyses. For him, Bergoglio is like a step-mother who prefers some of her children but not those who love God, who are treated as if they were "terrorists."
He points out that Pius V (+1572) didn’t change the Missal but only produced an Editio typica, whereas Paul VI (+1978) “whom they call a Saint changed nearly two thousand years of Catholicism.”
For Lenga, the New Rite is a “damaged Mass” and a “cancer” created by politicians because the “Mass of All Times” was an obstacle to “the masonic, lay, modernist, liberal, progressive cancer forced upon the Church.”
There is now a conflict between obeying Christ or Francis who “tries to destroy the …More
Live Mike
May God bless him and Our Lady protect him always
If only we had penitent hearts then God would use even our sins to bring us home.