
SSPX Father: Wrong Arguments against Henry Sire’s „Dictator Pope“

Father Franz Schmidberger, a former superior general of the Society of St Pius X (SSPX) and now rector of the German seminary, has criticised Henry Sire’s famous The Dictator Pope in his weekly email to priests (November 5).

One of his arguments, "After reading the revelations one wonders: do they strengthen my faith in the Church and my love for it? This is probably the case only for very few readers."

Schmidberger adds, “Not the exposure of the scandals in Rome will save us, but the fidelity to the Church's full tradition and the to Old Latin Mass.”

On the basis of similar arguments homosexual, liturgical and doctrinal scandals have been allowed to grow in the Church.

Incroyable mais vrai : La Frat contre le "Dictator Pope" ! Voilà un véritable scoop ! Pas étonnant que Clovis ne le vende pas... Frateux, restez donc dans votre boîte en carton !
There are probably many learned theological points, but HJA Sire took the angle of emphasising unsound leadership. This Knight if Malta (albeit suspended by the FrancisOccupied Order) could have taken historical and theological angles, but this book really succeeds in its aim of portraying a malign leader.
Valiant Woman
Astonishing that the SSPX could be so useless
How about the exposure of scandals in the SSPX, like Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX, endorsing "theistic evolution," and another SSPX priest, who attempted to correct him by writing a tract, being transferred to Canada and silenced? Apparently, according to numerous elements in the SSPX, the Church's full tradition does not include exposing and resisting error. This is what happens when your Society becomes …More
How about the exposure of scandals in the SSPX, like Fr. Paul Robinson, SSPX, endorsing "theistic evolution," and another SSPX priest, who attempted to correct him by writing a tract, being transferred to Canada and silenced? Apparently, according to numerous elements in the SSPX, the Church's full tradition does not include exposing and resisting error. This is what happens when your Society becomes completely in-bred and xenophobic.
Le Précurseur
Bof, l'un n'empêche pas l'autre, Monsieur l'abbé !!!
SSPX seem to be following a policy of saying nothing on PF, including the priest in charge the of the nearest prior to me.
This is pure subjectivism. Spread only that truth that is good for MY well-being.