
German Bishop "Can Imagine" Female Priests

Essen Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, Germany, “can imagine that women would become priestesses.” He told the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (November 30) that abolishing celibacy would be a first step …More
Essen Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck, Germany, “can imagine that women would become priestesses.”
He told the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (November 30) that abolishing celibacy would be a first step to a female priesthood.
Overbeck's idea is absurd because women cannot validly receive the sacrament of Orders, just as cider cannot be consecrated at Mass.
Picture: Franz-Josef Overbeck, © Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, CC BY-SA, #newsZmbrznfwlk
Of course, he can "imagine" it. With the +Kasperite pretzel of non-Catholic spouses receiving Holy Communion without the benefit of conversion--because the TWO are ONE flesh--there won't need to be an ordination of women.
The wives of priests will be pushed forward as already having the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Priestesses by virtue of the marriage bond.
Then the notion of equality among women …More
Of course, he can "imagine" it. With the +Kasperite pretzel of non-Catholic spouses receiving Holy Communion without the benefit of conversion--because the TWO are ONE flesh--there won't need to be an ordination of women.

The wives of priests will be pushed forward as already having the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Priestesses by virtue of the marriage bond.

Then the notion of equality among women will be noted. How unfair that "some" women can be priestesses--TROT OUT THE SUCCESSION OF WONDERFUL WIFE/PRIESTS and the tremendously diverse gifts of women--and voila.

It will be mandated for the sake of charity. That's theology on your knees, peeps.
It's coming, and so much more! These aren't shepherds (including the 'pope') they are pimps who have pimped out the Bride of Christ.
There are elements in the Church who are in the Church of Satan.
Venerable Sheen: “He (satan) will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the …More
There are elements in the Church who are in the Church of Satan.
Venerable Sheen: “He (satan) will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ.”[1]

Communism and the Conscience of the West), 24.
I can imagine hell for you.....
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle
Ask if he can imagine himself in Hell...
Does he want to follow luther
He wants to destroy the Church in his lifetime. Unchaste priests, women priests, and from there homo/ lesbian priest. That's next.
I can imagine he goes to hell when he dies.