"Macron's call for compulsory vaccinations in France for work and travel: a crucial step in global dictatorship" - Sky News host Cory Bernardi says French President Emmanuel Macron announcing "compulsory …More
"Macron's call for compulsory vaccinations in France for work and travel: a crucial step in global dictatorship" - Sky News host Cory Bernardi says French President Emmanuel Macron announcing "compulsory COVID-19 vaccinations" is the first step in an "authoritarian wave set to sweep the world". "I say that because there is no way a nation like France would make such moves without the approval of others in the European Union," Mr Bernardi said. "And the Eurocrats who actually run the whole show, they will make sure these reforms are adopted in other European countries and then it is only a matter of time before it leeches out and reaches our shores. "In a televised address, Macron announced that COVID-19 vaccinations would be compulsory for anyone that wants to work in or patronise a bar, restaurant or café. "If you want to travel on a plane, train or bus you'll need to be jabbed. "Everyone over the age of 12 will need to have been vaccinated - or display a recent negative test - to access a public show, concert, festival or amusement park. "Similar moves have been announced or are afoot in Italy, Denmark and in some German states." Mr Bernardi said this is a "pre-cursor" to the introduction of a "vaccine passport" in Australia.

Source: youtube.com/watch?v=3GSxLvO9ROU

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