
Bishop Rey Enthusiastically Thanks His Executioner

Fréjus-Toulon Bishop Rey did not have the courage of Bishop Strickland, writes Medias-Presse.info (November 21):

“In a downright masochistic letter, Monsignor Rey tells his priests and faithful that François, the 'good pope', has just put him under tutelage because of 'neo-conservatism'.”

Rey says that “I'm happy to be able to announce this decision, which will lead our diocese out of the difficulties [caused by Francis] that we've been experiencing for the past year and a half.”

According to Rey, “a new era is beginning for our diocese, and I'm happy about the prospects.”
After all, Medias-Presse.info describes Rey's coadjutor bishop - Châlons-en-Champagne Bishop François Touvet – “one of the few bishops in France who is still somewhat 'traditional'.”


One sentence of Bischop Strickland to R. Arroyo which could fit to Bischop Rey : "Bischop, do you want to guard the Truth or just keep your job ?"
3 more comments from steack
For all Justice you need a executioner.
Here IS the speech that Bp Rey will Never tell anymore
Bishop Strickland is speaking
Maria delos Angeles
Am I the only one who can see Bergoglio is demonically possessed? I mean, he does not even LOOK like himself.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Rey is just covering himself. But what a wimp. It's like someone being punched in the stomach and kicked in the teeth, and turning around and saying "thank you" to the assailant. Rey is a good man, but a fool.
Rey IS not a good man. He is silly and Bad : he fired a good Priest juste because he have signed correction filialis against Amortis Laetitia, he lied under oath in a criminal court. He said he is confident in science about vaccinés tainted with abortion. He punished good Priests for having refused ti give holy communion in thé end, etc.
Opera 369
It makes people wonder: this, really strange reaction (and not respectable) - of some of these "aged" cardinals, to the fury of the Pachamama dictator, could it be that it's an effect of the "act of love" injection that they got in 2021-2022, obeying the 'order' of PachaPope? Or is it that they are playing the part of the victim - turned- lover of his own 'executioner'? This of course in benefit …More
It makes people wonder: this, really strange reaction (and not respectable) - of some of these "aged" cardinals, to the fury of the Pachamama dictator, could it be that it's an effect of the "act of love" injection that they got in 2021-2022, obeying the 'order' of PachaPope? Or is it that they are playing the part of the victim - turned- lover of his own 'executioner'? This of course in benefit of Jorgoglio, to show that he's always right, it's the 'stray clerics' who are wrong? We have plenty of examples in literature... one could be The Cave, by Plato; 1984 is another one of course... but there are tons of examples in Philosophy. Any thoughts those of you who read this?
Jan Joseph
Dat Mgr. Rey zou capituleren had ik niet verwacht. Gelovige Priesters in zijn bisdom zullen zeer waarschijnlijk overstappen naar de Sint Petrus of de Pius X broederschap.