
Homosexual and Half-Naked Dancer for Two Popes

A half-naked ballet dancer from La Scala who performed at Francis’ June 10 "Human Fraternity" extravaganza was Roberto Bolle, 48, who cohabitates with the English fashion designer Robert Lee, 37. In …More
A half-naked ballet dancer from La Scala who performed at Francis’ June 10 "Human Fraternity" extravaganza was Roberto Bolle, 48, who cohabitates with the English fashion designer Robert Lee, 37. In April 2004, Bolle danced on the parvis of St Peter's Square in front of John Paul II. In March 2009, the World Economic Forum in Davos named him a "Young Global Leader". The "Human Fraternity" event was an big flop. VaticanNews.va claimed that there were “thousands of faithful” (sic) but photographic evidence shows only a few dozen.
Hound of Heaven
When Christ's inevitable victory comes one will have cause to ask of these Vatican officials, "What possessed them?!!"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Parolin , Gambetti and Vatican staff will probably be dreaming about this guy at night for weeks.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
The gay dancer was probably there because Gambetti is probably gay and couldn't wait to get excited seeing him dance. I can just imaging the same scenario for all Francis' Vatican staff that were in attendance. I'm sure they couldn't take their eyes off him.
A portion of the people in the square were not there for the event, but would have been present as tourists or pilgrims anyway.
Michele Sasi
There was also the aperitif area in the atrium of St. Peter's Basilica ... Cardinal Gambetti spared no expense
Questo è quello che è accaduto sabato 10 nell'atri…
Wilma Lopez
So alone in Saint Peter's Square! What, not even the gay ballet dancer could draw a crowd?