"Spontaneous Blessing" Hoax: Two Homosexuals [Pseudo] Blessed At Eucharist

During a Eucharist at the Jesuit parish of the Holy Family in Mexico City on 28 January, Redemptorist Father Patrick Keyes blessed two homosexual concubines, reports AciPrensa.com. He justified his …More
During a Eucharist at the Jesuit parish of the Holy Family in Mexico City on 28 January, Redemptorist Father Patrick Keyes blessed two homosexual concubines, reports AciPrensa.com.
He justified his blasphemy with Francis' propaganda piece Sodoma supplicans. At the end of the 7pm Eucharist, two homosexuals came to the side of the Novus Ordo table to receive the [pseudo] blessing.
What was supposed to be "spontaneous" according to Francis was announced during the "parish announcements" by the pastor of the church, Father Gonzalo Rosas, a Jesuit.
It was only after the scandal broke that the Jesuit pretended that the blessing was a "big mistake" and then added a BUT: "But we have to move on".
The Eucharist was called "Mass for Inclusion" and was called by various organisations involved in homosexual propaganda.
When one commits a crime "spontaneously" it's called a "crime of passion" - but this was premeditated! 😤 😡
The whole Jesuit order should be suppressed, with all of their priests laicized, and all of their resources, properties, parishes, schools and universities given to Traditional societies and institutions.
Ik zal er duidelijk over zijn, zowel Father Patrick Keyes als de pastoor van de kerk, pater Gonzalo Rosas moeten ontslagen worden, uit hun functie worden gezet en moeten worden teruggebracht tot de lekenstand.
I see it as a schismatic act.
Naomi Arai
How long have the abuses stacked up to this point? The slow-boiling of the frog has been going on for many decades now.
Even if a complaint were presented to the Pope he wouldn't condemn it and only sophistically explain how it was actually spontaneous, i.e spontaneous has many meanings but yours was not the correct one, and the only schismatics are those pharesees who oppose the love is love blessing.
English Catholic
And in front of the Blessed Sacrament and image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. What horrible sacrilege. What is the problem with the Jesuits? All they seem to be concerned with these days are 'LGBT' or 'climate change' issues. St Ignatius of Loyola and the other six Jesuit founders, pray for your Order.