
Bishop Fulton Sheen: His Cause Is Not “Delayed” It’s Dead

The Catholic radio host Patrick Coffin has announced on Facebook.com (December 5) that he will publish on Saturday a video on Bishop Fulton Sheen’s delayed beatification. He anticipates that Sheen’s …More
The Catholic radio host Patrick Coffin has announced on Facebook.com (December 5) that he will publish on Saturday a video on Bishop Fulton Sheen’s delayed beatification.
He anticipates that Sheen’s cause “is dead, not postponed.” According to him, Sheen will not be raised to the altars while Francis is reigning.
Not everybody is surprised. Margo Basso comments, “Does the canonization process mean anything anymore?”
And Chris Sawaya, “Sheen is the antithesis of those who run the Church. He was a disciple and they are posers.”
Sheen (+1979) is referred to as one of the first radio and television evangelists.
comfort ye
Thank you. I was in tears watching the million waving their greeting to our Lady of Fatima. Today is the Immaculate Conception (for us Trads) and this was so moving. Where is our faith now?
Do we have to give a list of the criminals and perverts - not to mention heretics - favoured by "Saint" John Paul The Wonderfullest?
Good point. The battle goes on.
When a scheduled event is pushed back to a later date we say it was “postponed”; when an event is called off without a new date set we say it is “canceled”.
Venerable Sheen wouldn't worship Pachamama idols. Not only that, he would be THUNDERING a DENOUNCEMENT that could be heard across to the Tiber.