
Persecuted German Carthusians Take Refuge With PiusX

Former Swiss abbot Martin Werlen OSB, a very outspoken anti-Catholic agitator, wasn't only made the visitator but also the commissioner of Marienau charterhouse in Germany.

He visits the charterhouse every month, meets the monks individually and talks regularly to the community. Outwardly charming, he divided the community and sowed distrust among the monks.

Werlen changed the leadership positions. The prior was replaced by Father Moses Maria, who received a two-year mandate as a "rector". In the summer of 2019, this change was reported in the parish letter of Father Moses' hometown Bad Wörishofen, including a portrait of him (pdf page below).

Werlen pushed for hand communion and introduced modern books into the library. A priest and a brother, committed to the old Carthusian customs and sceptical of Werlen, were forced to move to the more liberal charterhouse in Pleterje, Slovenia.

However, they stayed there only few weeks and then took temporary refuge with the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) in Austria. The PiusX prior in Vienna mentioned this in his Sunday homily.


comfort ye
Ok, PiusX, its your time to shine. Wish my FSSP would shelter some of these persecuted... Oh, sorry, they are sheltering in place themselves!
Mater Ter Admirabilis
This movie - The Catholics (1973) - interestingly discusses this topic.
After reading "A Time to Die" by Diat, I was wondering when "they" would get to the Carthusians?
Thors Catholic Hammer
Carthusian monks lead a contemplative life.
The now demonic antipope Francis knows that the power of contemplative prayer is the greatest obstacle to his war on the true catholic faith.
Hence these persecutions.
Remember the antipope has no spiritual authority whatsoever and the sooner bishops and priests understand this the better.
c. By a Carmelite
The Church appears to have two Popes-
Two bishops dressed in white:
It seems that certain prophecies
Are now being proven right.
The head would be Pope Benedict,
Although he's old and frail;
While Francis, with his open lies,
Appears to be the tail.
Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
The papacy retains;
Although compelled to make a show
Of passing on the reins.
Thus …More
c. By a Carmelite

The Church appears to have two Popes-
Two bishops dressed in white:
It seems that certain prophecies
Are now being proven right.

The head would be Pope Benedict,
Although he's old and frail;
While Francis, with his open lies,
Appears to be the tail.

Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
The papacy retains;
Although compelled to make a show
Of passing on the reins.

Thus Francis is an anti-pope,
Whatever he may claim;
An enemy of Catholics;
Unworthy of his name.

Both head and tail have erred from truth,
So both we must avoid;
The time is coming very soon
When both shall be destroyed.

Meanwhile all faithful Catholics
Must never cease to pray,
That Satan's hour will quickly end
And God will have His day.

"And the Lord shall destroy our of Israel the head and the tail, Him that bendeth down and him that holdeth back in one day. The aged and the honourable, he is the head: and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail." Isaias 9:14-15
There is no rhyme in this verse,
"Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
Retains the papacy;
Though forced to publicly resign
The active ministry."
I suggest:
Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
Retains the quasi-papacy;
Though forced to be pensioner,
He smashed Peter's Chair with
German accuracy.More
There is no rhyme in this verse,

"Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
Retains the papacy;
Though forced to publicly resign
The active ministry."
I suggest:
Pope Benedict, a prisoner,
Retains the quasi-papacy;
Though forced to be pensioner,
He smashed Peter's Chair with
German accuracy.
Thors Catholic Hammer
The papacy can not be subdivided though pope Benedict may erroneously think that it can.
The church teaches by divine law that the papacy can only subsist in one man.
comfort ye
I would venture to say that makes sense.