
Kindergarten: Francis Prefers Pelé

Dressed in a stained cassock, Francis told the Italian state broadcaster TG1 on November 1 that [in the circles in which he moves] it is “a bit fashionable” to talk about homosexuality.

Regarding homosexual unions, he said that the Church receives “everyone”, but he didn't explain what "receive" means.

“When I say ‘everyone, everyone, everyone’, it's the people" - which is an abstract concept that means everything and nothing. "The Church welcomes people, everyone [paedophiles?], and does not ask what you are like" - but only as long as the person has the support of the oligarchs' media.

Against historical facts, Francis claimed that celibacy, which originated in the apostolic times, "goes back to the 12th century", calling it "a law that can be changed", when in fact it is imitation of Christ.

"I don't think it would help to change it, because the problem [of lack of vocations] is different. It wouldn't help”, he said, seeing celibacy only in utilitarian terms.

Francis sees a "theological problem" for an [invalid] deaconate for women. Women can take on "leadership" roles but not ordained ministry.

Like an obsession, he who is stuck in the 1960s, railed against “backwardness”, fighting his own shadow:

“They do not accept that the Church is moving forward, that it is on its way. A Church that cuts itself off from its roots goes backwards and loses this sap of healthy tradition, which is not conservatism, no. Tradition grows. And it must move forward.”

The know-it-all Francis knows that the solution in Gaza is “two limited states and Jerusalem with a special status.”

He has announced that he will attend the globalists’ climate summit in Dubai while his Church burns merrily.

On the final, infantile question about which of the two Argentine footballers, Maradona or Messi, he preferred, he said: “I'll say a third: Pelé”. He should have been a sports pundit.


Imagine having most of your day consumed by discussing homosexuals and gay sex. Only closet homo-clergy would actually enjoy this.
It is “a bit fashionable” to talk about homosexuality says Jorge.. Well that's all he hangs around with, the silly old poof!
Tony M
Bergoglio is the opposite of the Popes of history!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Dressed in a stained cassock, Francis told the Italian state broadcaster TG1 on November 1 that [in the circles in which he moves] it is “a bit fashionable” to talk about homosexuality."
Pope Francis is such a slob. Stained cassock. And everyone can see his black clerical pants thru his thin cassock. Total slob.
I knew that the minute he stepped out onto the balcony of St. Peter's without mozzetta …More
"Dressed in a stained cassock, Francis told the Italian state broadcaster TG1 on November 1 that [in the circles in which he moves] it is “a bit fashionable” to talk about homosexuality."
Pope Francis is such a slob. Stained cassock. And everyone can see his black clerical pants thru his thin cassock. Total slob.
I knew that the minute he stepped out onto the balcony of St. Peter's without mozzetta and stole. I knew we were in for trouble.
Benedict XVI dressed more like a Pope than any I ever knew. But the best Pope, who really knew how to present himself as Pope, as well as dress, act, speak and write as a Pope, was the great Venerable Pope Pius XII (1939-1958). He was a magnificent Pope, and the Church in all branches flourished under him. Our Archdiosecean seminary had close to 600 seminarians, the nearby Augustinian (OSA) major seminary had over 200, and the six major religious Orders of teaching/nursing sisters in our Archdiocese of Philadelphia had a combined total of 500 young girls enter each year. For 1954 the Sisters of St.Joseph, Sisters,Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Franciscan Sisters of Philadelphia, and the Sisters of Mercy, Bernardine Sisters, and the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus had 600 postulants between them all! Today, each Order has 0 postulants, and afew have not had any in years.
I hope the next Pope is more like a Benedict XVI in every way, or even a Pius XII. Not like JPII, who had little interest in Papal vesture, but at least he wasn't a slob like Bergoglio...........and not of them thought it was fashionable to tale about homos. Except to condemn that lifestyle. Which is as it should be.
@Kenjiro M.Yoshimori The impression that always leaves behind when I read your comments is that you know everything all too well. I think you will even scrutinize Jesus Christ Himself when He comes back. And I wonder whether He will meet your standards...
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori correction: that always stay behind....
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@petrus100452 -I know alot because I helped an elderly (unfortunatly deceased) Augustinian priest complie a huge book of statistics and bakground on religious Orders and the devastating collapse of Catholic liturgical and religious life across the world (especially Europe and the USA) since the disaster of Vatican II. At first, I just did the leg work for him (gathering data from Catholic libraries …More
@petrus100452 -I know alot because I helped an elderly (unfortunatly deceased) Augustinian priest complie a huge book of statistics and bakground on religious Orders and the devastating collapse of Catholic liturgical and religious life across the world (especially Europe and the USA) since the disaster of Vatican II. At first, I just did the leg work for him (gathering data from Catholic libraries....even Catholic U. in Washington DC) for his book, which no one except cholars of Catholic history would really like. But in time, the facts both shocked and interested me. I was shocked to read that some countries....like your naiton....produced at one time so many priests and nuns, that thousands were sent out as missionaries. Ireland, Belgium, Spain, Germany , France and Italy pre-Vatican II sent out armies of missionaries every year, and still had thousands who stayed at home, opening new churches, monasteries, convent-schools, hospitals, etc. Most of the priests and nuns in the early days of the USA came from three countries.....Ireland, Germany, and Italy, with smaller totals from Poland and France.
I know alot about Popes, because my Dad's father and his father were Catholic nobility from Japan, and were recieved with their families by two Popes in private audience ( Pius XI, 1933) and Pius XII (1954). My Granddad when he went to Rome as a student in the late 1950's (1955-58) took 1,000 hours of film from his camera from his entire stay. He recorded the Angelus appearances of Pius XII at his window, shots of pilgrimages processing thru St. Peter's (tons of shots of traditional habited Italian nuns.....really sad that those habits are probably all gone...all different styles and colors....even red and maroon and purple). He shot footage of bishops, cardinals, Pius XII Masses (canonization of Saints in St.Peters), Pis appearances at Castel Gandolfo, and also coverage of the 3-4 days that Pius XII was dying....he shot footage both at Castel Gandolfo and Rome. But he got his first real job in 1958 in the USA, married the same year and settled in L.A.,California.
That's how I got to know alot about both the Church and religious life.....and the Popes.
It cost our family over $4,000 to have all those old reels of film transferred to DVD. My Grandfather gave them all to me and my sister last Christmas.
So that's how I got to appreciate both traditional religious life, and the real Papacy so much.
It's really, really sad what happened to your country after Vatican II. Unfortunatly the cardinals and bishops of the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, and a lesser degree France lead the way in introducting all the rot and liturgical abuses that came immediatly after Vatican II. The result being that none of those countries have really any viable religious Orders left....except traditional ones of course😂😂🤪
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@petrus100452 -Sorry for the typo line "Pis appearances at Castel Gandolfo". Usually, I don't care about my fast-typing spelling errors, but that was awful. I meant to type "Pius appearances at Castel Gandolfo" of course. 😂
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I recognize that you know a lot, But knowing a lot does not necessarily mean a correct judgment. For example, I think your judgment about John Paul II is below par. The fact that there is a lot wrong in the church does not mean that changes were not needed. The idealization of Pius X, XI and XII and the triumphant era of the Church at that time is another example of a one-sided …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I recognize that you know a lot, But knowing a lot does not necessarily mean a correct judgment. For example, I think your judgment about John Paul II is below par. The fact that there is a lot wrong in the church does not mean that changes were not needed. The idealization of Pius X, XI and XII and the triumphant era of the Church at that time is another example of a one-sided judgment. Again, there are many people who "know a lot" yet "understand little."
Credo .
No moderator?
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Good for Steve D. He's right, and Credo and 1-2 other "Francis cheerleaders basically saying......"Holy Father, we love you, Holy Father Francis, you are our Sovereign Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ....whatever you say, we obey, Holy Father Francis." are totally wrong in their thinking. OPen your eyes and grow up. Recognize a homo heretic when he's staring you in the face.....Pope Francis, Tucho …More
Good for Steve D. He's right, and Credo and 1-2 other "Francis cheerleaders basically saying......"Holy Father, we love you, Holy Father Francis, you are our Sovereign Pontiff, the Vicar of Christ....whatever you say, we obey, Holy Father Francis." are totally wrong in their thinking. OPen your eyes and grow up. Recognize a homo heretic when he's staring you in the face.....Pope Francis, Tucho Fernandez, Cupich, Toblin, McIlroy, Gregory, Grech, Hollerich, Marx, etc.etc.
Credo .
@ Kenjiro Yoshimori. I know a lot! Beg to differ, you know nothing! That's why you have a big head, so that it encompasses it more! All we hear coming from you is I, I, I. Stop with the assumptions of what people think or don't think. Pope Francis is our Pope whether you like it or not. Instead of continually running him down, pray for his conversion! Otherwise 'shutta your mouth'. 🤐
Pt Murphy
"pray for his conversion"??
So you correctly note he's not Catholic... Yet he is the principal of unity of the Catholic Church as Pope?More
"pray for his conversion"??

So you correctly note he's not Catholic... Yet he is the principal of unity of the Catholic Church as Pope?
Credo .
@ Pt. Murphy. A bad Pope is still a Pope, no matter how many lies he comes out with. Our Lady of Fatima said: "Pray for the conversion of poor sinners, especially those most in need of thy mercy", Pray for the conversion of Pope Francis; through the intercession of Ven. Sr. Lucia of Fatima. 🙏
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Credo . -Sorry but this doesn't apply to/for Bergoglio--"Pope Francis is our Pope whether you like it or not. Instead of continually running him down, pray for his conversion! "
Couple of points: Most Catholics I know, myself included, consider Pope francis a homo heretic anti-Pope, or maybe even the anti-Christ. In that case, #2) is that he would be BEYOND any prayers for his conversion. Lastly,…More
@Credo . -Sorry but this doesn't apply to/for Bergoglio--"Pope Francis is our Pope whether you like it or not. Instead of continually running him down, pray for his conversion! "
Couple of points: Most Catholics I know, myself included, consider Pope francis a homo heretic anti-Pope, or maybe even the anti-Christ. In that case, #2) is that he would be BEYOND any prayers for his conversion. Lastly, no one I know deserves to be criticized, condemned, or "run down" more than Pope Francis and his homo legion of perverts in his Vatican and bishops he appointed...including a couple in your country... and mine.
He never preaches Jesus Christ. That never came up in his Synod. What did come up was pro-sodomy or active sodomists preaching heresy. Pope Francis is what we in the USA call a WOKE "pope". Him going off to the so called "climate change" symposium in Dubai is a disgrace. Climate change is a hoax. A fake. So it follows that a fake "pope" would go running off to it.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I strong support to your great Opinion..Kenjiro....I told you always...we don't need to pray for Pope Francis!!! we can't pray to the this Horrible man!! his repentance!! it's so naive!! we much pray to the Lord...please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time!!! this man want destroying to our Orthodox teachings...this man want we eat to Poison!! so I can't pray for …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I strong support to your great Opinion..Kenjiro....I told you always...we don't need to pray for Pope Francis!!! we can't pray to the this Horrible man!! his repentance!! it's so naive!! we much pray to the Lord...please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time!!! this man want destroying to our Orthodox teachings...this man want we eat to Poison!! so I can't pray for this horrible crazy old Man....if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too.....these days I am not sure..we will get Orthodox Pope Fast time..I think Bergoglio want staying longer to Papacy...his health is not bad....it's so sorrow....these days...just much pray to the Lord...please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!! I really hope my former Archbishop of Seoul...Cardinal Andrew Yeom get to 80 years old(December 5)...but I heard..Beroglio visit to wrong Climate meeting on December 1...until December 3.....ah...it's means this horrible man's health is not bad....make me huge sorrow....these days...much sad....Good Cardinals get to old....Bergoglio appointed to wrong Cardinals....if this Synod will allow to LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimition Abortion...woman to ordinate....all Cardinals, Bishops are must saying..Bergoglio's resign....I think now it is a Time!!!! and step down to Papacy.....we don't need to this horrible Globalist Old man.....Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...always really happy..hear about your great opinion!!.
Pt Murphy
Credo... I will be more explicit for you.
If bergolio needs to convert (he does), he is not the head of the Catholic Church.
If he's the pope of anything, it's pope of the New World Order.More
Credo... I will be more explicit for you.

If bergolio needs to convert (he does), he is not the head of the Catholic Church.

If he's the pope of anything, it's pope of the New World Order.
Credo .
@Pt Murphy. Unfortunately Francis IS the Pope, whether you or I like it has little to do with this debate! It's interesting to read that many a hardened criminal have converted when faced with the reality of their impending death.
Why are you trying to limit what 'God' can do, or not do. - "Who can fathom the mind of God?" 🤔
Everyday for Life Canada
Every time the pope speaks he confuses and divides. His abstract and often misleading words are not by accident. It’s not Christian, let alone the talk of a pope. It’s actually scandalous.
True Mass
Let your yes be yes and your No be no. Matt 5:37
Is Christ “welcome” in His Church? 😐🥺🙁