US Bishops to Draft Document on Transgender People in Religious Life

US Bishops to Draft Document on Transgender People in Religious Life

US Bishops to Draft Document on Transgender People in Religious Life Canonical affairs committee hopes to release a document this fall …
If a tranny goes under the knife and then later converts, they are in a bit of a pickle. It's a sad state of affairs, but it does make sense to address this issue.
Where is sanity? Can anyone imagine the Apostles or the church fathers having this discussion.
Father Karl A Claver
The bishops have been a bad joke for a long time now.
Billy F
How much longer O Lord!!!
Sean Johnson
Only in clown-church!
But Fellay says this “official church is the Catholic Church?”More
Only in clown-church!

But Fellay says this “official church is the Catholic Church?”
Sean Johnson
Will there be a follow-up document addressing beastiality in religious life? These nuts have lost it.
John A Cassani
They should just issue a blanket “No,” because no one will read a document any longer than that and actually take it seriously.