
Novus Ordo Erodes Poland

Only one new priest was ordained for Łódź Archdiocese, the lowest number ever recorded, writes NotesFromPoland.com (June 13). • Last year Łódź, Poland’s fourth largest city, ordained 10 candidates. …More
Only one new priest was ordained for Łódź Archdiocese, the lowest number ever recorded, writes NotesFromPoland.com (June 13).
• Last year Łódź, Poland’s fourth largest city, ordained 10 candidates.
• Łódź Seminary had over 100 students during the time of John Paul II, now it has 31 students (2006: 70).
• Olsztyn Diocese did not ordain any new priests for the first time since 1950.
• 828 candidates entered the Polish seminaries in 2012. In 2021: 356.
• Kraków, Poland’s second largest city, had seven ordinations, half the number of two decades ago.
• 90% of Poles are officially classified as Catholics, 42% say they practise their faith at least once per week.
• The problem of Poland’s Church is that it is riding down the Novus Ordo abyss without learning from the mistakes made in other countries. Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsVnncwtydmn
Paul Mclenson
I 'Read the riot act' the other night at our Novos Ordo Parish! I've had my absolute fill of seeing the Sacrilegious Communions and all the other Modernism! I'll worship God at home by watching Latin Mass and doing other things to fulfill my Sunday Holy Day of obligation!
JPII's magnetism ceased to work.
Defeat Modernism
The Novus Ordo ordinations are invalid anyway. Who wants to be associated with the faithless homo-pedo modernists?! No one should be attending the new mass or giving any money to these parishes, the diocese or the Vatican. It has all been taken over by the enemies of Christ.
Why are they invalid? Please explain!
Defeat Modernism
@Fiat Voluntas Tua Not at all. The novus ordo homopedos could say the same thing about the SSPX. The SSPX is now in bed with those modernists.
You are pretending to be Leo XIII but you are not anyway.
Defeat Modernism
@123jussi They are invalid because the rites have been changed into NEW ONES which was condemned by Session 7 Canon 13 of the Council of Trent and because the matter, form and intention has been changed by the Modernist Homo-pedo heretics who run the Novus Ordo
Defeat Modernism
@Fiat Voluntas Tua The Thuc consecrations are invalid. What Archbishop Thuc did in consecrating non-catholics, open sodomites, etc. is condemned by the Church as crime against the Church and can only be lifted by a valid Pope. Why anyone would want to take part in the Thuc line is beyond me. I can only imagine you are ignorant to what took place at the hands of Thuc? All the laymen he 'ordained' …More
@Fiat Voluntas Tua The Thuc consecrations are invalid. What Archbishop Thuc did in consecrating non-catholics, open sodomites, etc. is condemned by the Church as crime against the Church and can only be lifted by a valid Pope. Why anyone would want to take part in the Thuc line is beyond me. I can only imagine you are ignorant to what took place at the hands of Thuc? All the laymen he 'ordained' without any seminary training in the Palmar De Troya cult that cliams a 'pope.' I pray you do actual research on Thuc and abandon the Thuc sects.
P. O'B
Many dioceses in the USDA are served by Polish national priests, and they tend to be very faithful. I hate to see that source of good priests drying up. My ancestral homeland is lost.
Ivan Tomas
"They tend" you say?
I know that and see that at many Croatian priests too.
It will not be better until they all understand that novus ordo is a protestant concoction.
As long as they all, inclusive all bishops, don’t truly understand the thruth: Lex orandi, lex credendi! - everything wil keep going rapidly from bad to worse.
Jan Joseph
Het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie is een grote mislukking geworden voor de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Maar gelukkig zijn er ook gelovigen die het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie zijn trouw gebleven, hun aantal is gelukkig sterk groeiende. De Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke seminaries lopen vol, de nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk is over 50 jaar …More
Het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie is een grote mislukking geworden voor de Rooms Katholieke kerk. Maar gelukkig zijn er ook gelovigen die het Universele Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke geloof van voor het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie zijn trouw gebleven, hun aantal is gelukkig sterk groeiende. De Tridentijnse Rooms Katholieke seminaries lopen vol, de nieuwe Rooms Katholieke kerk is over 50 jaar weer een Tridentijnse Romeinse Rooms Katholieke kerk. De Paus van deze Roomse Katholieke kerk zit nu op een van de Tridentijnse Romeinse seminaries.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Convents are suffering too. It seems that SOME Polish Orders of nuns are making the same mistakes other Western European and USA Orders have made for 50+ years. The more they modify their habits and relax their lifestyle, the fewer vocations they get. Orders in India are doing the same thing, adopting layclothes (in their case, saris) instead of their holy habits. And the same thing happens....…More
Convents are suffering too. It seems that SOME Polish Orders of nuns are making the same mistakes other Western European and USA Orders have made for 50+ years. The more they modify their habits and relax their lifestyle, the fewer vocations they get. Orders in India are doing the same thing, adopting layclothes (in their case, saris) instead of their holy habits. And the same thing happens....sisters quit, and vocations dry up.
Seminaries and male religious Orders the same. The more they discard the cassock or habit for clerical shirts or street clothes, the faster they decline. Discard all tradition and they will be extinct in a few years.
Maybe when Bergoglio dies, and God willing they elect a Catholic....things will improve.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hello!! Kenjiro....I hope you had great day....thanks for answer to me..always I many learning a lot to your great opinions...really happy...just always really sorry..I many annoying to you....Poland Situation is not just only Poland...in my Country Korea...Catholic Population are not so big increasing...and now..Korean Catholic Church going to radical, Leftist way...they don't …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hello!! Kenjiro....I hope you had great day....thanks for answer to me..always I many learning a lot to your great opinions...really happy...just always really sorry..I many annoying to you....Poland Situation is not just only Poland...in my Country Korea...Catholic Population are not so big increasing...and now..Korean Catholic Church going to radical, Leftist way...they don't saying about real truth...and they don't fight to LGBT Ideologies, Indiscrimition Abortion....just saying about Social Justice, Climate issues....so horrible...I think it's many area Church's Problems...Bergoglio's 10 years...we have really huge damages....if, if he will staying much longer...ah...I can't imagine that....I am not sure..these days...we will get to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time...if Lord dose not send to Orthodox Pope..fast time..I will going to Underground Church....I am sure..you and John will join Underground Church too....and much thinking about Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani's Prayer...even though I have many sins..so many fault..but really hope Loyalty to our Lord Jesus Christ...Japan's Martyrs, Korean and Netherlands Martyrs...all great Martyrs Saints..pray for us too...and Kenjiro..I hope one more tell this....I feels very sorry to Eminence Cardinal Müller...if, if he worked with Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI...as Cardinal...just few months...I am sure...he was much, much better.....but unfortunately...he dose not have this chance...Bergoglio made him to Cardinal....it's very sad situation....just 3 years...he fired to Eminence Cardinal Müller...hmm...I think Eminence Cardinal Müller many effort protect to our Orthodox teachings...he said truth..Orthodox teachings..many times..but I think not so powerful..so much sad....even though has many fault...not so great...but I respect to Cardinal Müller....I think you agree too...if, if Lord will choose to him....Pope..we sure....really better than this crazy old man....he will get much better Pope...do you agree with me?? many talking..sorry...Our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family, lovely people....Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen...take care.....have a great day...
Malki Tzedek
Stands to reason - a 'diet' stripped of nutrition will not result in strong, resilient bodies; it works the same physically and spiritually.