Are priests guilty until proven innocent?

On October 30th, Fr. James Jackson, FSSP, a well-known traditional Catholic priest, was arrested on charges of possession of child pornography and erotica. …
When it comes to getting caught sharing illegal internet porn, priests are no different than anyone else. Ironic the author mentions Fr. George Rutler.. He was was cleared of assault charges, true. But Fr Rulter was filmed watching homosexual porn vids, even if that isn't a criminal offense.
It's the usual full truth from me and the usual false accusation of "troll" from you Bigot Boy. The "man""in the vid was identified. Watch the news video attached. : Caught On Tape? Father Rutler, Author for, Watching Porn
I'm sure you haven't. What the video shows is explicit. The accusations of what happened AFTER the video are something else. Go hunt for an argument somewhere else, moron.
4 more comments from Ultraviolet
His face is in 1/4 profile. You're still wrong. I noticed you backed down like a little punk from that "sock puppet claim" the last time. Let's see if tonight is any different. ;-)
"...your sock puppet". 😂
Would you wager your account against the truth of that? I say you're a liar. Let's find out. The mods check the IP of my account and the "sock puppet". If they're the same, I get banned. If they're not you get banned. I stand behind my words, how about you, cowboy? Yes or no?More
"...your sock puppet". 😂

Would you wager your account against the truth of that? I say you're a liar. Let's find out. The mods check the IP of my account and the "sock puppet". If they're the same, I get banned. If they're not you get banned. I stand behind my words, how about you, cowboy? Yes or no?
"Different IP accounts don't prove anything," -- It proves you don't know what you're talking about. :D ..and you're backing down again. That's what I thought. You're just a little man with a big mouth.
"...any more than that alleged video of Fr Rutler proves it's him. "
...because a video of Fr. Rutler doing something doesn't prove it's Fr. Rutler. You're just that stupid. :PMore
"Different IP accounts don't prove anything," -- It proves you don't know what you're talking about. :D ..and you're backing down again. That's what I thought. You're just a little man with a big mouth.

"...any more than that alleged video of Fr Rutler proves it's him. "

...because a video of Fr. Rutler doing something doesn't prove it's Fr. Rutler. You're just that stupid. :P
"Poor ultraviolent, gets the tables turned on him..."
I'm not accusing you of running a sock-puppet account. I stand by my claims. You can't and you won't because it's a lie and you know it. Lying is what all bigots do. You're no different. ;-)More
"Poor ultraviolent, gets the tables turned on him..."

I'm not accusing you of running a sock-puppet account. I stand by my claims. You can't and you won't because it's a lie and you know it. Lying is what all bigots do. You're no different. ;-)
De Profundis shares this
Eric Sammons reminds that under natural, canonical and civil law, you are innocent until proven guilty. Even divine law obliges us, in charity, to assume the best of others.
At least we don't seem to have that problem with most bishops...they started out guilty by their very appointment.
Jeffrey Ade
Accountability partners!
John A Cassani
It will take generations before priests ever regain the presumption of innocence, if ever. The fault for this lies mostly with the bishops and their lackeys, who covered up for monstrous predators. They betrayed the trust of the faithful. Fr. Jackson’s case needs to be investigated thoroughly, especially because most people are ignorant (myself included) of the ways that someone can be framed for …More
It will take generations before priests ever regain the presumption of innocence, if ever. The fault for this lies mostly with the bishops and their lackeys, who covered up for monstrous predators. They betrayed the trust of the faithful. Fr. Jackson’s case needs to be investigated thoroughly, especially because most people are ignorant (myself included) of the ways that someone can be framed for crimes like this. Honestly, it looks like priests should swear off using anything that can access the internet. This could open up the way for an apostolate of handling a priest’s electronic communications. I am saying that priests should be disciplined by their bishops for even touching a smartphone. This is unrealistic, I know, but I can’t see how a priest could have any defense against being framed. This would, in my estimation, mirror the strategy employed to protect priests from allegations of abuse of minors: to prevent priests from ever being alone with a minor out of the view of others, and to punish violations of this policy.