Israel: Electronic bracelets for those coming from abroad prompt concerns. The Israeli government's proposal to introduce electronic bracelets to ensure people self-isolate on returning from abroad has …More
Israel: Electronic bracelets for those coming from abroad prompt concerns.
The Israeli government's proposal to introduce electronic bracelets to ensure people self-isolate on returning from abroad has prompted debates and mixed reaction from citizens. Meanwhile, Israeli authorities have already passed a law granting authorities access to the personal data of unvaccinated people.
Source: youtube.com/watch?v=TKSkjgdCwWc
Israel Passes Law To Mandate ‘Freedom’ Tracking Bracelets:

Israeli lawmakers have passed legislation that could see the government make it mandatory for all citizens entering the country to wear a tracking device.

The law says that Israelis returning to the country who have not had a vaccine can isolate at home so long as they accept a ‘freedom bracelet’, a GPS device that will track their every movement to ensure they do not break quarantine rules.

Anyone who hasn’t had a shot, or already had coronavirus and subsequently twice tested negative, and does not accept the tracking bracelet will be forced to undergo quarantine in a military manned facility.

The devices were recently trialled on citizens returning through Ben Gurion Airport close to Tel Aviv.

The device, which looks like a smart watch is being produced by a company called SuperCom, which has previously worked with governments of several countries on systems to track and monitor prisoners.

Source: summit.news/…te-freedom-tracking-bracelets/

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