
Hatred Fomented By Oligarchs' Media Burnes Down Another Church

Holy Trinity Church near Redberry Lake, Saskatchwan, Canada, burned to the ground on July 8. The fire is considered “suspicious” by the investigators, in other words, it was arson. The small church …More
Holy Trinity Church near Redberry Lake, Saskatchwan, Canada, burned to the ground on July 8.
The fire is considered “suspicious” by the investigators, in other words, it was arson. The small church was used from 1909 to 1985.
Regina Archdiocese wanted to remove the building around eight years ago for liability reasons. The local community saved and restored it in memory of the mainly Polish ancestors who built the church.
In a July 9 statement, Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe established a link between the fire and other recent church burnings across Canada.
These hate crimes happened after oligarch’s media used overgrown cemeteries near Catholic residential to divulge the fake news that these were “unmarked Mass graves” which contained "victims" of some kind of "genocide" perpetrated by the Church.
Left-wing Canada finally shows, as all leftists inevitably do, their true colors.
Hedda Olsen
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