Is the Archdiocese of New York Pushed into Bankruptcy?

A New York state appeals court ruled on 23 April that an insurance company for the Archdiocese of New York doesn't have to pay to settle 1,500 mostly homosexual abuse claims. The archdiocese called …More
A New York state appeals court ruled on 23 April that an insurance company for the Archdiocese of New York doesn't have to pay to settle 1,500 mostly homosexual abuse claims.
The archdiocese called the ruling 'extremely disappointing' and 'wrong'. The five judges unanimously overturned a lower court's order from December 2023 that would have forced the insurer to pay.
The insurance group had issued more than 30 liability policies to the archdiocese and several of its parishes, schools and institutions between 1956 and 2003.
New laws enacted in 2019 (the Child Victims Act) and 2022 (the Adult Survivors Act) have opened the door to hundreds of previously time-barred claims. Some of the allegations date back to the 1930s (sic).
"If allowed to stand, the decision will allow insurance companies to evade the contractual obligations of the policies they issue," Joseph Zwilling, director of communications for the archdiocese, told (27 April).
The case now heads to New York's highest …More
Ann Smith
It doesn't appear the world is going to get down on their knees, so the only way to clean this world up is through the intervention of God.
Billy F
The sons of Sodom must be removed from the Priesthood !!!
Until sodomy and its vile pratictioners are purged permanently from the Priesthood, and the ranks of the hierarchy cleansed from those who approve of such abomination and covers it up, then the putrid fruit of their iniquity with dire consequences like unto what we see here, and even repercussions far, far worse and much more dreadful than this, will continue unabated. In the absence of a Most Holy …More
Until sodomy and its vile pratictioners are purged permanently from the Priesthood, and the ranks of the hierarchy cleansed from those who approve of such abomination and covers it up, then the putrid fruit of their iniquity with dire consequences like unto what we see here, and even repercussions far, far worse and much more dreadful than this, will continue unabated. In the absence of a Most Holy Roman Pontiff and Vicar of Christ on this earth, who is fearless, bold and courageous, filled with righteous indignation and aflame with relentless zeal, who will rise up with the Rod of Correction held stoutly in his hands, empowered and anointed with the invincible might of Heaven wherewith to cast out the sodomites infecting and polluting the Priesthood (like unto Our Lord who, before the days of His Passion, overturned the criminal enterprise of the moneychangers, whipping them out of His Father’s Temple), this millstone will remain firmly affixed around the neck of Holy Mother Church, dragging her down and drowning her in a cesspool of filth.