Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu says that we will need a 4th, a 5th, a 6th dose of the covid vaccine - "What does the vaccine do? The vaccine creates antibodies in the blood. And after a while the antibodies …Plus
Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu says that we will need a 4th, a 5th, a 6th dose of the covid vaccine - "What does the vaccine do? The vaccine creates antibodies in the blood. And after a while the antibodies disappear and then you are exposed back to the virus. It is clear that we need a 3rd dose. By the way, we will also need a 4th, a 5th, a 6th dose, ... until they invent a vaccine that lasts for several years. And this is the reason why I have ordered the advance purchase of millions of Pfizer vaccines. They have been paid for, purchased and are waiting in containers throughout Europe."
For more information: 1. Questioning the official account - 2. One year of Global Health Tyranny. - 3. Brutal Health Totalitarianism. - 4. Six months of Global Health Tyranny - 5. Pandemic and Simulation Games: Preparation for a New Era? - Paul Schreyer. - 6. The shocking truth about Covid19: Discover how superrich criminals hav… - 7. Proof that the pandemic was planned with a purpose. - 8. Gates health …Plus