
Then, Francis Took Bread, Broke It, And Gave It - To the Grand Imam

Judge Mohamed Abdelsalam, the Secretary-General of Francis’ Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has written the book "The Pope and the Grand Imam: A Thorny Path - A Testimony to the Birth of Human Fraternity" (Motivate Media Group, Dubai).

It divulges details about the genesis of Francis’ heretical Abu Dhabi Document which was signed by Francis and the Grand Imam Ahmad el-Tayyeb of al-Azhar (Cairo).

The first meeting between the two took place in the Apostolic Palace on 23 May 2016. This led to Francis’ trip to Egypt in April 2017.

On 7 November 2017, when Francis learned that the Grand Imam and Abdelsalam were in Rome, he invited them to meet and have lunch. After the meeting in the Apostolic Palace, Francis walked with them to Santa Marta in order to show them some beauties of the Vatican. "The Grand Imam and His Holiness walked hand in hand, in a very fraternal manner” – Abdelsalam remembers.

Before the lunch began, Francis "took a piece of bread and broke it in two,” Abdelsalam recounts, "He took one half and gave the other half to the Grand Imam, for everyone to eat, in a symbolic act of coexistence and human fraternity."

During the two-hours-lunch, Abdelsalam proposed drawing a “joint document on human brotherhood” towards “human tolerance and against extremism.” Everybody agreed.

The text was top secret until the 4 February 2019 signature in Abu Dhabi – at which Abdelsalam was not present. In the book, he doesn’t reveal the reason. Allegedly, due to pressure from sectors not happy with the [poorly drafted] text, he was also forced to step down as advisor to the Grand Imam.

Nevertheless, immediately after the signing of the document, Francis and the Imam phoned him thanking for his role.

In his foreword to Abdelsalam’s book, Francis calls the Imam his “brother,” and Abdelsalam his “son.”


la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio is committing an act of apostasy in which he is mimic and replacing the Holy Eucharist. In which he is usurping Jesus Christ.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio instead of trying to convert Muslims so they can be saved, is confirming them in their rejection of the only way of salvation that exists. They join Bergoglio in their rebellion against the True God. In other words, Bergoglio is dragging them to eternal perdition.
Fuhhhhhh.... >:( Francis is personally trying to provoke me into saying he isn't the Pope. It ain't gonna work buddy. You're the Pope and we the laity are stuck with you.
Has the Grand Iman been converted ?