
Schneider: Francis Was “Ill-Advised” On Roman Mass

Francis “has been ill-advised” in publishing Traditionis Custodes and its application document, Bishop Schneider writes on OnePeterFive.com (January 10). Francis should demonstrate pastoral courage, …More
Francis “has been ill-advised” in publishing Traditionis Custodes and its application document, Bishop Schneider writes on OnePeterFive.com (January 10).
Francis should demonstrate pastoral courage, humility, and true love for the marginalised Catholics “by rescinding the canonical provisions stipulated in the two aforementioned documents.”
He quotes Francis' [hypocritical] October 2021 words for the opening of the Synod on Synods about “bandaging wounds and healing broken hearts with the balm of God.”
Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsTwolhvmoeg
Ol' good ill-advised Tzar.
Les Crispi
This is what communists and fascists do. THey do something abominable, then they have their flacks gaslight you into think you may be mistaken. And that's why people like Schneider need to understand: the Devil is never mistaken. Bergolio is doing exactly what his master wants.
Ave Crux
That's why I am so grateful for Archbishop Vigano.....refreshing clarity....pulls no punches. Doesn't let us be lulled into sleepy, supine submission: "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour..." Saint Peter
Hello, was Francis I’ll advised about Pachamama? Sure! It’s the end of the road for I’ll advised excuses, the church sinks or floats with Francis and until he has the grace to conform with Our Lord, his agenda is a “diabolical disorientation” and rips at the Mystical Body of Christ!
Rand Miller
Unfortunately, even Schneider lacks discernment.
Not so. He's acutely aware in discerning how much he can criticize Francis before it's labelled outright disobedience and lack of submission.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Obedience and submission to evil (Francis, "Traditiones Custodes", Paul Vi and the "Novus Ordo", is why the Catholic Church is in the rot it is today.
Les Crispi
Those who cling to the myth that Bergolio is pope will say that everything he does is a mistake. It gets tiresome. Espeically when he does heretical things, and doubles down on them. No one wants to see the truth, yet no pope ever has promulgated these kind of heresies. He's a demon.
Those who repeat the falsehood that Francis isn't pope presume error, even deliberate error, nullifies the office. Joe Biden may be an incredibly bad president, but he's still president.
Les Crispi
How is it a falsehood when I say Bergolio isn't pope? Your proof and the Church's proof is lacking.
If you're going to the Church has to label Bergie a heretic, and we have unanwered dubia, then it's safe to say he could be an antipope, since any heretical pope would have to, by definition not be a pope. And therefore, if this man offers heresies, and is therefore immediately not a pope (no vicar …More
How is it a falsehood when I say Bergolio isn't pope? Your proof and the Church's proof is lacking.

If you're going to the Church has to label Bergie a heretic, and we have unanwered dubia, then it's safe to say he could be an antipope, since any heretical pope would have to, by definition not be a pope. And therefore, if this man offers heresies, and is therefore immediately not a pope (no vicar of Christ can dogmatically not be in communion with Him) but he's still sitting on the throne, he has to be an antipope too.

Also, there's even more proof that Biden isn't the president than there is that Bergie isn't the pope. And the proof with Bergie is thoroughly convincing.

Logic. A gift that God gives us. Faith works with it, not against it.

If Bergie was a bad pope, he'd be like JP2 or Ratzinger. Or Paul 1.But he has spoken heresies, time and again, and has even put it in print (Amoris, Pachemama, etc). He never clarifies, he never apologizes. He. Is. A. Heretic.

You have never offered a defense of Bergie's heresies, but just follow the others in saying well, he's the pope because the college of cardinals voted, etc. Never occured to you that his heresies mean he cannot be pope by election or definition. The devil cannot cast out the devil, etc.

You accused me of saying God encouraged demons by intentionally misrepresenting what I said about the prophecy of Francis. But if you believe a man who has stated time and again that Jesus was from God but not God, that hell doesn't exist, that divorce may be licit, that Pachemama is the Virgin Mary, and fraternity is more important than CHristian orthodoxy (which is, dude, freemasonry), maybe you are the problem.

He's not just a "bad" pope. He's a heretic and an antipope. And relying on the same group of demons who installed him to accuse him of this is disingenuous and you know it.

I have to follow the pope on his infallible statements. Any true statement is "infallible". So even if Bergie says something true I will accept it. But nowhere do I have to abide by a heretic. That's not in Christian law or tradition.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Bergoglio isn't the Pope. He was campaigned for in 2005 by the Sankt Gallen Mafia lead by Cardinal Carlo MAria Martini, and also Cardinals Murphy-O'Connor and Danneels among others...all radical liberals who wanted to destroy the Church, and who had opposed JPII his whole term. Their efforts failed and Bergoglio came in 2nd place. Then, when these thugs had had enough of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict …More
Bergoglio isn't the Pope. He was campaigned for in 2005 by the Sankt Gallen Mafia lead by Cardinal Carlo MAria Martini, and also Cardinals Murphy-O'Connor and Danneels among others...all radical liberals who wanted to destroy the Church, and who had opposed JPII his whole term. Their efforts failed and Bergoglio came in 2nd place. Then, when these thugs had had enough of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, they forced him to quit, and put up their man Bergoglio again..campaigning for him outside and inside the conclave. Bergoglio campaigned for himself as well. All that crap is illegal in a papal conclave according to Canon LAw. If a cardinal openly campaigns for himself, or is others campaign for him, he is illegit, even if he manages to win in the end. Bergoglio won.....but he is illegit, for the reasons stated below. No one should feel compelled to obey him about anything, least of all over "Traditiones Custodes".
alfred dunn
Ill advised? The documents states exactly the hatred Francis has for tradition in all its forms.
John A Cassani
I agree. Anything issued motu propio is completely the responsibility of the issuer. Can’t blame it on bad advice.
I think Francis knows EXACTLY what he wants to achieve!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Yes! Schneider is very naive to suggest that Francis was ill advised about the Latin Mass by his radical advisors. They're all radical progressivist heretics, but Francis is the ringleader calling the shots. He has the last word, and he's the one to accuse/blame.
Jeffrey Ade
@3rd Order Postulant That is funny!
3rd Order Postulant
And I am such a fan of + Schneider.
3rd Order Postulant
So, the Pope has no brain? Not buying it. Sorry.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This was a fantastic comment.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Schneider found historical examples and is appealing to Francis by using Francis' own words:
Bishop Schneider Calls on Pope Francis to Rescind Traditionis Custodes - OnePeterFive
Angelo Santelli
No, Frank should just either resign (heck, Ratzinger did) or just (fill in the rest).
Hugh N. Cry
Take the long dirt nap?
Les Crispi
It would be ideal if Bergolio repented and resigned. But, I Might as well hope to lose 100 pounds.
Jan Joseph
Het vertrouwen in paus Franciscus is er niet meer bij de Traditionele Rooms Katholieken. Als paus Franciscus niet wordt opgevolgd door een zeer Traditionele Rooms Katholieke Paus is het huidige schisma definitief en wordt de Rooms Katholieke kerk van na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie opgeheven.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Schneider is right. And I hope very much that he and other bishops and priests continue to celebrate the Latin Mass regardless of Francis and his vindictive and unjustified dictates. I think the tide is with the Latin Mass and Faithful Catholics, not Francis and his gang. I have read dozens of reports of people everywhere standing up for the Latin Mass and Catholic tradition, yet no one save for …More
Schneider is right. And I hope very much that he and other bishops and priests continue to celebrate the Latin Mass regardless of Francis and his vindictive and unjustified dictates. I think the tide is with the Latin Mass and Faithful Catholics, not Francis and his gang. I have read dozens of reports of people everywhere standing up for the Latin Mass and Catholic tradition, yet no one save for Cupich ,Tobin, Gregory, and their band of very old worn out VAtican II cheerleaders supporting Francis and his rulings.
Thank you, Bishop Schneider, once again, for being a true shepherd in the image of the Good Shepherd!