
Two Independent Catholic Groups Call Vatican To REPENTANCE

Two groups of renowned people have independently published a statement against abortion-tainted Covid-19 vaccines.

88 Catholic women from 25 countries issued a March 8 letter stressing the cruelty of abortion and protesting the ongoing commercialisation of the child’s body.

Church statements approving the vaccines rely on “an incomplete assessment of the science of vaccination and immunology,” the statement says. It is signed by doctors, nurses, bioethics experts, religious sisters and pro-life activists, among them John Paul II’s personal friend Wanda Półtawska, 100, and three former members of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

A second statement of Tyler Bishop Joseph Strickland, Texas, and several academics can be signed online,

“Even if, as a matter of general principles, it is not always morally illicit to use such abortion-tainted vaccines temporarily, in extreme necessity, and even then under strenuous protest, the use of such vaccines must never be advanced as mandatory, or as a universal duty,” the statement says.

It is predictable that these meritorious statements will be simply ignored since they contradict the narrative established by the ones in power..


Cuthbert Mayne
@ live mike or what ever the hell your name is, since you’re a practitioner of cancel culture and have blocked me from commenting on your ridiculous posts (they are TLDR) I consider you to be a cowardly twat without much grey matter to debate. Youre only able to parrot what others say, and can’t be accused of having any original thought.
Live Mike
Written by @Ultraviolet: The CDF also wrote, “vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” @Cuthbert Mayne That is also now part of the Magisterium. Ironically, the very CDF document you're championing as the Church's Magisterium, also deals an unexpected death blow to these vaccines in paricular.
The CDF stated, "all vaccinations recognized …More
Written by @Ultraviolet: The CDF also wrote, “vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” @Cuthbert Mayne That is also now part of the Magisterium. Ironically, the very CDF document you're championing as the Church's Magisterium, also deals an unexpected death blow to these vaccines in paricular.

The CDF stated, "all vaccinations recognized as clinically safe and effective can be used in good conscience with the certain knowledge that the use of such vaccines does not constitute formal cooperation with the abortion from which the cells used in production of the vaccines derive."

I call your attention to the clause, "all vaccinations recognzied as clinically safe and effective..." Recognized? Recognized by whom? These vaccines are NOT "recognized as clinically safe and effective...". In fact, many reputable scientists are claiming just the opposite. Further, several countries in Europe have suspended vaccination in part or entirely in light of the staggering number of deaths and disabilities that keep occurring directly after administration.

So this isn't simply a few "anti-vaccine" naysayers refusing to accept the august and unimpeachable consensus of the scientific community who, quite coinidentally, were the same culprits directly responsible for rushing these vaccines through testing and blithely continue to ignore the obvious results of having done so.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated it does not "“intend to judge the safety and efficacy" of current vaccines against Covid-19 but it HAS set down a requirement that such vaccines are "recognized as clinically safe and effective".

Therefore the CDF has, intentionally or otherwise, included a safety standard to be met for these abortion-tainted vaccines to be, "morally acceptable".

Since these vaccines clearly do not meet that standard of safety stipulated by the CDF, (as evidenced by the EU nations cancelling the "vaccine rollout,") then consequently they are neither "morally acceptable" nor justified by the Magisterium of the Church.
Cuthbert Mayne
So the CDF is wrong and this women’s group is right? Would it be the case also that the local LGBTQRST group may also be right? And the Church’s assessment of their lifestyle is an ‘incomplete assessment’? And the Church needs to repent? Where does this stop?
Pope Francis to repentance, buck stops here.
atreverse pensar
"it is not always morally illicit to use such abortion-tainted vaccines temporarily, in extreme necessity,"
Nope. Never!
You can't kill to live.
You cannot profit from the death of another person.
Do we transplant organs from mafias that trade in human organs?
It is very similar.
Cuthbert Mayne
@Scapular and who do you think you are to call the pope to repentance? How puffed up are you ?
@atreverse pensar one (not you personally) often kills to live (or to put in another way Ubi Mors Gaudet Succurrere Vitae) The Church supports just war - to kill so one might live. And the death penalty is part of the real catechism too, it’s justice to kill someone found guilty of a heinous crime. …More
@Scapular and who do you think you are to call the pope to repentance? How puffed up are you ?
@atreverse pensar one (not you personally) often kills to live (or to put in another way Ubi Mors Gaudet Succurrere Vitae) The Church supports just war - to kill so one might live. And the death penalty is part of the real catechism too, it’s justice to kill someone found guilty of a heinous crime. Meanwhile cells organs and other tissue, and even cause of death verified by post mortem examinations all help the living. Whilst anatomical dissection of human bodies are a vital part of training doctors who help people to live.
Cuthbert Mayne
This is not utilitarian but it’s all part of life. Better moral theologians than you or I have discussed these issues and have adviced the Church. And when Rome has spoken the cause is ended
Thanks Cuthbert agree. Catholics should not be lemmings we are not of the world. Question Cuthbert. If through an accident we lost the vaccine line do we just go back and butcher some more babies because last time they didn’t complain?
Cuthbert Mayne
I don’t know what you’re agreeing to. Because immediately afterwards you make another stupid comment, prefacing it with an emotive word ‘butchering’. It’s pointless to say babies don’t complain about being butchered of course they don’t. As for ‘loosing’ vaccine line (you perhaps meant to say cell line?) it’d probably take a disaster that’d destroy every single laboratory on the planet at the …More
I don’t know what you’re agreeing to. Because immediately afterwards you make another stupid comment, prefacing it with an emotive word ‘butchering’. It’s pointless to say babies don’t complain about being butchered of course they don’t. As for ‘loosing’ vaccine line (you perhaps meant to say cell line?) it’d probably take a disaster that’d destroy every single laboratory on the planet at the same time - such as the end of the world, to accomplish that. We’d have far more problems on humanity’s hands then that to worry about a vaccine.
atreverse pensar
Cuthbert, you can't use the wanted death of an innocent person.
You cannot collaborate with abortion.