
Fatima Cardinal Imposes Communion in Hand - Makes Fool Out of Himself

Mercilessly, Fatima Cardinal António Marto, 73, Portugal, refused the petition of 500 people asking to receive Communion properly [on the tongue] despite the coronavirus. Marto made a fool out of …More
Mercilessly, Fatima Cardinal António Marto, 73, Portugal, refused the petition of 500 people asking to receive Communion properly [on the tongue] despite the coronavirus.
Marto made a fool out of himself by telling PontoSJ.pt (May 29) that “Jesus said ‘take and eat’ - take it; he didn’t say ‘open your mouth’.” However, Jesus said this to his apostles, not to the faithful, who receive the Holy Sacrament from them.
For Marto, 500 convinced Catholics don't represent a “very significant” reality in the Church and in his secularised country. He regrets that faithful question the “bishops’ own faith,” although this faith all too often questionable.
In his aversion against the proper reception of Communion Marto also comes up with the self-defeating argument that there is “so much dirt in the mouths” - while overlooking that this is likewise an "argument" against Communion in the hand which eventually also ends up in the mouth.
The petition argues that the illegal prohibition of Communion on …More
There were and are many horrible bishops and priests who worked against the Church and received communion on the tongue. They followed the custom, but didn't it make them holier? Christ fed his disciples when hungry on the Sabbath.
I will consume Christ by the hand and not throw a fit if I can't do it by tongue. It's the intent of the repository of Christ, the soul, that matters.
You can be extremely …More
There were and are many horrible bishops and priests who worked against the Church and received communion on the tongue. They followed the custom, but didn't it make them holier? Christ fed his disciples when hungry on the Sabbath.

I will consume Christ by the hand and not throw a fit if I can't do it by tongue. It's the intent of the repository of Christ, the soul, that matters.

You can be extremely reverent and receive by the hand, and live your life like a degenerate and receive it on the tongue.

I'd rather go receive Jesus in Novus Ordo than not receive Him at all.
Thank you and I can see you have real concern. You love and understand the Blessed Sacrament must be guarded.
Our Lord places Himself precariously at the total control of man.
This Brother is the problem. How many Sacred Fragments are caused and dropped—even when the Host is given as reverently as possible?
The Roman Catechism, p.233 “that in this Sacrament are contained not only the true body of …More
Thank you and I can see you have real concern. You love and understand the Blessed Sacrament must be guarded.

Our Lord places Himself precariously at the total control of man.

This Brother is the problem. How many Sacred Fragments are caused and dropped—even when the Host is given as reverently as possible?

The Roman Catechism, p.233 “that in this Sacrament are contained not only the true body of Christ and all the constituents of a true body, such as bones and sinews, but also Christ, whole and entire” and further that, page 239 “the body of our Lord is contained whole and entire under the least particle of the bread.”

Can you knowingly partake condone a practice that drops Our Lord on the carpet destined to end up helplessly in the vacuum bag for months until final destruction?

We care about Our Lord but not that much?

Gal 2:11 But when Cephas was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed.

If something is wrong I wouldn’t even obey the Pope that is not the mind of the Church. When the Pope is in conformity with the continuous mind of the Church then we obey.

When in 1960’s communion in the hand was identified as an abuse for all the above reasons and more how can an abuse ever become worthy? Judge things by worldly standards. How would the world take Holy Communion? My ways are not your ways.
Jmy1975 1. normative distribution of Communion kneeling and on the tongue is logical and practical consequence of Eucharistic Doctrine on the Real Presence formulated in five canons in the Council of Trent. 2. Human being is composition of flesh and soul. Therefore these natures always accord and never contradict. Disposition should be prerequisite as reverence in the heart and in the form of the …More
Jmy1975 1. normative distribution of Communion kneeling and on the tongue is logical and practical consequence of Eucharistic Doctrine on the Real Presence formulated in five canons in the Council of Trent. 2. Human being is composition of flesh and soul. Therefore these natures always accord and never contradict. Disposition should be prerequisite as reverence in the heart and in the form of the body. 3. Layman is forbidden to touch Holy Communion as consecrated Hosts should touch the consecrated matter in harmony of supernatural nature. The hands of the priest are consecrated. Only in real extra ordinary situation, i.e. death a layman could be potentially allowed to touch Holy Host. 4. One may find potentially good and bad person in any circumstances, Novus Ordo or LTM, which is irrelevant to the real act of reverence of God in the Holy Communion in the perfect form genuflecting and receiving on the tongue.
Scapular, the host has been mishandled when given on the tongue. That's why there is a communion plate held there. You can't make someone reverent. Love of Jesus is what makes your communion mean something. And like I said, in the hand is better than none at all. Do you think that Paul VI was a holier person bc he received communion on the tongue early in life, and gave it to parishioners before he …More
Scapular, the host has been mishandled when given on the tongue. That's why there is a communion plate held there. You can't make someone reverent. Love of Jesus is what makes your communion mean something. And like I said, in the hand is better than none at all. Do you think that Paul VI was a holier person bc he received communion on the tongue early in life, and gave it to parishioners before he ruined the mass? Let's think logically here.
Rafael, you touch the host with your tongue. You touch it with your mouth. You chew it, you swallow it. If your hands aren't worthy to receive Jesus, much less is your mouth. Misuse of the host is the issue which can also happen with on the tongue. If my sins are forgiven, and I receive communion, Jesus Christ wants me to receive him, and my body is worthy to because He paid that price. If I receive …More
Rafael, you touch the host with your tongue. You touch it with your mouth. You chew it, you swallow it. If your hands aren't worthy to receive Jesus, much less is your mouth. Misuse of the host is the issue which can also happen with on the tongue. If my sins are forgiven, and I receive communion, Jesus Christ wants me to receive him, and my body is worthy to because He paid that price. If I receive Jesus by the tongue and my heart is evil, I've satisfied a Church custom, but I've committed a much larger sin.
Jmy1975 your arguments amount to simple sophistry perverting truth, even science, not worthy to reply. You have replaced Church Magisterium with false subjective axioms common for all who justify erroneous Communion on the hand leading to objective profanation with end to refuse to continue to follow, obey, or recognize Catholic faith - apostasy. Unfortunately, you change the hierarchical order by …More
Jmy1975 your arguments amount to simple sophistry perverting truth, even science, not worthy to reply. You have replaced Church Magisterium with false subjective axioms common for all who justify erroneous Communion on the hand leading to objective profanation with end to refuse to continue to follow, obey, or recognize Catholic faith - apostasy. Unfortunately, you change the hierarchical order by placing the will of man to feel subjectively good (in heart) about himself before the will of God to give Him integrally inner and outer reverence with soul , heart and body. Worth noting is sister Lucia's of Fatima account of the Angel from Heaven, messenger of God, teaching them (3 children) to kneel and receive on the tongue Our Lord present in the Holy Communion. The Angel did not make the only prerequisite their cleansed hearts but also visible sign of reverence through the position of the bodies which has deep doctrinal connection. Unfortunately, in your arguments slowly emerges the notion of protestant heretical doctrine through justification and fideism with rejection of Church Magisterium as protestants and heretics occupying our Catholic Churches adhere in the new the post conciliar false religion ...

ps Didn't anyone teach you to receive Holy Communion with upmost reverence delicately and patiently wait untill HC slowly dissolves in your mouth without biting and eating like a hungry animal, since I reckon you are a human being? As to basic function of the plate placed under the chin is to protect Holy Host from falling and any other small particles which are real Body and Christ of Our Lord. Otherwise Christ present in every part of a validly consecrated Host falls to the ground or elsewhere to be stepped on and profaned which happens through Communion distributed on hands with end to be potentially excommunicated...
Pray that this cleric is removed from Fatima, by the Lord HimSelf - Marto has overseen the destruction of so much of the Sacred at Our Lady's Holy Shrine in Fatima - volumes could be written on this!
Bergoglio should be ousted.
Ousted from Casa Santa Marta? ps Pope Benedict XVI apartment is not occupied.
"500 Catholics don't represent a very significant reality"?
Numbers determine reality for this man?
Jesus and 12 Apostles only add up to 13.
Catholics understand reality is not based on numbers.
I Love You Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of The Altar.
It becomes more clear every day why Heaven had the Angel of Fatima teach the 3 children the prayer of reparation for sins against The Most Blessed …More
"500 Catholics don't represent a very significant reality"?
Numbers determine reality for this man?
Jesus and 12 Apostles only add up to 13.
Catholics understand reality is not based on numbers.

I Love You Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of The Altar.
It becomes more clear every day why Heaven had the Angel of Fatima teach the 3 children the prayer of reparation for sins against The Most Blessed Sacrament
The 500 must know that the hierarchy in the Church has been usurped at its highest levels. If you ask Judas for the Catholic faith, you already know the answer.