
Homosexuals: "We Cannot Define a Person by His Sexual Weakness Or Disorder" - Bishop Schneider

Homosexual acts are against reason, nature and God's will, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told the “Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima” (January 13, video below). Homosexuals are in a “very unhappy …More
Homosexual acts are against reason, nature and God's will, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told the “Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima” (January 13, video below).
Homosexuals are in a “very unhappy situation” and in a real danger to lose their souls, Schneider explains. He warns them not to put themselves into temptation, such as cohabitation, telling them to resisted against the sin "until shedding your blood” (Hebrews 12,4).
However, Schneider refuses to judge a human being by behaviours such as homosexuality because “we cannot define a person by his sexual weakness or disorder.”
Accepting such terminology means for Schneider to accept the homosex lifestyle. Instead, “These persons must be helped to get out of their unhappiness and lifestyle with which they offend God and put their eternal salvation in danger.” He explains that "we have to have pity with them.”
Exactly its like degrading a human being ,
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The German Catholic Churhc no longer exists, except among the 3-4 faithful Catholic bishops, 2 Cardinals (Woelki and Muller), in the SSPX which has a strong base in Germany, the FSSP, ICRSP, and pockets of traditionl Catholics, which is more than you may think. The rest, who cares? They've been basically Protestants for years anyway.
Unfortunately, however, homosexual culture defines itself almost entirely in those terms... as evidenced by its overwhelming fixation with such acts.
Wilma Lopez
The pro-homosex German Church has decided they want to be Mainline American Episcopalians / Protestants. Why don’t they just resign if they no longer believe?
Louis IX
(they want to keep the real estate.)