
Francis Wrong Again: Amoris Laetitia Is Anything But Thomistic

During a meeting with Jesuits in Colombia Pope Francis claimed that his controversial Amoris Laetitia is “the morality of the great Thomas”. Francis' remarks were published by La Civiltà CattolicaMore
During a meeting with Jesuits in Colombia Pope Francis claimed that his controversial Amoris Laetitia is “the morality of the great Thomas”. Francis' remarks were published by La Civiltà Cattolica on September 28.
He suggested to ask questions about this to the “great theologian", Vienna Cardinal Schönborn, a relativist who has no expertise in Thomas' moral theology. Since 2016 several scholars, among them Michael Pakaluk of the Catholic University of America, have shown that Thomas Aquinas (+ 1274) is misquoted and misused in Amoris Laetitia.
One example is number 301. It insinuates that Thomas supports the idea that persons could become saints while at the same time acting contrary to some virtues. In reality, Thomas speaks about people who have repented past sins and keep the moral law, but do so with some difficulty.
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Lionel L. Andrades
Pope Francis and Cardinal Burke have made an in principle mistake in faith and morals since we cannot judge exceptions to the general rule on mortal sin and exclusive salvation.

We cannot say that any particular couple who is living in concubinage is living as a brother and sister. This is something only God can know.
We cannot tell a couple who are divorced and remarried that they …More
Pope Francis and Cardinal Burke have made an in principle mistake in faith and morals since we cannot judge exceptions to the general rule on mortal sin and exclusive salvation.

We cannot say that any particular couple who is living in concubinage is living as a brother and sister. This is something only God can know.
We cannot tell a couple who are divorced and remarried that they are not in mortal sin since they are following their conscience.
In principle we cannot physically know of any exception to the general teaching on mortal sin.

Similarly we cannot say that every one in the USA or Italy does not need to be a member of the Catholic Church since there could be exceptions of the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance.None of us can know of someone who will be saved or is saved outside the Church in invincible ignorance etc and without the baptism of water. So there can be no physical exceptions known to us to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which says every one needs to be incorporated into the Church as a member to avoid Hell ( for salvation).

However for the two popes and Cardinal Burke ( and all the other cardinals) in principle what is unknown is known, in principle what is physically invisible is visible, in principle what is only known to God in Heaven is also known in personal cases to us human beings on earth. This is philosophical cheating.
No where does St. Thomas Aquinas state that we know of people who are going to be saved in mortal sin. There could be diverse cases and different situations but only God can say that someone will be an exception and will not be going to Hell.
GREAT photo!
They make believe that those who stand for Truth are wrong too rigid ,to create more confusion , The best thing would be for Pope Frances to humble himself and accept that there are errors on the AMORIS LAETITIA ,but i dont think it will happen
One of Francis pope closest prelates stated:
Francis pope and his Amoris Laetitia
are under Holy Ghost influence,
so... go away from putting him on trial...
Another hand:
if you blame him for HERESY,
you fight with Holy Ghost /the God/ !
interesting .....????