What stopped the Church's success in the 1960s?
"The USA was a test site." @V.R.S. Because VC II and the secular social revolution of the 1960s happened ONLY in the USA and not Europe. :P Yeah, no. "It's quite simple." perhaps you are, but the causes of The Church's lack of growth (clergy and laity alike) are not.
"the churchmen had been taught for years how to keep up with the freemasonic Joneses..."
...which had zero effect on The Church's …More
"The USA was a test site." @V.R.S. Because VC II and the secular social revolution of the 1960s happened ONLY in the USA and not Europe. :P Yeah, no. "It's quite simple." perhaps you are, but the causes of The Church's lack of growth (clergy and laity alike) are not.

"the churchmen had been taught for years how to keep up with the freemasonic Joneses..."

...which had zero effect on The Church's success for nearly 200 years of Western history before Vatican Council II, including the time-frame referenced by the cartoon.

Also, America was founded by non Catholics. It wouldn't be Catholic at all without religious liberty.

"Cushing with Jewish bruders".

...which hasn't ever been an issue for most Catholics before or since Vatican Council II. The Vatican's "outreach" has had zero effect on the meteoric revival of the Traditional Latin Mass as well. Most Catholics don't obsess over Jews or blame them for The Church's problems because they aren't anti-Semitic bigots, even if you are.

"teilhardism" -- Teilhard de Chardin was a French Jesuit

"delubacism" -- isn't even a word. Seriously, pic related.

If you're referring to French priest Henri de Lubac, then you don't know how to conjugate his name into a term.

Then the "American Proposition"... Anyone else notice the intellectualist clergy V.R.S. named were both Frenchmen and not Americans? :P

Seriously, the book "We Hold These Truths: Catholic Reflections on the American Proposition" focused on American self identity. It wasn't the guiding intellectual light of Vatican Council II.

Even author David A. Wemhoff wasn't stupid enough to go that far, even with a "blame America" bias very evident in deconstructing John Courtney Murray's work.

What's even worse is you haven't even read Wemhoff's book. Your comments read like the Amazon Books extract with an added Vatican Council II focus of your own.

Can't imagine why Amazon Books just happens to read like V.R.S. on GTV.. Obviously they must have plagiarized you.

All you're displaying is a depressingly common European attitude, coupled with third-rate scholarship one step away from outright academic fraud.

"...From the manufacturer of Delubacism..." :P
It's quite simple. After 1962 the growth has shown its true colors.
PS I'll explain briefly: the churchmen had been taught for years how to keep up with the freemasonic Joneses (i.e. religious liberty, atheists, Protestants & so on as lecturers in "Catholic" universities and schools , Boston tea parties of Msgr. Cushing with Jewish bruders, influx of Baum-like converts as future Conciliar experts …More
It's quite simple. After 1962 the growth has shown its true colors.
PS I'll explain briefly: the churchmen had been taught for years how to keep up with the freemasonic Joneses (i.e. religious liberty, atheists, Protestants & so on as lecturers in "Catholic" universities and schools , Boston tea parties of Msgr. Cushing with Jewish bruders, influx of Baum-like converts as future Conciliar experts to the Church, praises of teilhardism, delubacism & co. by the world, etc.). The USA was a test site. Then the "American Proposition" has been introduced in Rome (starting from the pontificate of good papa Roncalli and his beloved "council").
Live Mike
The answer to that question was delivered by the Queen of Heaven on the 13th of July 1917 in the Cova da Iria, Fatima and expressly ordered by the Queen of Heaven to be opened & made public in 1960. However, Pope John XXIII did not divulge the Great Secret of Fatima in 1960. In addition, by 1960 Sr. Lucia (who wrote down the text in obedience to her Bishop in January 1944) was placed under a complete …More
The answer to that question was delivered by the Queen of Heaven on the 13th of July 1917 in the Cova da Iria, Fatima and expressly ordered by the Queen of Heaven to be opened & made public in 1960. However, Pope John XXIII did not divulge the Great Secret of Fatima in 1960. In addition, by 1960 Sr. Lucia (who wrote down the text in obedience to her Bishop in January 1944) was placed under a complete order of silence & forbidden to receive visitors without permission.
The question is not "what" stopped the Church's success in the 1960, but "who" stopped the success. It is obvious the devil. But God permitted it, so it is part of His Plan for the salvation of the world. Praise be to God!
Live Mike
1963 - In a public admonition to his spiritual sons amidst the Second Vatican Council Padre Pio said:
"Due to the rampant injustice and abuse of power, we have reached a compromise [The Vatican-Moscow Agreement or Pact of Metz] with atheistic materialism [Communism], a denial of the rights of God. This is the punishment foretold at Fatima ... All the priests who support the possibility of a dialogue …More
1963 - In a public admonition to his spiritual sons amidst the Second Vatican Council Padre Pio said:
"Due to the rampant injustice and abuse of power, we have reached a compromise [The Vatican-Moscow Agreement or Pact of Metz] with atheistic materialism [Communism], a denial of the rights of God. This is the punishment foretold at Fatima ... All the priests who support the possibility of a dialogue with the negators of God and with the Luciferian powers of the world [Freemasonry] are mad, have lost their faith, no longer believe in the Gospel! In so doing they betray the word of God, because Christ came to bring on earth perpetual covenant only to men of heart [good will], but did not join with the men thirsty for power and dominion over the brothers ... The flock is dispersed when the shepherds ally with the enemies of the Truth of Christ. All the forms of power made deaf to the will of the authority of the heart of God are rapacious wolves that renew the passion of Christ and make the Madonna shed tears ... " - Published in "Avvenire" 19 August 1978; See also partial quote in "The Fourth Secret of Fatima" 2006 by Antonio Socci
Live Mike
In 2011 Fr. Gabriel Amorth was interviewed by José María Zavala. During the interview, Fr. Amorth relates — as he has done elsewhere — that he does not believe the consecration of the world by Pope John Paul II in 1984 was sufficient to satisfy the requirements set forth by Our Lady. Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the famous Roman exorcist, personally knew Saint Padre Pio for 26 years, and it is from this …More
In 2011 Fr. Gabriel Amorth was interviewed by José María Zavala. During the interview, Fr. Amorth relates — as he has done elsewhere — that he does not believe the consecration of the world by Pope John Paul II in 1984 was sufficient to satisfy the requirements set forth by Our Lady. Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the famous Roman exorcist, personally knew Saint Padre Pio for 26 years, and it is from this towering figure of 20th century Catholic sanctity that he claims to have learned the contents of the Third Secret of Fatima. The interview as follows…

Zavala - “Forgive me for insisting on the Third Secret of Fatima: Did Padre Pio relate it, then, to the loss of faith within the Church?”
(Fr. Gabriele furrows his brow and sticks out his chin. He seems very affected.)

Amorth - “Indeed,” “One day Padre Pio said to me very sorrowfully: ‘You know, Gabriele? It is Satan who has been introduced into the bosom of the Church and within a very short time will come to rule a false Church.’”
Zavala - “Oh my God! Some kind of Antichrist! When did he prophesy this to you?”
Amorth - “It must have been about 1960, since I was already a priest then.”
Zavala - “Was that why John XXIII had such a panic about publishing the Third Secret of Fatima, so that the people wouldn’t think that he was the anti-pope or whatever it was …?”
(A slight but knowing smile curls the lips of Father Amorth.)

Zavala - “Did Padre Pio say anything else to you about future catastrophes: earthquakes, floods, wars, epidemics, hunger …? Did he allude to the same plagues prophesied in the Holy Scriptures?”
Amorth - “Nothing of the sort mattered to him, however terrifying they proved to be, except for the great apostasy within the Church. This was the issue that really tormented him and for which he prayed and offered a great part of his suffering, crucified out of love.”
Zavala - “The Third Secret of Fatima?”
Amorth - “Exactly.”
Zavala - “Is there any way to avoid something so terrible, Fr. Gabriele?”
Amorth - “There is hope, but it’s useless if it’s not accompanied by works. Let us begin by consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us recite the Holy Rosary, let us all do prayer and penance…”
Petrus 104 Sadly it is not as good as that. Many Souls since 1962 are lost. No one goes to Confession. The Church dropped sin!