
Exclusive: Carthusians' General Fights "Ultra Conservatives"

The International Fellowship of Saint Bruno (IFSB), a lay group close to the Carthusians, asked Dom Dysmas de Lassus, the Carthusians' Superior General, about recent events in Marienau charterhouse, …More
The International Fellowship of Saint Bruno (IFSB), a lay group close to the Carthusians, asked Dom Dysmas de Lassus, the Carthusians' Superior General, about recent events in Marienau charterhouse, Germany.
Marienau is the monastery with the worldwide largest Carthusian community, more than thirty. De Lassus lives in the Grand Chartreuse in France.
The inquiry was motivated by Gloria.tv’s reports about the eviction of two monks who celebrated the Old Carthusian Rite, and the imposition of the former Swiss Benedictine abbot Martin Werlen as an "apostolic assistant."
In his reply to the IFSB, De Lassus defends Werlen's appointment. Werlen is a trained psychologist and anti-Catholic militant who champions gay blessings, homosexual fornication, female ordination, married priests etc.
Simultaneously, De Lassus labels those monks who love the liturgy of Saint Bruno and who criticise Werlen as "ultra-conservative," while belittling Werlen's anti-Catholicism as "not always ideal."
De Lassus …More