
St Peter's Square: Embarrassing "Ecumenical" Show

The turnout of people for Francis' September 30 ecumenical vigil entitled "Together" before his Ex-Synod was even worse than for the morning consistory.

St Peter's Square was literally empty (video below). Even the first sector was not full, and Vatican Media couldn’t hide the embarrassment.

Francis arrived in a wheelchair and was immediately joined by Constantinople Patriarch, Bartholomew. During the show, he sat in a row with other non-Catholic religious officials, such as the Anglican lay archbishop Justin Welby, who was dressed in pink.

Sister Nathalie Becquart, undersecretary of the ex-synod, tried to keep up the facade by saying [despite the empty pews] that “we are in communion with many Christians who pray for us in their local communities around the world.”

Ecumenism is dead. Today, the Novus Ordo rulers are not even able to ensure unity among Catholics.



Jan Joseph
De Oecumene van het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie is gelukkig een grote mislukking geworden. Het manipuleren van het geloof, zoals dat na het Tweede Vaticaanse Concilie en op dit moment nog steeds gebeurt, is een grote catastrofe geworden. Meer dan 99% van de gelovigen komt niet meer naar de kerk.
A cauldron of heterodoxy, modernism, nominalism, and religious emotivism, lol.
Francis, sitting comfortably among his favorite people
We must proclaim the truth, argue from faith and reason with charity, and not mix with syncretists, heretics or schismatics.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
If it came to it, that's this was all that was left of Christianity, I think I;d be a Buddhist, like my family was 600 years ago. (Both sides are Catholic since the 1590's in Japan) 😇
The man in white looks right at home.
De Profundis
Francis at the Ecumenical Prayer Vigil for the Synod on Synodality: “Let us ask that this Synod be a kairos of fraternity, a place where the Holy Spirit can purify the Church from gossip, ideologies and polarisation.”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
GOOD!!! I'm happy it was more of a disaster than the fake consistory for new "cardinals" of Francis creation.
Bergoglio looked bad at the consistory, and his voice was weak. He's still in his wheelchair. Occasionally, I've seen clips of him standing up with a cane, but his ability to walk is alot worse than afew months ago when he was walking fairly well across the stage for his indoor general …More
GOOD!!! I'm happy it was more of a disaster than the fake consistory for new "cardinals" of Francis creation.
Bergoglio looked bad at the consistory, and his voice was weak. He's still in his wheelchair. Occasionally, I've seen clips of him standing up with a cane, but his ability to walk is alot worse than afew months ago when he was walking fairly well across the stage for his indoor general audience.
Welby is no Bishop....he's a pretend bishop. That woman with the white collar is some kind of Protestant "bishop" also. My dog Daimyo, is more a bishop than she. But I very much respect Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantiople. He is a true bishop and leader, his roots going back to apostolic times.
Because Bergoglio and his agenda, appointees and persecution of faithful Catholics and the traditional Roman Mass is such a break from all his predecessors, and because his own election is highly suspect, I consider him a false Pope.
After all the apostacy and heresy of his 10 years in office, it's amazing that people, and newspapers like the NAtional Catholic Register, can still call him "the Holy Father". He's definitly not.
I wish Pope Francis no harm and pray for his conversion but rest assured he is in the winter of his life, and all evil eventually comes to an end.