Gloria.TV News on the 24th of November 2014 Less Bureaucracy: According to Il Messaggiero today during a meeting with cardinals the pope will abolish all Pontifical Councils. They will be incorporated …More
Gloria.TV News on the 24th of November 2014
Less Bureaucracy: According to Il Messaggiero today during a meeting with cardinals the pope will abolish all Pontifical Councils. They will be incorporated into a new Congregation for Justice and Peace and into the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples. The Council for the Family will be reduced to an office that is led by a couple which obviously has no family to care for. Further there will be an office for women’s issues led by a woman. An open question: What will happen to the Cardinals, secretaries and undersecretaries who will lose their job?
The Questions Need Answers: The English writer William Oddie says in the Catholic Herald that the Pope “really needs to answer Cardinal George’s questions like “Why doesn’t Francis clarify his ambiguous statements?” or “Why is it necessary that apologists have to bear the burden of trying to put the best possible face on it?”. Oddie adds: “I feel this dilemma very personally, having tried …More
Dr Bobus
Fr Faber's unrealistic assessment of the Church reminds me of a story about Alan Mulally, who had been recruited from Boeing to become head of Ford Motor Company, which was on the verge of collapse. At the first meeting the Division heads, they all gave glowing reports of the situation in their division. They used graphs--green representing things were going well, red that there were serious problems …More
Fr Faber's unrealistic assessment of the Church reminds me of a story about Alan Mulally, who had been recruited from Boeing to become head of Ford Motor Company, which was on the verge of collapse. At the first meeting the Division heads, they all gave glowing reports of the situation in their division. They used graphs--green representing things were going well, red that there were serious problems. There was no red on any of their graphs. After listening to their presentations, Mulally said: This company lost billions of dollars last year. Something has be wrong
@Lindsaywtf - "Show me proof of the claims you are obliged to make while not wanting to have a conversation with me and we'll go from there. Here's a tip though - you're not doing very well so far."
A "lukewarm" catholic who rejects Tradition has a difficulty of identifying any heresies today. There are a few reasons for this. Firstable, the heresy of modernism which is so widespread is very well …More
@Lindsaywtf - "Show me proof of the claims you are obliged to make while not wanting to have a conversation with me and we'll go from there. Here's a tip though - you're not doing very well so far."

A "lukewarm" catholic who rejects Tradition has a difficulty of identifying any heresies today. There are a few reasons for this. Firstable, the heresy of modernism which is so widespread is very well disguised. As a result, the majority of Catholics are unaware of its existence and deadly impact on the Church and the faithful. I suggest in getting some insight into the definition of modernism by reading documents of Saint Pius X(Pascendi Gregis). Moreover, new theology and new pastoral approach thought by Karl Rahner and his students have additionally caused today's doctrinal chaos. Being under protestant influence their teachings stem back from the heretic Martin Luther. There is evidence of material heresy in teachings of these new theologians. They played a crucial role in Council VII that completely remodeled the Churches' approach towards the world.
Modernist heresy is like a multi-mutated virus. Heretic Luther has fallen into the category of formal heresy and by showing minimum decency he left the Church. Unfortunately, modernists are vulpine and manage to avoid synchronous contradiction of dogmas(that is willfully and persistently adhere to an error in matters of faith) in dialect and stay out of formal heresy, even though teaching material heresy. Keep in mind, the devil to deceive many may provide 99% truth but his mixing in 1% of his religious strychnine poisons the whole thing. This is the problem. How heretics teach today? Modernists today alternately mix truth and falsehood. Moreover, they accomplish their goals through collegiality. All is done to disguise. Remember, that God has provided faithful with the gift of spiritual discernment which helps to distinguish between Sensus Catholicus vs. Secular Reason and to "know them by their fruits". The fruits of the last few decades have caused a devastation in the Vineyard. Finally, as to Pope Francis we can no longer pretend that there is no trouble. The Synod has clearly revealed the adherence to protestant heresy by adapting the theory of graduality to the doctrine of indissolubility of marriage in contrary to Our Lord's teaching in the Gospel. Tne earlier mentioned collegiality strategy was enforced by appointing Cardinal Kasper and Abp. Forte. Sadly, this is the evidence of Pope's support of their heretic views.
I suggest not to play a game by asking for specific quotes but rather make some intellectual effort to seek the truth. We all should pray for the Pope and work hard to resist modernist heresy, as well as protestantization of the Church.
Have a good one temp, may Christ gives you tons of Mercy.
Can you please provide sources for your many claims in your last post to Rhemes?
Rhemes thank you for worrying, but I know who this guy is... Francis. He IS the destroyer...
God can't tell me that I was wrong to call him a destroyer while I'm seeing the sweet Franciscans of the Immaculate being destroyed, mocked and ridiculed throughout the Neo catholic world, fulfilling St Francis of Assisi prophecy, as the Gays should be allowed IN with their gifts.
Francis saying that …More
Rhemes thank you for worrying, but I know who this guy is... Francis. He IS the destroyer...

God can't tell me that I was wrong to call him a destroyer while I'm seeing the sweet Franciscans of the Immaculate being destroyed, mocked and ridiculed throughout the Neo catholic world, fulfilling St Francis of Assisi prophecy, as the Gays should be allowed IN with their gifts.

Francis saying that traditionalists are "dead inside" to me is NO surprise. But imagine a catholic starting to be a traditional, hearing this pope's take on traditionalism... imagine this catholic embracing liberalism, like this anti-pope is doing.

Anti-pope Francis saying traditionalism is such a tragedy that reminds him of those mummies in a museum... says a lot about him NOT being catholic.

Francis saying "IF THE LAW DOESN'T TAKE YOU TO CHRIST THEN THE LAW IS OBSOLETE" then you see all this Saints from the past, and this NEW STRANGE gospel of his... then according to him this saints who OBEYED the law to the letter are fools.

When he insists to let the "God of surprises... surprise you" is because he WILL let the wicked relatio be legalized, not the final relatio, the wicked one.

"Oh... doctrine will not change, is just the pastoral approach..." can you spell apostasy?

Francis is a realist pope they say, well Sodom had a reality and was destroyed!

Rhemes, please continue your prudence, I admire you for that... I'm not asking you to start calling him anti-pope or follow my path, all I want is for EVERYBODY to OPEN their EYES... this man is a DESTROYER.

And funny thing, almost all who are not name Michael Voris is talking about the "Holy Father" dismantling, destroying and obscuring tradition ALL because of a false Mercy which is false because it lacks Justice.

THERE'S NO MERCY WITHOUT JUSTICE... MERCY ALONE IS AN ILLUSION, love is a whole thing, NOT just a piece, St Francis of Assis has said this man is a destroyer, and I will continue to call the sword a sword and a Judas a Judas.

This people calling out the destruction of tradition, but whoever destroys something good is NOT holy, last time I checked the dictionary is a destroyer, the same word St Francis used.

Blessings. 😇
Now you're calling him an idol, again with no evidence. Show me proof of the claims you are obliged to make while not wanting to have a conversation with me and we'll go from there. Here's a tip though - you're not doing very well so far.More

Now you're calling him an idol, again with no evidence. Show me proof of the claims you are obliged to make while not wanting to have a conversation with me and we'll go from there. Here's a tip though - you're not doing very well so far.
la verdad prevalece
Keep clapping you idol.
Lindsaywtf Que parte de no hablar conmigo no entiendes. 🤦
✍️ I am also in the obligation to say that Francis has fallen into heresy for preaching religious indifferentism comparing the Koran with Bible and reaffirming the Muslims in their false god.More
Keep clapping you idol.
Lindsaywtf Que parte de no hablar conmigo no entiendes. 🤦

✍️ I am also in the obligation to say that Francis has fallen into heresy for preaching religious indifferentism comparing the Koran with Bible and reaffirming the Muslims in their false god.
There's no need for you to talk to me but if you make a claim then I have a right to respond. Your analogy is false because it bears no resemblance to the argument I made in my previous post - an argument you have failed to respond to.
I haven't denied your evidence, I have taken issue with your serious and very lazy misapplication of it. You have claimed that the current pope …More
There's no need for you to talk to me but if you make a claim then I have a right to respond. Your analogy is false because it bears no resemblance to the argument I made in my previous post - an argument you have failed to respond to.

I haven't denied your evidence, I have taken issue with your serious and very lazy misapplication of it. You have claimed that the current pope is a heretic and not backed this up with any credible evidence. Feel free to ignore me and live in your very narrow version of Catholicism but don't apply to everyone else and expect them to follow it to.
la verdad prevalece
Lindsaywtf That's the same blasphemy of the Legionaries comparing to the pedophile Marcial with Maria Magdalena. Keep denying the evidence and remain in your error but dont talk to me that I am not interested in talking with you.When I don't answer you before I think I was made myself clear that I do not want to have any type of conversation with you.
You can't pull out a quote and apply it to the Pope so lazily as proof that he is an apostate. Just like an other lazy person can pull out scripture and use it against a good Christian person (or the devil against Christ).
The Pope has not renounced his faith and on multiple occasions he has affirmed his commitment to Christ. If washing and kissing a Muslim person's foot is an …More
You can't pull out a quote and apply it to the Pope so lazily as proof that he is an apostate. Just like an other lazy person can pull out scripture and use it against a good Christian person (or the devil against Christ).

The Pope has not renounced his faith and on multiple occasions he has affirmed his commitment to Christ. If washing and kissing a Muslim person's foot is an act of apostasy then, then what do you make of Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman, or telling a story about a Samaritan who was more virtuous than three faithful Jewish people?

I think you would make a great Pharisee.

You can end the conversation if you like, but if you make such ludicrous claims, then other people here are going to respond to them.
la verdad prevalece
If you are honest with yourself the problem start with the visión after Vatican II. So Kiss the Koran is an act of apostasy and kissing the feet of a Muslim is apostasy. The religious indifference violating the First Commandment and denies the true God before men. 🤗 End of this conversation ☕
St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church
"If ever a Pope, as a private person, should fall into heresy …More
If you are honest with yourself the problem start with the visión after Vatican II. So Kiss the Koran is an act of apostasy and kissing the feet of a Muslim is apostasy. The religious indifference violating the First Commandment and denies the true God before men. 🤗 End of this conversation ☕

St. Alphonsus Liguori, Doctor of the Church
"If ever a Pope, as a private person, should fall into heresy, he would at once fall from the Pontificate." If, however, God were to permit a pope to become a notoriously and contumacious heretic, he would by such fact cease to be pope, and the apostolic chair would be vacant."

St. Cyprian: "To adhere to a false Bishop of Rome is to be out of communion with the Church."
Your quote from St. Francis de Sales should end this argument.
We only need to be honest with ourselves here.
We may be Catholics of good will {Please God} but with respect to Church Law, we are HACKS.
Also many good Orthodox Catholic sites would not give our comments the light of day.
Thank you Gloria.TV
With all the VERY Intelligent Catholic Faithful, that have been well …More

Your quote from St. Francis de Sales should end this argument.
We only need to be honest with ourselves here.

We may be Catholics of good will {Please God} but with respect to Church Law, we are HACKS.
Also many good Orthodox Catholic sites would not give our comments the light of day.
Thank you Gloria.TV

With all the VERY Intelligent Catholic Faithful, that have been well schooled, and publish, who also follow closely all Pope Francis says, and does: Have not made a case against him then.........

He is NOT explicitly a Heretic. He is not an Apostate.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on us.
la verdad prevalece
rhemes1582 We disagree in the scripture Paul does not give any preferential treatment to the apostates. A heretic pope falls outside the Church and of all dignity. It doesn't matter that most of the bishops and laity are falling into apostasy with Francis.
St. Francis de Sales
"Now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church . . ."
You can repeat …More
rhemes1582 We disagree in the scripture Paul does not give any preferential treatment to the apostates. A heretic pope falls outside the Church and of all dignity. It doesn't matter that most of the bishops and laity are falling into apostasy with Francis.

St. Francis de Sales
"Now when the Pope is explicitly a heretic, he falls ipso facto from his dignity and out of the Church . . ."

You can repeat the same error a thousand times I also will repeat the same Truth a thousand more.... So my point is I dont see no need for you to reply me to repeat the same.
I am going to here apply the words St Edmund Campion wrote to His Queen Elizabeth 1st
I pray this would become my heart, and all Catholic`s heart with respect to Peter{The Pope} and the Holy Catholic Church.
Please do not accuse me of putting the Pope in League with a Nasty Protestant Heretic that Murdered and persecuted generations of Catholics, by her actions/laws and statues.
I am not. My intent …More
I am going to here apply the words St Edmund Campion wrote to His Queen Elizabeth 1st
I pray this would become my heart, and all Catholic`s heart with respect to Peter{The Pope} and the Holy Catholic Church.

Please do not accuse me of putting the Pope in League with a Nasty Protestant Heretic that Murdered and persecuted generations of Catholics, by her actions/laws and statues.
I am not. My intent is to show, the proper disposition for service to The Bride of Christ.

This is a Saint`s Example of Loyalty, and Charity.

Many innocent hands are lifted up to heaven for you daily by those English students, whose posterity shall never die, which beyond seas, gathering virtue and sufficient knowledge for the purpose, are determined never to give you over, but either to win you heaven, or to die upon your pikes.

St Edmund Campion: Pray for us.
I am pretty sure you had the same readings at Holy Mass this weekend TLM End of time, and the end of the liturgical year.
Our Priest gave an Excellent Homily on the end of time, in the temporal order.
This Priest of God, forced us to take a hard look at our end of time. Our Particular Judgment and then the 2nd the General Judgment.
I ask you please.......Consider your words well, do not …More

I am pretty sure you had the same readings at Holy Mass this weekend TLM End of time, and the end of the liturgical year.
Our Priest gave an Excellent Homily on the end of time, in the temporal order.

This Priest of God, forced us to take a hard look at our end of time. Our Particular Judgment and then the 2nd the General Judgment.

I ask you please.......Consider your words well, do not store up wrath against the day of wrath.
It is not a light thing to consider.

When a good priest teaches, on our faith, as it has always been understood, and taught.; The passions find themselves quickly checked...

We are to be obedient to the HOLY FATHER in all that is not sinful.
Yes: Holy Father is a title the belongs to the Pope. He is Christ`s Vicar on Earth.

@la-verdad-prevalence: I am not making comment here on the Pope`s actions. The Holy Spirit is absolutely at great assistance for the Pope. {Basic Traditional Catholic teaching}. All men have Free Will, and the Holy Ghost respects that.

No matter who you are.
The Church also teaches of the gravity of the situation of a Catholic soul, that Commits Mortal sin.
{Not directed at the Holy Father}
Your words mark you as disloyal to the validly elected vicar of Christ - this about the implications of this.
You have repeatedly failed to prove that he is not Catholic, that he laughs at tradition etc. would you care to elaborate or simply provide more proof of your ignorance?More

Your words mark you as disloyal to the validly elected vicar of Christ - this about the implications of this.

You have repeatedly failed to prove that he is not Catholic, that he laughs at tradition etc. would you care to elaborate or simply provide more proof of your ignorance?
RESIST!!! This uncatholic man!!! The traitor, the Judas, the false prophet is among us, RESIST false prophet Francis!!! Pray for his soul as Jesus has commanded BUT don't pray for this destroyer's intentions, as tradition to him is nothing but a joke! RESIST!!! 😡
"Muslims with the Coran with the faith of your Fathers that it'll take you far" That quote right there is sooooooooo Catholic from the most Holy pope ever...
That's a false analogy, you can't use Obama to describe the character of Francis - and Francis is pro-life. It's the state of your Catholicism that needs to be called into question.