
Cardinal Marx "Would" Bless Homosexual Sin

Munich Cardinal Reinhard Marx would have "no problem" with "blessing" homosexual concubinates: "Why not? It always depends on the situation. If people ask me for a blessing, then I will do so", he said.

The "situational ethics" cited by Marx allows any crime to be reinterpreted as a "good deed".

Marx told Merkur.de (19 September) that the German Synod had deliberately spoken of "blessing people who love [sic] each other": "We don't want a focus exclusively on one group."

The Bishops' Conference is preparing a handout on this, Marx said, but priests should not wait for it, but find a way to deal with it "well" and "do it".

Already years ago Marx "blessed" two homosexuals.


Dr Bobus
With Cardinal Marx's approach, if this were 1939, he would also want to bless the Nazi death camps.
Dr Bobus
I am glad that Cardinal Re is still living. He was one of the powers in the Vatican who thought that Cardinal Ratzinger was exaggerating the problems in the Church. Now if he dares to watch, he can see the snakes emerging from under the rocks. Anyone who doesn't have oatmeal for brains can see Cardinal Ratzinger was right.
Unfortunately, his mentor Cardinal Sodano MD (Mediocritatis Doctor) has …More
I am glad that Cardinal Re is still living. He was one of the powers in the Vatican who thought that Cardinal Ratzinger was exaggerating the problems in the Church. Now if he dares to watch, he can see the snakes emerging from under the rocks. Anyone who doesn't have oatmeal for brains can see Cardinal Ratzinger was right.

Unfortunately, his mentor Cardinal Sodano MD (Mediocritatis Doctor) has already checked out.
Live Mike
Dr Bobus
It's Showtime!
Roberto 55
Catholic Church is not "Oktoberfest"...
He must know where he's likely to be heading. Perhaps he's relying on having a Trad. Priest there by his bedside when he's dying?
It doesn't work out like that. I feel this silly man won't be wearing that silly grin when he's brought before his maker.
There won't be any trace of his ridiculous pretense and asinine bravado then. How could a grown man be so foolish?
Ivan Tomas
Sin makes man stupid.
A lot of sinning... Do the math.
Sin depends on the situation??? Where have I heard that before? Not in the Bible, not in the Catechism, oh right,from Lucifer.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Fat Boy Marx looks like he's a good candidate for the popular TV show on cable "My 600 lb. Life"
Malki Tzedek
'The fish stinks from the head' -whoeverade him a bishop (perhaps even ordained hom a priest) should be held to account. There are too many just like him in Germany and the Church for him to be considered an 'anomoly'.
Simon North
He's the poster boy for sacerdotal materialism. It was this that caused the pre-Vatican II deterioration of the priesthood and its post-Vatican II collapse. Most priests in the developed nations were living better than their flock (and still do today) - and this programs them away from the Cross which is the heart of the Catholic Faith.
I like that takes them away from the Cross which is the heart of the Catholic Faith. "Take up your Cross and follow me."