
Pervert Video Shot in Church

Brooklyn Bishop Brennan reacted to a music video filmed in Blessed Virgin Mary Church by a certain Sabrina Carpenter.

In the video, Carpenter drives up to the church in a veil, then she is seen in a gym, where men are fighting over her and stabbing each other. She steps over their bloodied bodies.

The clip ends with Carpenter dancing in front of the church's communion table, which is defaced with an array of candy-coloured coffins, presumably representing the dead she's left behind. She then leaves the church, smiling happily, and drives off.

According to Brennan, the parish "didn't follow diocesan policy", and the parish priest said that the production company had failed to accurately portray the content of the video content but he didn't explain why a church should be a venue for a commercial video shot.

Brennan is taking the matter "seriously" and will be "look into it further” - which probably means that nothing will happen.


Sandy Barrett shares this
This video shoot was approved by the guys running Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Brooklyn. Sacrilege happens. But make sure no Latin Masses is ever celebrated again on that altar.
Jeffrey Ade
Why do you guys continue to "share" this smut? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Lord have mercy on us.
English Catholic
There was a Vatican instruction released some years ago (I used it when complaining to a Roman curial department about a cathedral in the UK which was hosting a secular concert - an evening of George Gershwin's music) which stated that churches/cathedrals were not to be used for profane purposes. Can anyone remember the name of the document? It was on the Vatican website, I'm sure. It might have …More
There was a Vatican instruction released some years ago (I used it when complaining to a Roman curial department about a cathedral in the UK which was hosting a secular concert - an evening of George Gershwin's music) which stated that churches/cathedrals were not to be used for profane purposes. Can anyone remember the name of the document? It was on the Vatican website, I'm sure. It might have been removed.
John A Cassani
I found this on ewtn’s site, from a CDW document from 1987. Concerts in Churches | EWTN
Performers are to be outside of the sanctuary. Obviously, the altar is to be avoided, and the Blessed Sacrament is to be properly reserved elsewhere during the performance. Reading between the lines, I have to think Cardinal Meyer would have been much more restrictive, but was trying to implement rules that …More
I found this on ewtn’s site, from a CDW document from 1987. Concerts in Churches | EWTN

Performers are to be outside of the sanctuary. Obviously, the altar is to be avoided, and the Blessed Sacrament is to be properly reserved elsewhere during the performance. Reading between the lines, I have to think Cardinal Meyer would have been much more restrictive, but was trying to implement rules that would stop the worst abuses. Sadly, whenever local ordinaries are relied upon to uphold proper respect, it’s a very doubtful proposition.
English Catholic
@John A Cassani Thanks for that. Not that the majority of clergy will pay any attention to it . . .
Wilma Lopez shares this
Bishop Robert Brennan of Brooklyn said that he was “appalled” that Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church permitted a pop singer to record a video in which she danced lewdly on the altar.
"When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place..."
Tony M
The prophesied 'Warning/Illumination of conscience could not be far away!!!
If that woman does not repent then....she will wiped out in the Great Chastisement!!!
See: Garabandal Synod before the Warning
Filthy woman and even filthier those that allowed this vomit
But, but, . . . they offered us lots and lots of $$ to look the other way. Plus, who am I to judge?
Shame on them (Eternal shame if they do not repent). I would hate to be anyone involved in that.
Louis IX
We must trust that the Bishop will do the right thing. I believe he will.
Blasphemy….utter and absolute blasphemy.