
Peña Parra: Gay Accusations Against Deputy Secretary Of State Confirmed

Gastón Lopez, director of the Maracaibo daily Que Pasa, Venezuela, has confirmed Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó's accusations against Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, the Vatican's Deputy Secretariat of …More
Gastón Lopez, director of the Maracaibo daily Que Pasa, Venezuela, has confirmed Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó's accusations against Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, the Vatican's Deputy Secretariat of State.
Lopez spoke to the journalists Marco Tosatti and Gabriel Ariza (August 1).
Years ago, Lopez wrote two articles dealing with sixteen priests who formed a gay lobby in Maracaibo. Among them was Peña Parra.
Lopez tried to meet the Nuncio in Venezuela but was not received by him. Therefore he wrote a letter to the Nuncio repeating the facts contained in his articles.
This document was seen by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò who at the time was working at the Secretariat of State.
Picture: Edgar Peña Parra, © Kudmot, CC BY-SA, #newsLjdujiqdoh
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Another of Francis’s ‘Friends’ and Homo-Fagola-fem ‘Bishop.’
The Homosexual Network Strangling the Church Must Be Destroyed!
Beginning with Antipope ‘Francis’ its head. Begun, the Destroyer, Chief of the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.
Immaculate Heart, Pray for us!More
Another of Francis’s ‘Friends’ and Homo-Fagola-fem ‘Bishop.’

The Homosexual Network Strangling the Church Must Be Destroyed!

Beginning with Antipope ‘Francis’ its head. Begun, the Destroyer, Chief of the Homosexual Network Strangling the Church.

Immaculate Heart, Pray for us!
Gesù è con noi
Remember that Bergoglio said: "that he does not believe the charges against Archbishop Peña Parra, suggesting that attacks on the sostituto are really attacks on him". The same strategy with which Bergoglio also protected predatory homosexuals in Argentina.www.catholicculture.org/news/headlines/index.cfm
Gesù è con noi
The New York Times reports that Vigano has named the assistant Vatican Secretary of State, Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, as credibly accused of sexual abuse of seminarians since at least 2002. www.catholicculture.org/commentary/the-city-gates.cfm
Hell is filling quickly. Maybe need to add a Vatican wing.
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Another sordid friend of Francis. The usual FrancisFaggotry.