Francis responds to a young man expelled from the seminary for being gay: "The Church must be open to …

Warning: article taken from a pro-Francis leftist site, "Religion Digital" In a letter written to a 22-year-old young man, a history student in Florence and expelled from the seminary for revealing …More
Warning: article taken from a pro-Francis leftist site, "Religion Digital"
In a letter written to a 22-year-old young man, a history student in Florence and expelled from the seminary for revealing his homosexuality, Francis invites him to "move forward" with "his vocation."
"Some think that the Church is a customs office and that is bad. The Church must be open to everyone. Brother, continue with your vocation," Francis wrote, in his own handwriting, to the young man, as Caruso himself reveals to Il Messaggero, from whose website he had sent an email to Bergoglio, lamenting the phrase that there was already "too much faggot" in the seminaries leaked during the closed-door meeting that the Pope held with the Italian bishops.
An open door, waiting for the Synod to rethink what, to date, seems immovable, and to allow entry to the seminary to anyone (male) who commits to living celibacy, regardless of their sexual condition? It seems strange, since the most widespread interpretation of …More
What a horrible STENCH in God’s nostrils! 😡
Pray for a holy Pope. A very holy Pope. One who will bring us holy priests, and bishops. The ancient prayer for the Pope, sung regularly in the Vatican in Latin and found in prayer books and hymnals everywhere, is paraphrased from Psalm 41:3: “May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and not hand him over to the power of his enemies.”
Billy F
All the Sons of Sodom must be removed from The Melchizedek Priesthood!!!
Well done, Francis! The devil is very, very proud of your work for his kingdom.
John A Cassani
It’s just more conciliar double-speak. Telling a young man to “continue in [his] vocation” is fine, when understood that one’s vocation is to remain in a state of sanctifying grace. But, it looks from here like this man took it as an admonition to keep on trying to be admitted to seminary (which is likely the spirit in which it was meant), and that is horrible. The Church, but not the priesthood …More
It’s just more conciliar double-speak. Telling a young man to “continue in [his] vocation” is fine, when understood that one’s vocation is to remain in a state of sanctifying grace. But, it looks from here like this man took it as an admonition to keep on trying to be admitted to seminary (which is likely the spirit in which it was meant), and that is horrible. The Church, but not the priesthood, must be the home of all repentant sinners.
Dr Bobus
Francis says the Church must be open to anyone. Of course, he has already shown that anyone does not include those who, following Vat II, think liturgy should be in Latin.
Other than his ideological preferences, Francis doesn't know what he thinks.More
Francis says the Church must be open to anyone. Of course, he has already shown that anyone does not include those who, following Vat II, think liturgy should be in Latin.

Other than his ideological preferences, Francis doesn't know what he thinks.
English Catholic
He has also disobeyed the 1961 Religiosorum institutio - Papal Encyclicals and 2005 Criteria for the Discernment of Vocation for Persons with Homosexual Tendencies Vatican documents on this problem.
1961: "Advantage to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry …More
He has also disobeyed the 1961 Religiosorum institutio - Papal Encyclicals and 2005 Criteria for the Discernment of Vocation for Persons with Homosexual Tendencies Vatican documents on this problem.

1961: "Advantage to religious vows and ordination should be barred to those who are afflicted with evil tendencies to homosexuality or pederasty, since for them the common life and the priestly ministry would constitute serious dangers."

2005: "In the light of such teaching, this Dicastery, in accord with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, believes it necessary to state clearly that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question, cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practise homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called "gay culture"."

The whole thing is simply ignored anyway. There was that recent case of a homosexual being ordained for Westminster Diocese. Everyone at Westminster Diocese was apprised of it. Everyone at the Venerable English College in Rome was apprised of it. Evidence was given to all parties, but it still went ahead.
All Saints
A decent man would not put himself in seminary if he had disordered tendencies. What part of…”and to avoid the near occasion of sin”. do these two nitwits not u derstand?
Sean Johnson
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