Hello, bunch of assholes, I'm Bill Gates. The same one who organized the coronavirus pandemic simulation in October 2019, at Event 201, remember? Two months later, covid-19 appeared in China. In March …More
Hello, bunch of assholes, I'm Bill Gates. The same one who organized the coronavirus pandemic simulation in October 2019, at Event 201, remember? Two months later, covid-19 appeared in China. In March my employee Tedros, who runs my favorite NGO, the WHO, of which I am the main contributor, declared a state of worldwide pandemic. And three weeks later, I decreed that there will never be a return to normal life if first the entire world population is not injected with the experimental vaccines that I sponsor and promote, with the aim of sterilizing people and reducing the population. It seems important to me that you do not forget the essential: I am a "philanthropist" and the only thing I have in mind is your well-being and the care of your health. Well, now I say goodbye, I have a meeting with Klaus Schwab to continue improving your quality of life. Goodbye, bunch of morons!
For more information about this great benefactor of humanity:
Bill Gates, Enemy of Mankind
Bill Gates: "Prepárense …More
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