
Bishop Celebrates TV Gym Hall Eucharist

Innsbruck Bishop Hermann Glettler, Austria, a hard-core modernist, presided on January 20 for the German State broadcaster ZDF a New Rite Eucharist in the gym hall of a sisters’ grammar school. At …More
Innsbruck Bishop Hermann Glettler, Austria, a hard-core modernist, presided on January 20 for the German State broadcaster ZDF a New Rite Eucharist in the gym hall of a sisters’ grammar school.
At the offertory the upper school pupils were given the microphone and commented that they were "setting the table”.
Later on, they distributed Communion to each other (video below).
That was not mass and that was certainly not Holy communion. The question remains, are they Catholic?
well this is to be expected they have turned their churches into restaurants.
I wonder if the students were allowed to play basketball during the service.
De Profundis
“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge? Give heed to my reproof!” - Prov 1:22-23
They will not let go of their evil 60s hippy garbage. Leading souls to hell.